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Mike In Illinois

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Posts posted by Mike In Illinois

  1. Where I live the default regional sports channel I get with Total Choice Plus is ComCast Chicago, which provides the Bulls, Blackhawks, Cubs and White Sox games. I would prefer to have Fox Midwest, which carries the St. Louis teams (Blues, Cardinals) and Missouri Valley Conference Basketball and Gateway Conference Football for college sports. But in order for me to receive this channel, I'd have to pay for the sports package or upgrade to Total Choice Premiere, which I can't afford to do right now.


    Now, half of the TV market I live in carries Fox Midwest (mainly the Western portion), while ComCast Chicago is available in the whole market. I live roughly in the middle of the market and I cannot recall if the local cable provider (MediaCom) offers Fox-MW on their cable.


    My questions: Is it possible that DirecTV would accomodate me and switch my regional sports from ComCast to Fox-MW? Or would I be wasting time contacting them about this? Would (or could) they give me both at no extra cost?


    Any insight or suggestions is appreciated.

  2. I tried, but get this response:


    "Your order total must exceed $1.00 before this discount voucher may be used. Restricted titles apply towards this minimum order amount only for percentage-off discount codes. Restricted titles do not apply towards this minimum for any dollar-off discount codes.


    To use this coupon, Continue Shopping. Or go back and enter a new code."



    Is the deal over? Or am I doing something wrong? I clicked on the two-year renewal, too.

  3. If we assume that TD is out as GM at the end of the season, it makes sense that he remain a professional and do his job to the best of his abilities. Negotiating a reasonable deal between the Bills and Crowell will show any teams interested in hiring TD will see that he's not trying to sabotage his current team's financial situation. Future employers ( I would guess) would look favorably at an employee to did their job to the fullest until let go than a person who "mails it in" until they're let go.

  4. Thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to me to know that people I don't know go out of their way to show support. Thanks.


    Today was my first day back at work since he was born, and I'm looking forward to going home and seeing and holding him for awhile.


    I plan on printing out a couple of pictures of him and mom for my two-day trip to Detroit Thurs.-Fri. That will keep me inspired and motivated to work hard and get back home quickly. Speaking of Detroit, anyone familiar with how easy or difficult it is to cross into Canada (Windsor) from Detroit? I don't have a passport, so if that's what I need I'll have to try some other time.

  5. He's already woke us up consecutive nights since we left the hospital around 2 a.m. CT; not looking forward to it tonight, as I have to work tomorrow. The funny thing is he's already started showing those changing his diapers how he pees; he got Grandma once (we're staying with Grandma and Grandpa this week so they can enjoy their new grandson), got a friend of my wife with a double dose (#1 and #2) and nearly got me earlier today.


    The real challenge for me might be this Thursday and Friday, as I may be traveling to Detroit (some 6-7 hours from Central IL) for a news story we're following. I'm sure that dad will be missing his little man, but the little man will probably sleep the entire time I'm gone an not even miss me.

  6. http://www.carle.com/Hospital/centprog/Mat...dex.asp?id=9496


    Mom went through 17 hours of labor that ended in a C-section, which wasn't planned. But mom and son are doing good. He's keeping us up at night, of course.


    If he follows the NFL as he grows up, he can root for any team but the Pats, Jests and Phelons, but I hope he'll take his dad's lead and root on those beleagured Bills.



    PS: even though they're 4-7 and the season's bleak I still love the Buffalo Bills and watching Buffalo Bills football.






  7. I saw a show about this event once.  He did get his money since he wasn't cheating and no the show didn't go off the air.  They reconfigured the board to make the patterns much more complex to prevent anyone else from doing the same thing.




    Every so oftern, Game Show Network runs a two hour special about "The Larsen Episodes". It's hosted by Peter Tomarkin (Press Your Luck host) and interviewed the other two contestants from those shows. They also give them a chance to duplicate Larsen's performance by showing them the pattern he used (an ancient computer program that had only 3-4 patterns).


    Yes, Larsen wasted/lost all the money, tried other money-making schemes, then died about 5-10 years ago.


