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Storm Front

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Posts posted by Storm Front

  1. Now that he is on IR, I think we have seen the last of this character. My God, why can't this team draft a couple decent WR's? Woods is not even as good as Josh Reed, and Watkins is an oft' injured prima donna. TJ Graham was flat out horrible. We have wasted so many top 3 draft picks on this position. You'd think the Bills would get lucky at least once.

  2. Good idea op. After 16 seasons of enduring the Bills' losing product, we'd all be better off not wasting our time and $$$ on this team.

    I still want a Kyle Williams jersey as he represents everything I like about football even though the Bills suk

    Is he going to pay you to wear a Bills jersey with his name on it? I guess I just don't understand why a grown man would want to wear a jersey with some other dude's name on it.

  3. I predicted 4 wins at the beginning of the season. I am shocked we won 3 so far. I haven't watched a full game all fall. Except for today, the weather has been nice every Sunday, and I refused to watch today's game due to globalism. NFL games are all WWF, so don't let yourself get too bent out of shape when the same five or six teams make the playoffs every year: Pats*, Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, Packers. It's all a joke anyway. Rex knows it and the veteran players know it. I do feel bad for fans with their blinders on and the Pegula's, though.

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