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Posts posted by Dante

  1. 9 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:

    They are people, under immense stress, on the front lines, putting their lives at risk while the rest of us sit at home and wait for it all to end. Who the hell are you to judge them?

    Because the hospitals are empty. No stress. No danger other than the usual. so there is no exceptional risk. Hence it's deception and these people are complicit.

    All the trusted reporting (from regular citizens out in the field with their cell phones) have shown a reality much different from the narritive presented to us from known and proven liars, the MSM. 


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  2. 4 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:

    Have any of these deaths even been verified?

    A bit of sarcasm. How could they have time for choreography when their hospital is a virtual war zone? 

    4 minutes ago, Justice said:

    I know two people that have it. One is on his way to recovery. The other isn’t looking promising at all. 

    My father died of pneumonia four years ago. I'm sure now he would be a covid stat. Hey I'm not denying this strain of flu isn't real. It's just the norm sensationalized. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Not dramatic in the least, if anything, it's underselling the issue.


    First, you wouldn't be able to close down the country for 18 months and get the majority of people to go along with it willingly. The better the weather gets, the more people are going to break quarantine. So that means you'd have to enforce the lock down through martial law. That won't happen without without riots, without demonstrations, without violence and death in the streets.


    Never mind the cost of moving an election (we'll never get it back if we do), the sign that sends to enemies of this country around the world and to those enemies within our country who are in power today. Once they see they can move an election without blowback, they'll NEVER leave office. Why should they?  


    And none of that touches the farcical idea that you can just shut off the economy for 18 months without a massive human cost. A cost that dwarfs the numbers being tossed around from this virus. 


    The country would never recover. 


    (which is why some people in power are pushing for this so hard)

    Agree with all of this. I think once people see that no one they know are affected they will instinctively see through it. You can only roll out so many celebrities and public officials and various crisis actors being sick. 

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  4. At this point I just laugh at all this drama over a obvious hoax. It is scary that such mass manipulation is possible. I guess this particular psyop is much easier to debunk due to the access citizen journalists have. All hero's. If it's so easy to get the entire world to shut down how many other things are products of manipulation? How many wars have we signed off on? How may government regulations and on and on.

    Anyway these people independently recording the bullshite are doing great work. The pooch dropping deuce at the 8.40 mark in front of the hospital is a perfect metaphor.




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  5. 23 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    That's where my company sits as well. But most of my business comes from larger companies who sub my company to provide programming services on small/med/large technology installs. Pretty much no one can go to job sites to do the work, so everyone is home waiting for this to pass before they go to a site. I fortunately have one customer who was built for this and has been issuing smaller orders for upcoming projects, and even got his person in AP to set us up with ACH payment so they don't have to write/mail checks.


    Guess which of my customers will get full-blown concierge service from us when we're done? :lol:


    It's probably not a bad idea for you to get into line for the SBA loans, provided you stick to what is forgivable. The trick, I'm learning, is to start with the bank who handles your business banking. DM me if you need me to push you some data beyond the stuff you see at the SBA site. You can start getting your documentation ready in advance and fill out the app, which is about as simple to fill out as you could hope.



    Good you still have a revenue stream!

    Thanks for the SBA tip(Shoshin and Buffalo Gal as well.) I hadn't heard of this until now.  I will check with the our bank. 

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  6. 5 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    In terms of what you're going through, I am in the same boat and I am sorry. I had a brutal discussion yesterday with someone who works for me about where we are and how long we can hold out. I can make it work for a while but not measured in a long period where nothing changes. The SBA thing can help. Until 4 weeks ago, I could have sustained almost any hit the market could have given me including a massive downturn like 2008. But this is a whole different thing entirely. My receivables are high but I haven't gotten a payment in 3 weeks. That's not odd, it's completely unprecedented.  


    I like the Trump has sent signals about how concerned he is about this. 


    Looking at all the data, if NYC metro remains as 50% of the country's cases and deaths by the end of this month, and this doesn't appreciably jump elsewhere, we may have to consider whether we re-open sooner and just pinpoint large metro areas for quarantine rules and slower re-openings. What is currently happening in NYC is awful but it's also not being replicated anyplace else. 


