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mary owen

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Posts posted by mary owen

  1. OK Where is all of this Nix history come from?? He's never been a GM. He was a scout. Unless you were in the San Diego war room when they made their picks, there's no way to know what involvement Nix had in the Chargers' picks.

    you beat me to it....but also, what makes anyone believe that they will not take an OT if the "top 2" were not available? Who's top two? There is no official ranking of draft picks.

    And if there were, why would they make a statement telling you what they would or would not do in any draft day scenario? Lastly, Clausen at 9 is risky enough, so why would the Bills trade more picks to move up to get him?


    This is the NFL Draft. Mission accomplished. Get the fan so excited about it and work on his starvation by dangling a cupcake over his head and watch him go.

  2. I don't get the hate on Clausen. Again, it stems from everything off the football field and is purely just a personal dislike for the guy. When he said his receiver didn't run the right route, IT ISN'T HIS FAULT! He made the hand signal, the WR got it and ignored it. And when the plays are coming in slowly, it makes it much harder to change stuff before you snap it after you have a chance to read the defense a little. Clausen made no mistake on the pick that Gruden showed (1 of his 4 on the year) and I don't understand on how that can make him "uncoachable" because he placed the blame on others.



    i don't like his face

  3. Hello all! im a daily guest to TBD but im a first time poster and member. Before I post i'd just like to say I really enjoy the informative, entertaining and enjoyable content coming from this message board. I hope I can add some things as well. Im born and raised in south buffalo and a bills fan through and through. So with that, here's my first post.


    Free Agency - One part of me is disappointed the bills weren't as active as they could've been. But another part of me understands why they weren't. The market wasn't all that great, and the big names that were out there got extremely over paid ( peppers, dansby, etc etc. I would have liked to see them sign a competent left tackle or right tackle and a Wide Receiver. Marcus Mcneil and Chris Chambers perhaps. I do like the Andra Davis and Dwan Edwards signings. ( hopefully edwards is past his injury. Cornell Green - I know plenty can be said about his previous play but let's not forget he is coming from the raiders. They have a psychotic owner, a coach who likes to punch out assistants, and a vast assortment of overpaid players. Maybe with a fresh start and new scenery Green can get what's left of his career back on track.


    Draft - Its a toss up between a tackle and a quarterback, old news I know. I'd be happy with Claussen or Bulaga at 9. We need both. As much as i'd like to give Trent Edwards the benefit of the doubt, last season proved just how much of a check down robot he can be. I don't know if a rookie left tackle at 9 along with the recievers we have now is enough for Trent Edwards to finally get over the hump even with a offense friendly coaching staff. But if I had a gun to my head, and had to make a decision, give me claussen if he's there and let Trent Edwards and him duke it out in training camp.


    Other - I hope Aaron Schobel decides to stick around a couple more years, last year proved he still has something left in the tank. But if you see his rare interviews after games and such, is it just me or does he seem really disinterested? like his mind is somewhere else?


    Aaron Maybin - yes last year was a missed season, but this kid has plenty of talent and the coaching staff didn't use him wisely. I don't think this kid should be in a 3 point stance at all. Stand up rushing linebacker at all times. I don't care if you suck at run support. Your job is to chase the quarterback down. Just my opinion.


    thanks guys!


    Welcome to the neighborhood.


    Free Agency - I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I think being wise with the $ in a thin FA class was the right thing for the new regime to do. I remember Tom Donohoe and his 12:01am phone call to Jeff Posey's agent. Which, at the time, reminded me of the dad in A Christmas Story.....when he was really excited to get the leg lamp....no one else shared his glee.....and rightfully so.


    Draft: Again, I'm with you on the picks. As for Edwards, i get the feeling he was check-down crazy only b/c he was yanked around in too many directions with the previous coaching staff(s)....he even said it recently that he was getting different direction from coaches. And they fired the OC right before the season? Every player on the Offense was at a huge disadvantage from that alone. Being the QB is the most important position on the field, it only makes sense that it hurt his play the most. Fitzpatrick played a little better, not that much...but at that point he had nothing to lose.....Trent did....his job. But, if they went with Clausen, I could not fault that pick too much. Few people would have criticized Washington if they took him at 4, but now that they got McNabb, all of a sudden a team taking Clausen at 9 is risky? I think it would be a good pick, IF the OT guys they covet are gone by pick 9.


    Other - Schobel just hates being in Buffalo.....he's a Texan and most of them hate anything having to do with living in the East. I think he will come back for one more year. But he needs to let the organization know this. It's not really fair. BUT, if I were the front office, I am planning as if he is already retired. 1 more year with him or without him will not make a difference to the team 3 years from now, and that's when I believe this team can expect to see any progress in terms of getting to the playoffs.


    Maybin - all I have to say is we should refer to him as "Maybe". Just don't know enough about him yet. I do believe he needs to be upright and chasing Brady twice a year....

  4. I agree but I'm just saying it's a possibility due to Chansaw's familiarity with him. If they can trade back and get another pick in the second round then taking him in the first would be ok with me. Not the best choice IMO, but not a bad choice. I'd say it has a 25% chance of happening.


    Also, if they don't draft a QB this year I won't care. I'd like LeFevour but the QB crop next year is supposed to be a lot better and getting the O line set for a rookie QB is a must IMO.


