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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/05/03/russia-ukraine-electronic-warfare/ Ukraine has tapped into Russian communications, blocked its signals, blinded its surveillance, and captured some its most advanced EW systems, experts say. The United States and its NATO partners have provided crucial EW equipment and training. But American experts say it’s the Ukrainians themselves who adapted these high-tech weapons to protect their homeland. Ukraine’s success has been remarkable in part because of the widespread initial expectation among U.S. and NATO commanders that Russia would dominate the electromagnetic battlespace in this war. Russia had built systems that could, in theory, create an electronic bubble around its forces, effectively blinding adversaries. U.S. commanders feared that Ukrainian units would be isolated and unable to communicate in this electronic fog of war. Kyiv rebuilt its capabilities after it suffered bitter setbacks during Russia’s 2014 and 2015 attacks on eastern Ukraine. Russian EW success back then was dazzling, and some senior Pentagon officials feared it would be repeated this year. But as Russian commanders prepared for the 2022 invasion, they made two blunders: They assumed that the Ukrainian military had not advanced significantly since 2015, and they ignored the impact of equipment and training provided by NATO.
  2. Specific examples, not Warren exercising her free speech
  3. VERY interesting thread. Opening the Black Sea and Boris ...well..Go Boris go!
  4. Nice dodge Good liars, phoney religious stuff.
  5. JUst speculation, but seems like Ukraine's use of drones and anti-drone success against Russia has given UK eyes in the sky to successfully direct their artillary and has suppressed RU ability to do same. That would be huge is true. oh boy. This guy must have attended Trump University
  6. You are constitutionally literate enough to know that blacks were disenfranchised when the feds looked the other way on voting rights, right? Yup, they lied. Good moral christian ha ha ha!! Thou shall not bear false witness ha ha ha You guys are good and using that phony religious sentiment.
  7. They lied. Just totally lied. What a snow job. I thought we have a republic. What of republican virtue? Just nothing GOP Sen. Susan Collins said on Tuesday that a Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade published by Politico was "completely inconsistent" with what Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh "said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office." "If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office," Collins said in a statement. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/03/politics/susan-collins-reaction-kavanaugh-gorsuch/index.html
  8. You guys want election laws being totally local, too, right? _____ What nonsense. Alito is a joke of a justice This is so stupid. So a poor black women that cannot afford a child, makes an independent decision to terminate her pregnancy is somehow advancing a racist agenda? That's so stupid
  9. Didn't these judges promise at their confirmation hearsing to respect precedent and not overturn Roe? Is that true?
  10. On a side note, I would guess that well over 80% of people that create a baby are drinking, if not drunk. Am I wrong?
  11. Decline? From what? Jim Crow, Vietnam and Watergate?
  12. That's what you get when you support animals like that. You can't un-ring that bell Ya, just like they should kick back voting rights, huh? Jim Crow was constitutional, right?
  13. Yup, Biden better get all the aid through Congress now because the GOP controlled congress will be torn between doing the right thing and pleasing Trump/Putin
  14. Children? Or zygotes? You seem totally uncaring about the people that suffer and die from lack of healthcare, though. Heck, you guys are trying to increase that number
  15. Ya, let's punish people for printing something
  16. Maybe Trump granted Jeffry a last wish of banning abortion so his victims would have no choices after he was done with them
  17. So now a whole bunch of state wide races all over the country will have this as an issue. Right wingers in blue states can try and win elections with this, hope they do
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