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Posts posted by Lord_MacDonald

  1. Not to take a big fat dump on the parade but I do not want to get in to the playoffs unless we actually earn it and are a real contender. Squeaking in there with a weak division only to get destroyed in the first round just ain't much for me.


    Tell that to the Giants, Cardinals and Ravens of recent past. To my memory all of those teams didn't look too hot in the regular season. Once you get into the playoffs who knows what can happen.

  2. interesting question- though hard to really answer well.


    I suppose an argument could be made that the Bills are a perfect team to to run the hurry up. Inexperience offense gets more opportunities to score while they count on their defense to control the opposing O despite many attempts from them.


    or are they negating the impact of their quality D by tiring them out?


    I do agree though that there are def times it is unwise to go peddle to the metal on O.

  3. I am surprised Josh isn't getting more chances considering the success he did in enjoy and his young age (26). That said he isn't what the Bills were looking for. They wanted a veteran influence who could help coach EJ up- and from some of the reports about Freeman's locker room troubles he isn't that guy.


    Freeman would have been a better fit for a place with an established starter and no good backup option. Cowboys? Saints? both of those kinda make sense to me.

  4. This is what I don't get, fans want us to go after him because he is a 'Name'. Do the Bears want to win their division, get in the playoffs and get to and win a Superbowl? If they thought peppers would help them achieve this, do you not think they would restructure his deal and keep him? He is an older guy with TONS of mileage on him and if he could help Chicago he would still be there.


    From what I understand the Bears are releasing Peppers because they want the cap room and no longer believe he is worth 'superstar money' not because he has no value to the team. Peppers was a solid player last year- not the same guy as previous years- but he wasn't a bum.


    Though it probably isn't smart for the bills to take a flyer on peppers due to his age, it would be pretty amazing to see a D line of Peppers, K. Williams, Dareus, and M. Williams (at least on paper).

  5. I'm not saying there is a player as talented as Byrd ready to take his place. Just saying what the plan is should Byrd go elsewhere. It remains to be seen if his replacement turns out to be as poor as Levitre's.


    I have to agree with this statement- I'd say that it can be argued that AW is a better fit as a traditional FS vs SS and Searcy is a more natural SS than FS. Will either be as productive as Byrd manning the safety position? Doubtful.


    However, I would be greatly surprised if Searcy and AW turned out to be a liability on the team. The question about D. Williams and Meeks is whether or not they can be solid backups and fill in as the 3rd Safety- but even then we could have Leonard to fill that roll.


    The Bill's Safeties are noticeably weaker minus one of the best in the league in Byrd; but they will be decent with AW, Searcy and Leonard in my opinion.

  6. The question is what will Schwartz do with the defense? If he goes "wide 9," a guy like Carrington is too big and not quick enough to play in that scheme. The other questions are how much the injury will affect him and what will Parker demand in salary?


    Agreed whole-heartedly. That's why I brought up whether the new coaching staff will view Alex as a DT or DE.


    *In theory* the larger size of Alex would help our D line get push at the LOS and clog up the running lanes. Hopefully the presence of three very good pass rushers on the line with him would allow him to be effective in the pass rush as well.

  7. Good question OP.


    I feel like the answer to this question largely depends on the FO's opinion on Alex Carrington. He looked pretty good early on this year and his body size may be more conducive to helping plug up a leaky run D. A D-line consisting of Alex, Kyle, Marcel, and Mario is a line of very big men (and relatively athletic).


    Of course this is all up in the air with several questions- Will Alex be resigned? Does the new coaching staff view him as a DT or DE in their scheme (he has been switching between both)? and of course do they view Jerry Hughes as an every down player?


    All that being said, I think there is a good argument to be made for trading Hughes while his value is relatively high if the current Coaching Staff does not view him as a good fit for the scheme. I also admit to finding Carrington's size and a solid athleticism appealing as a starter on the D line....that is if he can stay healthy.


    Interesting question, and I would be ok with the decision from the front office either way as long as they have a plan to replace him (unlike with the LG situation). It would be kind of sad for Jerry though, he seemed to enjoy his time in Buffalo :'(

  8. -Geno


    Are you really ready to anoint Geno a franchise QB? Did you see him last week?!? I mean today he had great O line play which gave him plenty of time, and played against a secondary that was playing their 4th and 5th string CBs and back up FS and he still threw a pair of INTs. At this point in the season I would still rather have EJ.

  9. Come on now, this is almost as bad as pundits and redskins fans asking if they should bench RGIII. Can we at least give the kid a season before we run him out with pitch forks???