    His first pick with the organization....the pick with which he will break the ice with, will not be this or any WR. Couple that with the history that says it's a tougher task for WR's to be impact players out of the gate....(Hardy as the latest for this franchise). Too risky, and the last thing he wants to be known for should it be a bust, is that he let quasi-chronyism lead his decision. Plus he would need to sell this to Nix and the others, namely Old Man Wilson.

    The pick will either be a safe bet or Clausen. I think it will be a NT or OT. Safe pick. Or they trade down and grab Clausen (if he falls). Granted QB's are not "safe" picks either, but less critisism will come if they chose the second rated QB in the draft class.


    For me, the O-line troubles, injuries, and the Butler retirement, make this a no brainer for an OT.

  5. Seriously bad. I'm at work and don't want to watch the video.


    I can only assume that the pick is Bulaga based on the other posts here. His name in the thread title would have been nice, btw.


    Someone actually working while at work and not surfing the internet would be nice too, but hey....


    ..........and why? Do you want gifts wrapped in saran wrap? :rolleyes:


    Seriously, I just figured people don't like spoilers.....as desparate as many are around here for all things NFL Draft, even of the Mock variety, I figured a little suspense would be preferred.

  6. Scheffler is substantially better than Schoumann. Ill bet if you ask Trent whom he would rather throw to on sunday it would be scheffler. TE is obviously not a top priority position, but its not like we are totally set at it either. We have a practice squad player in schoumann and a 4th rd draft choice rookie. If he could be had at reasonable price, he is absolutely an upgrade.



    Dave.....big fan here.....sorry, I'm sure you get that all the time.....i know you are busy touring and all, so i'll get to the post topic....


    My friend Jason just went on a road trip and Denver was one of his stops. His truck broke down while there and he is waiting for it to get fixed.....so, I thought this post was like a separate forum. So here is my entry...


    Jason Jenkins, unhappy in Denver

  7. I still rock my Spikes Jersey all day long...don't care...ugly as hell new uni...player that promised the number one Defense and then packed his ish the following season...I have a moulds jersey...but it's BEAT lol...and I got two Jim Kelly jerseys that are way too small so I let my sons rock them...my boy is a bucs fan still rocks his Keyshawn to heheheh...we are the outdated who cares crowd...



    hey....but you rock!

  8. why the eff would any fan of any team buy a jersey with a player's name and number in the age of free agency? anyone crying about this waste of their money has only themselves to blame. come on....seriously. They are overpriced, the player won't be here in 4 years, and no one will ever believe you are that player anyway....I mean, come on, you are in the stands or at the bar watching that same player play....they will catch on to you.....they will notice....you are not fooling anyone


    put your own damn name on there and pick 00......time and money well spent

  9. QB is the most important position but OL is the most important unit.



    it is important, yes, I agree completely, but a lot of other factors need to make that work. We had McNally who was one of the most respected in the league and we still couldn't block 4 sh*t. The whole scouting department (college and pp), coaching staff, and namely the owner who writes the checks....all these things factor in, otherwise it's wasted talent

  10. i was watching the Bengals game and the Bills game at the bar. I watched Dick completely destroy any bit of confidence our offense might have had left in themselves by his decision to punt on 4th and 1. I watched the Bills lose.


    I watched Marvin Lewis go for it on 4th down twice in that game.....I watched the Bengals win.


    I envy Bengals fans......sad, really.

  11. If we cut some players, I think we would be able to trade for Tom Brady. Cut Peters, Schoebel & Kelsay to clear up wasteful cap for space. Then trade our 1st, 2nd, 3rd round picks to the Pats. Then it would make us instant Super Bowl contenders. Go Bills!


    What do you guys think?






    U r a ron Paul fan so this clearly isn't one of ur dumbest ideas

  12. As much as I want to see my team win and win by playing great football. In some ways I hope to see the OL falter tonight, just so it can get the ball rolling on this Jason Peters stuff. I hate to say it too....I dont want my team to perform bad, but in some ways and for some odd reason, I have a feeling if the OL plays poorly, it really could mean we see progress with Jason Peters.


    But I mean, if they perform well as a unit GREAT! But man I want this Jason Peters stuff over with! We need the guy!


    However I do understand the front offices take.


    Stay tuned!


    Go Bills...... :thumbsup:


    I care about our depth, and preseason is all about seeing what deficiencies you have beyond your starters. So i'm hoping for success from the OL and the entire team.


    All in all, I want Peters' ass in camp. He has a already-renegotiated contract. Come in and earn another Pro Bowl start en route to helping us get to the playoffs, then we can talk new deal.

  13. Maybe I missed it but I didn't see where the quote said Bruschi wasn't a nice guy. It just said he wasn't a team leader like everyone thinks and that his team found him unlikable.



    Well he made the list of "A-Holes". I usually equate a-holes with nice people.


    Anywho, I aint buying the whole thing. He says how no one ever dissed him, so what does he do? Truth or not, if you didn't feel bitter about something, you'd have enough class to save all the barbs.....b/c there wouldn't be any.


    Yeah, that's what people do when they leave a group that was good to them.....they rag on them and go out of their way to burn bridges that should have been lined with gold.


    Something phony about this piece

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