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Mister Defense

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Posts posted by Mister Defense

  1. 18 hours ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    I like multiple tight ends because you can be pass happy on a drive, and yet you're still playing a physical brand of offense.  Short TE targets lead to down field blocks by other pass catchers, and forces corners and safeties to tackle big strong dudes.  Or they're forcing their linebackers to cover players like kincaid and knox - you will run into teams during the season that don't have the horses to even do this.  


    Good points.  The Bills were not very physical on offense under dorsey, did not intimidate anyone with their running game and overall.  They did not take it to teams, so faded and faded as the season progressed.


    The main immediate change I wanted to see with Brady was a more diverse and physical offense, the kind that could wear down teams the way the leader, Allen, could wear them down and physically overtake them. 


    They went for that, with their running game actually becoming a relevant, vital part of their offense, and their O line leading the way, letting them be the agressors rather than just protectors.


    But the Bills lacked a physical running back who could help the cause and pound it down their throats when the Bills were ready to do that. 


    They have that back now, I think, with Davis.  And with a full off season to implement his vision, and Knox finally healthy, I think Brady will do more of what you say in your post.  And the receivers like Coleman, and several of the big fast wide receivers they'll have in camp this year, are the same kind of physical players. I think it is a clear pattern, focus. 


    For the last few years I have been looking for an offense that is like  Josh Allen--unselfish, tough, relentless, and physically dominant.  I think this year the Bills may have that.


    It fits not only with Allen's traits, but with McDermott's, Brady's, Kromer's, and Beane's.




  2. 24 minutes ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    So there's a salary guarantee of 4.5M in 2025 that was included at signing.  So he won't be cut because of that - it would actually cost cap space to cut him.  


    Trading him another team acquires all of his base salary numbers.  Buffalo would be responsible for all the signing bonuses even on a trade.  In that scenario you would gain 2.6M in cap space in 2024, and eat 12.5M in cap space in 2025 (~17.5M total).  The 2.6M then just pays the replacement, and you have a huge cap hit in 2025 for a player who would then have played elsewhere for both of those seasons. 


    Thanks a lot--then definitely keep Knox, a high caliber, starting caliber tight end when healthy--and when used effectively.


    I think he will be a surprisingly important part of the Bills this year--at least, am hoping for that, as he has been someone no one has been talking about, and would add another dynamic dimension to the offense. 


    He also seems to fit well with what the Bills seem to be looking for with Coleman, a big, tough, physical player capable of winning one on one matches (when he catches).  And the same can be said for  Ray Davis.





  3. 6 minutes ago, Bleeding Bills Blue said:


    I remember he had a really rough start, then he was injured.  It's hard to evaluate a season when i know he was both playing with the injury, missed a ton of practices with the same injury, and snap counts went down considerably by the end of the season.  Missed 5 games including 2 pre-bye games with Brady at OC.  After that his snap counts were reduced to mostly sub-50% snaps in the 7 games he played upon returning.  He was targeted 11 times in 7 games after his return, but he had 2 TDs.  


    If he's averaging say - 30 snaps a game down the stretch... and only like 15 of those plays are pass plays... and he's probably pass protection on several of those... doesn't lead to a lot of targets to make a big impact on those stats. 


    As for his pay - he took a pay cut to stay here and trading/cutting would result in ~12M in dead money next season for limited savings this season.  If they ate the hit for diggs in 2023 i don't think they're moving knox to get blasted in 2024.  Not to mention you probably get worse at the position, that might be more important than ever with changes in the WR room.  


    Thanks for the additional stats, info.


    I should have said:  I would not be in favor of  a trade if the Bills were eating a big chunk of his salary in dead cap money, am almost never in favor of doing that (but understand it for Diggs, someone they now considered detrimental to the team's success.


    But I would be in favor of a trade if a team paid for all or most of his salary.  There are not a lot of starting caliber tight ends who can catch and block well, so may be an option there.  But again, like I said, would rather he just be used much more this year than any other option. A healthy year this year is almost a must for Knox, --and, if so, think he will really rebound.


    • Like (+1) 1
  4. On 5/13/2024 at 2:33 PM, Chas56 said:

    I like Knox and have been a fan; however, I also acknowledge that Kincaid is the better player. Knox has a large contract to be a #2 TE. In addition, there are only so many balls to go around. I don't know if Brady is designing some diabolical two TE sets or whatever. Also, I'm aware that Knox and Allen have a good relationship. I just have a suspicion that something like a trade is going to happen. Am I nuts?


