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    Granby, CT

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Probation (1/8)



  1. Whenever I am bored and have a few beers, I watch that show "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet Channel. Man, according to them every damn state in the nation is swarming with Bigfoot, or is that Bigfeet. But they never seem to capture anything on tape at all.
  2. I think we need a new QB too, the last couple years have not shown any major improvement in my book, he is either hot or dead cold. Someone with a better arm would be great.Time for me to start looking at who will be available
  3. I would like to see them go 8-8, but I am not feeling it. There were plenty of games that I felt should have gone our way, just to be disappointed. Not sure if a new QB would make a difference or maybe one more year of trying to work together. I am just tired though of saying "Maybe next year", been saying that for far too long
  4. Hey, if you want to start one in the Granby area I am in, or maybe make it Windsor, so we can set the Buffalo Wild Wings as a location. I would love it if we could do it anywhere near me. I would be there wearing my Bills gear
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