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Posts posted by njsue

  1. Come now Sue. 1 Win???  :doh: Our ST, Def and running game alone can win us 5-6 games...




    Hello there:


    Common sense will tell you that they cant do it all. The offense needs to step up.

    It was just starting to click. Now Tom Donahoe is going to do something so STUPID to set the offense way back. :(


    Running game behind this offensive line :blink:

  2. *Did the season ever end?  I wonder.  I see a whole lot of the same issues from the season being passionately debated (seemingly non-stop) here.  The tone has gotten a bit more acerbic, but the content is much the same. 


    I took a look at Harvey's post about the "clueless" Losman fans/bashers.  By the way, good post, Harv.  There was one in there I found that summed up the tone of the debate quite nicely:

    You're onto something there, Nanker. 

    **I've read a few different posts about what the Bills should do in free agency and the draft.  I'm sure a lot of you know that I think it's important to upgrade the offensive line.  That should be first and foremost.  I just hope this is the year we aggressively pursue this.  We haven't had a dominant OL here in Buffalo since we let Will Wolford and House Ballard go.  Which brings me to another point...

    ***Draft a kicker with our highest draft pick???  That just doesn't make sense to me.  I guess I could see it IF we were to go out and do something like:


    1.  Sign Tra Thomas to play LT

    2.  Sign a top LG prospect like Jermaine Mayberry or Marco Rivera

    3.  Sign a good CB like Jason Craft, Aaron Beasley, or Gary Baxter to give us a solid nickel CB to help out against multiple WR sets

    4.  Sign a pass rushing LB to either replace Posey or be a situational player


    If we still have any of these issues going into the draft, selecting a kicker first would solve nothing.  After all, the 3 kickers who are arguably the best in the NFL-David Akers, Mike Vanderjagt, and Adam Vinatieri-were all UNDRAFTED!!!

    ****Happy birthday to Drew Blesoe.  I don't think he should be our starting QB, but he is a great guy and did have some success leading our team.


    Happy birthday to Jim and Hunter Kelly.  Jim is the best QB we've ever had and a guy whose leadership we truly miss.  I hope both are well and enjoy thier day.





    Thank you rrich


    This is the most sensible post I have read so far.


    Glad to know there is someone out there being smart and realistic.

  3. Bledsoe has 3 seasons with the Bills & coulsd not get the team to the playoffs. He had his chance but wasn't good enough. The Bills need to Get Losman as many reps as possible without over workingv him and see what he can do




    How could a team in REBUILDING stages make it to the playoffs PERIOD.


    3years ago the bills defense could not stop any one.

  4. Gant...


    I am not so quick to give Drew a pass on the play you mentioned.....


    There were two bandits


    You could easily see there was only one blocker


    Drew can count


    He should have either a.  audibled out b.  thrown a quick outlet pass or c.  at least protected the ball knowing he was going to get hit


    ANY of those would have been acceptable to me at the moment....because my expectations of Drew are at a all time low.


    Had JP been the QB in that particular play...he could have ran for a first down




    Ran before he got pummeled by pittsburgh's defense.

  5. The question was AFC EAST.

    Yes he is. The rest of them do not command the respect or attention that Moulds does day in day out. Ask a DB who they fear/respect most in the East. Moulds has a rare speed/strength combo that is hard to stop. Its fugged up that Chambers and McCareins are in the running with him.



    No sh-- sherlock


    However, I dont feel that any of the WR's in the Afc are really the best.

  6. Bledsoe's leadership led us all the way to.....um.....yeah, where did that lead us?



    Borderline playoffs. But in the first game of the season. What player other than Drew Bledsoe blew it in the endzone.


    TICK TICK TICK. Nate Clements.


    Bills win that game, they would have been in the playoffs no doubt.

  7. See, this is what I don't get Sue.


    Forget the Drew debate for a second. Let's say (for arguement sake) that you are right. Drew is a God and TD and Wilson are idiots for letting him go.


    We can't change that. What's done is done. But why would you then turn and root AGAINST the Bills? Against JP? Explain that to me and maybe we will all understand where you are coming from.




    Of course I want the bills to be successful. But, realistically they wont with this oline, the lousy TE's, underachieving WRs

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