    Good luck--I'll love to have the psy-op discussion another day but now's not the time for either of us.  





    What an ass. I understand what he and Cuomo are doing to put pressure on the government to get the help they think they need but imagine what a spirit of cooperation and more subtle pressure would do to the mood of the country. 

    Scary thing is those could get sketchy if your customers don't have anything coming in. They are in the same boat as you and me. 

    Good luck to you hopefully this ends by the end of the month. As long as I know there is a limit I can feel better.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    :beer: Rooting for you, Dante, and your employees.

    I appreciate it. I don't want to come off as "woe is me" im not that person. All kinds of people taking bigger hits than we are. I know we will be good one way or another. What frustrates me is it's totally unnecessary.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, ScotSHO said:

    I hope you can make it thru.  What type of war chest do you have?  Weeks or months?

    We have receivables coming in still and some work going on. 50% of our business depends on public events and they are being cancelled. I mean we run pretty lean with not a big overhead. If it goes to long though we may have to do something else. Like go work for the state or some big corp. Maybe that's what they want. Small business gone.

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  9. On 4/2/2020 at 4:30 AM, shoshin said:


    1000+ people died yesterday from the "psy op" that you believe in and Buffalo Gal agrees with, and some other poster dedicated a thread to because he doesn't see enough Twitter photos of distraught US hospitals.


    167 people die from the flu in NYC on average in a month


    About 400 died from Covid-19 in NYC yesterday


    Psy op.  


    What is wrong with you?

    Me? I'll tell you. I have a business that's taking a major hit right now because of a flu bug. So it's kinda like a go fvck yourself because the majority of idiots can't see this is a major power play to crush capitalism. Unless your health is severely compromised already no one should be hiding in their houses with dust mask on. I would be laughing at this if it didn't have the real possibility of destroying my income. It sucks to see how much control can be forced on us by so few people.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Gavin in Va Beach said:


    Just looked and Part 1 and Part 5 were deleted. Any way to find them somewhere else?


    Edit: Found Part 1. Can't find Part 5 though...

    A few weeks ago it was available complete. They must be scrubbing it. Part 5 was the hardest to find. Found part 5 at bitchute. Still haven't adopted YouTubes book burning policy I guess


  11. On 3/26/2020 at 5:26 AM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    First, I long for the day when not every song has to be Whitney Houstonized with long, lilting octave busting “look at my vocal range” personalization.  It can be so beautiful, but it’s so overdone at this point I’m waiting for the next cycle of sound where a 7 word lyric doesn’t take 3 mins and 7 seconds to be sung. 

    Second, one of my favorite hypocrisies in the world is a celebrity singing such a beautiful song about a world with no possessions and no countries, while glomming onto more sh$t, more houses with more square footage than they could ever possibly use. Just to dumb it up a bit more, they stare and sing into what likely is the latest iPhone, a product made on the backs of low-wage workers in foreign countries (with borders btw) for one of the great success stories of the modern capitalist era, with a product/distribution chain that must have an extraordinarily high carbon footprint. 

    I imagine a world where people with 15 minutes of fame don’t stare creepily into a phone, and sing a song written by a multi-kaziilionaire about living in a commune, all tidy and nice in matching white Mao shirts, black pants and those freaky looking ballet slippers. 

    And, in the spirit of the song, please imagine that in the above sentence, “fame” reads like this:  “Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy....ah faaaaAAAAAAYYYY.....FAAAAYYY—EEEEEEEEE......OOHH..oh...oh..Ayy......ummmmmmmmmm.......Faay.ay...um.”. 

    May be one of the best posts I've read on this board. Spot on! 

  12. On 3/9/2020 at 9:18 AM, Deranged Rhino said:


    Watch "The End Of The Cabal" on YouTube before they scrub it. Mind blowing. 10 parts watch them all. Its already hard to find Part 5 which focuses on Pizzagate/Hillary among other things.  If true there is some serious shite about to go down. I can only hope it's true.

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