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Everything posted by dciraolo

  1. Will there be a radio stream of the press conference on WGR??
  2. Why did ESPN say it could be a great day OR a bad day for the Bills?
  3. I don't care if I'm late - I have to say it: GROUND UP AND IN THE MOTHERF*UCKING FREEZER. Yes you, Mr. Brady.
  4. Exactly what I'm thinking. Especially with so many receivers in the draft. I think he's a perfect under-the-radar later round pick.
  5. Draft Ryan Broyles. Say goodbye to Roscoe; Broyles is the man. This kid catches the football so smoothly, get separation off the line (perfect for Fitz), and thus has the most receptions in FBS history. We could pick him up late in the draft because of his injury. What do you guys think?
  6. I want the Bills to sign Mario even more now that it means nobody will ever have to read one of your poorly punctuated posts. By poorly punctuated I mean complete absence of punctuation.
  7. Agreed. His numbers last year were no better than Nelson's. Plenty of WR's in the draft who are bigger and will probably be better than that dude.
  8. It's an odd situation. Seems as though we're waiting to hear what Tennessee gets done with Manning.
  9. Ennis is the last person I'd expect to look like that in a shootout... Damn I need good news about Mario right about now.
  10. Still no confirmation that he's at the game? I missed the supposed radio announcement. No mention of it since.
  11. Any connections to the Sabres on here that might "not know" about any special arrangements made in the Bills box (I assume they have one?) at FNC?
  12. Laurent Robinson signed with Jacksonville according to Adam Schefter. Just FYI.
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