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Posts posted by DCgirl

  1. It sounds really odd but most of the Patriots fans at the game were from...........CANADA. Every Bills home game, there are Canadian fans of whatever team the Bills are playing. They just wear the jersey from the opposing team, get really drunk and cause problems. The few Patriots fans that were from Boston where I was sitting were fairly quiet. Most of them had Steve Grogan throwback jerseys on and those stupid revolutionary war style hats. The people with Patriots jerseys and Red Sox caps on were just begging for a beating but they were quiet as well. Only saw two ejections & no fights at all.



    The Pats fans in my section (139) were from Boston and were pretty loud and unruly. There was an especially obnoxious one in the row right behind us who spoke with a deep Boston accent. Near the end of the game, when the Pats were driving, he was yelling "We're mawchin!" (i.e. We're marching.) He also was nice enough to thank us for the "free yards and free points" and kept yelling at various Bills fans wearing jerseys - "so and so sucks!" (such as "Milloy sucks" and "Clements sucks" etc.) I was hoping for him to get ejected but no such luck.


    The endzone near me also seemed to be completely filled with Pats fans. I saw 3 ejections of Pats fans including a girl who was in people's faces and her boyfriend. There were also a few Bills fans ejected in the area. Also towards the end of the game, the Pats fans in the endzone section started chanting Bledsoe's name in a taunt. I'm not a Bledsoe apologist but I thought that was especially classless of the Pats fans considering the way he left the Pats.


    I think Pats fans are growing especially intolerable because they think their team is invincible and as others have pointed out - most have only joined the bandwagon recently.

  2. Not to mention that MW is a RIGHT tackle and BM is a LEFT tackle. Left tackles get paid tons of money and a franchise LT is gold. RTs are generally not as important (unless you have a left-handed QB, I suppose).


    He must be part of that 2.7 ypc that the Bills currently have running the ball.

    Good thing he's a better run blocker than McKinnie.

    Why don't we just face the facts with MW. TD blew the pick. He can't handle right tackle, he will never handle left tackle, and his best position would probably be at guard since he can't play in space. To top it off he doesn't seem to be the self motivating type, so I really don't expect too much more than what we are currently seeing.


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