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Posts posted by SACKMARINO

  1. Jeez...of course...I just saw him a few weeks ago, at the Texans game...I recognize the bowling ball shots! 


    After watching the feature, I was going to say that it was a shame he was wearing a Coy Wire jersey in his national tv debut....but seeing him get covered in condiments...it all makes sense...a Coy Wire jersey and a pair of zubas seem like the right attire for the party!



    Kenny is actually good buds with Coy's father.

  2. Will you be there this weekend? I met so many people it is hard to remember everyone (and for them to remember me!). I am better with faces than names.


    I remember EZC because he was so tall he was able to steal the TV remote at Danny's from the rafters, just by reaching up and taking it. I was looking for a chair to stand on.  :thumbsup:


    I flipped channels until management got mad and put some college ball on - which is all we asked for!


    I may have to tip the bowling ball at Kenny's Sunday.  :beer:



    ya, ill be around the pinto.


    you met me and my buddy, we gave u a few of our beers from our styrafoam (sp) cooler. lol

  3. That would be great to have these receivers. WR is a bigger need than O-Line right now because when I watch JP he sometimes has all the time in the world but no one gets open and there's a coverage sack.



    as good as peerless has been playing lately, that is one thing i notice about him, doesnt always finish his routes or fight to get open.

  4. A friends dad works for some front office position of the jets...asked if i wanted to come, of course I was more then willing and then found out today that we have pre game field passes as well as being invited up to one of the suites during the game...I don't know where are seats are at though...but all signs point to them being good :nana:



    ever see the seinfeld episode where elaine gets free tickets behind the yankee's dugout in the owners seats and she wears an Baltimore Orioels (sp) hat, then gets kicked out of the seats


    better wear a jets shirt under the 21 jersey. lol

  5. Dude. Been waiting for that broadcast date/time ever since the opener. Thanks!



    No Prob. I talked with Kenny earlier in the week and he had just got the dates that day.


    I think its also on Dec. 12th at like 1:00pm.

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