    Last week plenty on here were singing the guy's praises and after one bad game he's done? Through 3 weeks he has been ok. Frankly I'm more concerned with the play calling :death: . Do we run any play except a read option CJ spiller run up the middle on 1st down? I don't know if we have any other play available in that situation. EJ throws almost exclusively on 3rd and medium to 3rd and long until we are behind in the second half. Maybe, just maybe there are more things wrong with this team than a QB. Could he be a bust? maybe. But we are a long ways from knowing that with any certainty just yet. Let's tweak some things and see if we can right the ship.

  10. Its hard to disagree on either account. I never understood why the Bills FO were happy with the hap-hazard approach to letting our scrubs compete for the LG spot. I would have hoped that they would have had some kind of game plan letting Andy walk- but I suppose that was foolish dreaming.


    On Justin Rodgers though- its hard to blame the FO. I mean going into the season he was what, a forth string CB? We have had Gilmore, Mcklovin' and Brooks go down- not to mention Byrd is still MIA which could help cover on the deep routs (Searcy took a bad path to the ball on at least one of those throws). He's not even suppose to be on the field very often let alone covering the other teams #1 or 2 receiver on the regular. He's not even a mediocre 1 or 2 CB but I don't know how bad of a #4 CB he is. Just my 2 cents

  11. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000111083/article/buddy-nix-buffalo-bills-should-trade-up-for-qb-in-draft


    I can't believe he announced to the league we are gonna move up and take a qb.


    I just don't see any reason to announce this. Now all the teams in the league know what we are gonna be looking to do.

    That makes it easier for teams to demand a kings ransom for us to move up

    Deflates fitz if we have to stick with him next year

    And it maks it so the fan base will demand blood if for whatever reason they can't move up.


  12. First things first I wanted to say hello to everyone and let give ya a little of how I became a Bills fan in case anyone cares or can relate then I'll shoot off a couple ideas and thoughts about the Bills-

    So I'm a Bills fan who lives in Palmdale CA (approximately a 45min drive from LA). I have never been to Buffalo and my family has never lived there. Since LA has no team I chose a team and for some reason i was attracted to the bills, maybe cuz they were the underdog or maybe because they were blue collar, either way I converted early 2000's. That being the case I have never seen the Bills in the playoffs or really seen the Bills look all that good. But I haven't regretted it despite the many disappointments because every Bills fan I have met has been an incredibly nice person and I truly believe that we have the best fan base in any sport.


    Now some thoughts:

    First things first the 'stache' needs to be fired yesterday. Idk who we should get to take his place as interim DC but I advocate for bringing in Mike Singletary in the Offseason. I know he had his problems in San Fran but if nothing else he got passion out of his players and that is the thing our D lacks more than anything. Can you imagine how hard he would rip into Mario for half a**ing it out there?? Gheesh... Additionally i think he and Çhan would balance each other out.


    Second- I was at the 9er's game yesterday and though everyone is calling for fitz' head the game wasn't as bad as it looks on the stat sheet. They were moving the ball fairly well first half and a couple times in the 2nd half. There were some big plays that killed the drives though, two big sacks, the fumble by chandler and the pick which looked to be tipped at the line. The two sacks are correctable, both came on a play action where he rolled out and faked the hand off. Problem was though that i don't think they ran a single running play that looked the same so the D never even flinched when he faked it. Our runs were almost all draws (which is fine) but if that's gonna be the case our play actions need to be fake draws.....


    Third- Why is no one giving Mckelvin some love?? The dude was a stud returner yesterday and frankly all year this far! If it wasn't for that holding call he would have had a punt return for a TD and he nearly took another one to the house on a kick off! If the D would put their big boy pants on and force some punts then he could be a seriously dangerous weapon. He seems to want it bad this year.

  13. So first time poster here, but I will be at the game tomorrow! This will be only my second Bills game (the last was SD last season in the 37-10 beat down). Been a Bills fan for awhile -that is considering I'm 21- I converted around the qb controversy of JP and good old Trentative. If anyone cares I have oddly never even been in Buffalo, I live in south Cali just north of LA and for some odd reason attached myself to the Bills and have become a diehard since then. My hope for tomorrow is that the Bills at least make it interesting in the 4th lol but we'll see. I'll be at the game with my father and brother in law (both 9ers fans) and am even going to the lunch thing beforehand were you have the chance to meet current 9ers players (that should be awkward).

    Alright I have said enough, but GO BILLS! And I wish all of you the best of experiences tomorrow!

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