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Everything posted by peytonmanning18

  1. You could just as easily insert Manning's name into that sentence.
  2. The Broncos are winning in spite of Fox, not because of him. He is holding Tebow back.
  3. Polian drafted a QB that kept the Colts elite for a long time. This year proves that he lost his touch. Not to mention, when draft picks don't pan out, someone is to blame. I say the person making the picks is the one to blame and that would be Polian. If he had taken Leaf instead of Manning, he would have been fired a long time ago.
  4. I made an account on here just to talk about this. Bill Polian was at a point with the Colts where he was doing a minimal amount of the actual work that needed to be done for the Colts, he was putting more and more of the responsibility on his son, because IMO he was preparing to retire and wanted to leave his son in a position to run the organization. People around the league have said Chris Polian would not even be remotely considered for a GM position with another team, but would be brought in as a scout. Bill Polian is one of the greatest GMs of all time, but Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball players of all time at one point too, that doesn't mean he could still drop 50 points in an NBA game. Bill Polian has not had a good draft in years, and now the Colts have a bunch of aging stars with no one to step in and replace them, while being in salary cap hell. Here are a few of his "replacement" mistakes: He drafted Anthony Gonzalez knowing that Marvin Harrison's career was nearing an end and he wanted Gonzalez to take over the #2 spot so Wayne could move up to #1, that hasn't worked. He drafted Tony Ugoh to replace Tarik Glenn when he retired, Ugoh was cut 2 years later. He drafted Donald Brown to replace Joseph Addai so they wouldn't have to sign Addai to a big contract, when Brown hadn't shown that he was capable of being the #1 guy, they were forced to re-sign Addai. Polian did a lot of good things from 1998-2005, but since then, he has done nothing to improve this franchise.
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