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Posts posted by SACKMARINO

  1. Don't we already have a surfeit of safeties?


    They're trying to fit Bowen into the picture now that he's recovered. Same as when he was first cut, there just doesn't seem to be a spot to put him. I liked his hard-hitting style, but teams don't generally do this kind of re-signing, barring holes created by injuries.



    just like they did by bringing J. Leonhard back when Vincent went down, i know Baker was ahead of Leonhard on the depth chart...but leonhard can (attempt to) return punts, and he's already here so i doubt it.

  2. That's been kicking around in various incarnations for a while.


    The popular shirt down here a while ago was "Buffalo Sucks"


    To which I replied: "Miami swallows"



    ive also seen shirt @ Miami games that have a big screw, then it says BUFFALo. then on the back it's a dolphins railing a buffalo from behind.

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