    Well, I don't know you, so don't know if you are nuts  or not. So I'd say a 50/50 chance of this being the case?


    His 2023 stats: 22 catches for 186 yards. Those numbers scream for a dramatic change this year of some kind.


    So it does seem a trade is in order, and may happen before the season if the Bills do not plan on using Knox, targeting him as receiver, MUCH more than last year. He was the 9th highest paid tight end in the league, making $13 million, which means he made almost $600, 000 per catch. and about $70, 000 per yard gained.    (Honestly, I would agree to do it for a tenth of that amount.)


    If not, It is the biggest waste of money on this team, the most glaring waste.


    What I am hoping for is dynamic use of both tight ends, as Knox's more physical game, nature, and superior blocking ability, could help to make this a great offense this year. The immensely incompetent dorsey did not know how to use one good tight end effectively so using two?, well was impossible for him.  I think Brady making that kind of change so late in the year would have been pretty difficult.  We should see soon if he can do so now that the offense is his own--if Knox is still around.  Or, just hire me for dramatic savings. I may even accept 5% of Knox's deal!



  5. 43 minutes ago, noacls said:

    I'm not sold on Stroud either. There are now 17 games of film on him and they are playing a 1st place schedule. Expecting a sophomore slump. 

         Do think Ryans will be a goid coach though. 


    He looks like the next Josh Allen, to me.  Big arm, confidence, can make any throw, and an upbeat, positive and effective leader that his team seems to really like, respect and rally around.


    But I do hope I am wrong!


    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 18 hours ago, ngbills said:

    Bass confidence sky high until McD passes up trying 50 yard FG's...then he misses 40 yarders when it counts. 





    "I hate the Buffalo Bills, every aspect of their team and every move they make, asdespise their leaders, McDermott and Beane.  If either man said that 'the sky is blue today' I would immediately refute that and make the case for their firings based on that horrible  observation.


    Please share my hate."


    • Like (+1) 3
    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  7. On 5/25/2024 at 7:59 AM, Casey D said:

    Watching the story about Ray Davis getting involved in the community with foster care, what he has overcome, and listening to him speak, the ability of the Bills to draft high character intelligent players is both amazing and reinforces how easy it is to root for this group.  From Josh Allen all the way down, these players remain an amazing group.  Too much emphasis is placed on pure athletic skills.  These guys have the tools and the fire to do great things-- the intangibles.  Beane and McDermott certainly look for guys who get it-- in life as much as football-- when they draft and sign players.  I really love that.


    I agree with what you say here about Davis, and think of Coleman of course, as another example of this.


    But I do get somewhat concerned at times that the character concept may make the Bills reach for a player or choose a lesser player, thinking that character may propel a player to higher level in the pros. 


    And the Chiefs don't seem to give a hoot about character!  They have won three Super Bowls in the last five years.


    Overall, I do think this focus has helped make the Bills a resilient and perennial contender.

  8. 38 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    Bills player misses OTA - who cares its OTA's. Talk to me in September. 


    Diggs misses OTA's - thank god he is gone. What a bad look. How could anyone do this. 




    Who said the former?  And when?


    I think it is you who has the biased opinion on this, the lack of objectivity.



  9. I wish Diggs would  have signed with the Jets, so he could have the type of selfish, narcissistic head case quarterback that best matched his own personality profile--and that he deserves.


    A shame, as he could have been a hall of famer. 

  10. On 5/23/2024 at 11:57 AM, ngbills said:

    So do a million other guys. I dont think Diggs off-season work ethic has ever been in doubt. He puts in a ton of work, and like many others does not value OTA's. 


    Well, maybe it's never been in doubt to YOU, but to me his work ethic and commitment has definitely been in doubt--and to many others.


    New team, one going for a championship, and he doesn't show up to work with his teammates and new QB?


    Shows his arrogance, and knowing Diggs, may already indicate he is upset by something, feels slighted in some way.



    • Agree 1
  11. 1 hour ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Think Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX





    I never said that there are not a lot of narrow minded hateful idiots in our country, but that the vast majority of us are not that.