    Interesting show to watch.

  8. Late night last night (got home at 2am CT), and I'm draggin' tail today.

    Sorry I missed you last night, Mike. I walked up to 345 about 30 minutes before kickoff and didn't see any Bills jerseys. I'm a litttle disappointed that the Bills PR didn't bring any media guides.


    That game wore on too long. They should have a curfew for the first 1-2 preseason games, so if it reaches a certain time and the game is nowhere near being done, pull the ripcord.


    I stood next to Jeff Burris on the Bills sidelines nearly the entire time, I even rode down from the pressbox with him at halftime (he was eating, so Ididn't bother to talk to him).


    The Colts made us photogs wear the silly red or blue vests with the Colts logo on them. Feels kinda cheesy wearing them.


    On the botched FG in the 4th, Mularky was upset because he thought Moorman was brought down by the "horse-collar tackle", the one that's now banned.


    I was 10-15ft away from Tom White (Referee) while he was reviewing the first instant replay. Police officers came streaking from the other side of the field to provide "protection" for White while "peeking at the peep show". Shouldn't these officers be on the same sideline as the review machine?


    I got a few digital pictures from the sideline during the second half. One of Sam Adams that looks like his shoulder pads are swallowing him up (tough to do). I also snapped one when the Bills TV crew was interviewing JP.


    After the game I spoke to Duke Preston (because he was my excuse to get a credential to the game; covering a former Illinois player). Very well-spoken and polite; he reminded me that he used to watch our TV station (WAND) while in college.


    Well, that's all I got for now. Hopefully the offense starts clicking in the next couple of games.

  9. I jusr remembered-wasn't Boy George there last year.  Forget my Couch prediction, their opening day QB is Jeff George.




    I was at the Bears-Rams game last night, and I too said they should re-sign Jeff George. It's an Illinois conspiracy; former Illinois Head Coach Ron Turner is again the OC, Kurt Kittner and Antonio Harris (former players under Turner) are trying to make the final roster. Why not bring in another former Illinois player in George? You can't do much worse than what you have now. Chad Hutchinson is slated to be the starter now, Orton will need some experience; sign and start George for a few games with the notion of giving Orton some playing time to groom him to start in the future. It won't be easy for Grossman to regain the top spot if and when he returns to action; he's too brittle.

  10. Mike--will you be taking any pic/video of the game?  If you do posting them for the starved masses will make you a hero for at least one day.  Can't wait to see what you guys take away from the game.




    I'll shoot the game with a professional Betacam that we use at our station. I don't think I can upload any of that to the web. I'll see if my wife left our digital camera at home and if so, I'll grab it on the way over to Indy and take a few snapshots from the field. If I do that, I would need help getting them on the web; I can upload them to a computer, I just need somewhere on the web to place them, size them, etc.


    I'm heading to Indy in a couple of hours, so I'll get to the RCA Dome 6-7 pm ET. Mike, I'll try to come and find you guys. And you could probably guess my name is Mike, too.

  11. Got my press credential approved, so I'll be heading to Indy tomorrow afternoon. I'm planning to visit a friend who works at a TV station in Indy, then going over to the RCA Dome 1 or 1 1/2 hours early.


    Anyone got any specific location they'll be at pre-game? If not, we could meet up for a while at the Dome.

  12. I have the Sony Ericsson Z500a. It's a flip-phone with photo-video camera and speakerphone (which I like). I got it on-line at Cingular's website for cheap; they were having a web-special.


    My only drawback, however slight, is mine has no games, just a few game demos that you can purchase (which I'm too cheap to do).


    Overall, mine works really well for me.

  13. I plan on getting my media credential to shoot the game. Since Duke Preston went to Illinois, he's a local kid and I'm going to do a story on him. Last year I was shooting video in the end zone when Kenny(?) Thomas picked off a Peyton Manning pass and ran it in for six. It's always good to rub elbows with players from your favorite team. :doh:


    If and when I do get my credential I'll PM you guys (Art and "U") to see if we can meet up before the game. Maybe I can score a couple of extra media guides for you?

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