    But if ten percent  of the former persuasion are like Butker, that still equals millions of yahoos. 

    We just have to make sure they never become the majority...




  12. On 4/11/2024 at 10:24 PM, NoHuddleKelly12 said:

    While Josh enjoys a round of golf ️ now and then to the chagrin of many here instead of posting his workout sessions…

    If I were a Jests fan, I’d start being very afraid that my supposed all-in QB fresh off of his Achilles is going to let me down this year too…just a hunch! 🤷🏼‍♂️




    Some gems 💎 from this guy’s latest pod…


    Due to Kennedy’s views, as well as his family history, Rodgers believes the independent candidate is ‘in danger.’

    ‘They killed his uncle, killed his dad,’ Rodgers said. ‘We know the CIA was involved. I mean, they can’t declassify it because it’s so damning. We know the FBI was involved…”


    Bobby’s in danger. He’s putting himself on the line. Why? Because he f***ing believes in this country.

    That is, like I said earlier, the archetype of everything we love about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo,’ Rodgers continued, ‘everything we love about Frodo and Sam and Eragon, and Gandolf, and Merry and Pip. Everything that we love about Gamora and Groot and Rocket and Drax… These people believe in something.’ “

    Is it just me or is this guy sounding a little too checked out even by off-season standards? 


    Had not read this previously..


    Rodgers gets more and more nuts with each passing day, it seems.


    Cannot wait for his sorry kiester to step onto the field at the Ralph on December 29th.


    The fans will be ready.


    But again, I have confidence this nut will not be playing by that time, injured again--or in a padded room, and in a straight jacket, in Bellevue. Or both.





    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Butker didn't call for women to not be allowed to work. He said it was his wife's experience that she found fulfillment as a mother.


    The narrow minded ones are the ones calling for him to be cancelled and released from the team for having his own beliefs.


    Let's imagine a world where he said women should be able to work and people signed petitions to have him kicked off the team. Would you want to live in that world? Or should neither side have that much power. Think about it.




    I know he did not say women "should not be allowed to work", of course--never indicated that he said that. (He would likely have kicked his last field goal in the NFL if he said that.)


    He said that for most of the women graduating on this day their true goal is really to be mother and wife, more than anything else--including that degree, (and the career it may entail), that they are receiving on this day of their graduation.


    Butker does not seem to be an actual Christian, but a phony.


  14. 5 hours ago, Dr. Who said:

    Yes, he read the room perfectly. He wasn't talking to a pluralist or progressive room. He wasn't talking to this board. The reason students go to a college like that is because their beliefs and ethical sensibility are counter-cultural to the dominant ideology. The polemical edge in the speech was more in the nature of affirming the convictions of the students as they prepare to deal with a society largely indifferent or hostile to their beliefs. And the reaction here is proof of the correctness of that assessment.


    That makes a lot of sense--all of the female students in the college who worked hard for 4 or more years to earn their degrees really just long to  be wives and mothers more than anything else--that is their actual goal, dream.


    The degree they have earned, that they are celebrating on this day, based on all of their work, was just a sidebar, a backup. Something to do to while away the hours.


    I cannot even imagine a sentient adult thinking this would be the case, or even a sentient child.


    Pretty scary that there are people who think this way.


    Based on this reasoning, I bet you really think that the only reason these 'chicks' are there is to meet their dream man so they can then get on with their real life,, and just throw that degree in the garbage,



    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 7 hours ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Imagine crapping on someone's beliefs by saying your beliefs are better and his don't matter. That pretty much sums up our world today.


    Wait, this can be read two ways..


    You mean that is what Butker did in speech, right?  

    26 minutes ago, Irv said:

    Butker made total sense.  Need more people like that in the world of freaks.  


    Fortunately, most adults in this country think the freaks are the narrow minded misogynists who want the world to return to a better time, when women (and many others) had fewer rights and options in life.


    Actually. we are extremely fortunate this is the case, and I am an optimist maybe--but firmly believe the vast majority of our citizens believe that as well.



    • Like (+1) 3
    • Haha (+1) 1
  16. 20 hours ago, RkFast said:

    A Catholic person at a gathering of Catholic individuals gave a speech where he/she/they promoted the values of living as a Catholic.


    Now replace the word "Catholic" with the name of any other social/political identity or class and let me know if its still something to be "outraged and offended" about. 


    Always amazes me how in the modern world where literally everything is looked at through the prism of extreme dogma, the group that basically invented the damned word is the only one thats denounced for practicing it. 




    Well, maybe this is true of most Catholic people in the 40's or 50's, but Butker and your views are not relevant to most today.


    Surprised to see that you state that is their value system, period, is such  a dogmatic way.


    Shows the extremely narrow, ignorant, and illogical mindset of Butker--and those who think like him...



    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  17. 20 hours ago, dave mcbride said:

    I think the Jets might surprise people this year (the roster on paper is good) but it is the case that they've had only one winning season in the past 13 years.


    I agree that they will surprise some, but that 'surprise' is something like 6-11, 7-10....

  18. I hope no one on this board is still fearful of this 40+ yard head case QB/GM, as many seemed to be when he was signed. Reminded me a lot of the super crazy talk around the country when the Broncos traded for Wilson, that he may help the Broncos become a contender!, giving a king's ransom for a  has-been player Seattle may have waived before the next NFL season began.


    I was as happy as can be when the Jets signed him, and have not been disappointed--the joy rodgers and the jets keep on giving seems almost bottomless.


    The 2024 jets: A lame duck head coach, a lame duck GM, 'heading' a team that is run by a conspiracy theory promoting,  40 year old, narcissistic head case, clearly on the decline and coming off a major injury...


    The Jets just keep on giving and giving and giving to Bills' and fans of other AFC East teams.



  19. 18 hours ago, Mikie2times said:

    Josh Allen QBR ranks

    2023 3rd

    2022 2nd

    2021 6th

    2020 3rd


    Cam Newton QBR Ranks

    2014 18th

    2015 11th

    2016 25th

    2017 19th




    How  does that quarterback comparison explain what happened to all of that amazing talent on your super talented 2015 Panthers team!?


    And Cam Newton was the MVP of the NFL in 2015!   So wouldn't that just be the final nail in the coffin for your OP? It rips apart, even more so, your entire premise, point--and responses to the criticism of it, such as the one above. As you are now saying that our talent deprived Bills under McD and Beane were good almost exclusively because of their superior quarterback--but use 2015, the year the Panthers' QB was the MVP of the league, to say that they were a MUCH more talented team than the Bills!


    I l laughed out lout when I realized that was the case--and then saw the above response, laughed at both the irony and extreme contradiction now clear in your OP and your responses to it.


    Your OP was farcical at its surface, and much more so in closer examination.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  20. 19 minutes ago, Mikie2times said:

    This is boring, but you clearly need it spelled out 


    Josh Allen QBR ranks

    2023 3rd

    2022 2nd

    2021 6th

    2020 3rd


    Cam Newton QBR Ranks

    2014 18th

    2015 11th

    2016 25th

    2017 19th


    I got you most of the way. How about you finish this off and let me know how often teams makes the playoffs with a top 5 QBR vs 15 QBR or lower?


    I know it is hard for you to understand that a team with less talent can actually perform more consistently but it's actually rather common when you have top 5 QB.  If you want to give Beane all the credit for landing an elite QB and supporting him with nothing that is ok. If you want to celebrate being champions over the Miami Dolphins each year that is ok as well. I think most of us would like to actually win a SB and for that to happen we need more talent than a "crappy Panthers team" that couldn't even win a Super Bowl or sustain success who only played scrubs. 😂 




    I think you just need to watch some Bills games, as apparently you have not--and do not realize just how talented this team and its coaching have been under your boys, Beane and McD,  and that it s not just Josh Allen.


    Your OP was not focused on Josh Allen, but on the  MUCH superior talent on your 2015 Panthers compared to the recent Bills' teams.


    It'd be great for you to answer my question in my previous post: "How can  your far superior,  dramatically more talented team, so not even close in your eyes, be soo good, yet still suck so badly the year before that and the year after??  Most of the players you heap praise on were on those teams too."


    I hope you can see that it completely undermines your OP, and main point, that you cannot respond--if they were a MUCH more talented team, where did all that amazing talent go the year before and the year after your team's seminal season??


    You would be calling in the cavalry,  and maybe literally!, if the Bills ever went 5-8 or 6-8-1, yet you want some of that, rather than what we have had here in Buffalo... 


    I hope you can see how ridiculous that is.






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