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Posts posted by sidbuff

  1. my ususal please.


    Will leave for the game and return after


    First row TENT  I think you put me on the other side.

    I just need to get in and out of the car for the shirts ETC


    And dont 4get to show me and Tyron the pictures again <_<:doh:

  2. They are violating the late fee charge........... My personal opinion save yourself the stress than what you already have and don't put your daughter on the cheerleading squad...... that will be more responsibility on yourself being that your wife is in school full time

  3. "Later, I saw bob gulping water in the shade.


    Poor man


    Took on BDH."


    I wouldn't drink water (at a tailgate ?) - does no good to try and extinguish fire


    Milk maybe  :)



    Whats going on Senor LAMB:


    Hows everything in the West Coast and should I say San Fran. ??

  4. Actually Sid, it was pretty scary the last time Bob took on Big Daddy Hulse (BDH)


    As I recall, Bob argued about "stem eating" and then, with Hulse agreeing to whatever "rules" Bob came up with with, proceeded as we have long known him, to gobble down the hot stuff without even tearing up. meanwhile, Bob turned a very dark shade of Red - mark and I thought he might explode. But then the tears came and Bob disappeared for a while.


    Later, I saw bob gulping water in the shade.


    Poor man


    Took on BDH.


    Bad things man....bad things... :lol:


    BAD THINGS...................... I wonder how his AASS felt the next day :D

  5. The first dog I have has in my life is a PITBULL and let me explain somehing to everyone. Comign from some that has trained dogs for 4 years, the pitbull is a very loving and very smart dog. These dogs love their master SO MUCH that they will go to whatever means t omake them happy. Now, you take an animal like this, raise them and teach them to be mean and agressive they will go to the outer means to do that, cause thats what master wants. In this scenario with this 12 years old something happened that instigated for these dogs to do what they did, not that I agree with it because pitbulls know better when properly raised. Either the 12 yr old was being mean to the dogs when alone with them or the owners did not know about it to teach the kids not to bother them or teach the dogs not t oeven growl at the kids. Especially when they growled at others outside the house. I have a female know and she is extremely protective over my wife and my two boys. A nine year old and a 2 month old. This is my third pitbull and from what I know they are great dogs, just brought up incorrectly by owners.

  6. "AS PER ALWAYS: BIG DADDY WILL TAKE ON ALL (alleged) CALLENGERS! - to out hot him in hot pepper eating.


    My advice?  be afraid, be very afraid.


    (His stomach is made of galvanized steel)"

    I've been working out with some Mexican culinary experts -


    The East Coast better step it up a notch  :lol:



    Sorry Mr. Lamb:


    But I've seen this guy put it down and I tell you he can eat them habaneros like M&m's...................this is gona be fun to watch

  7. Is anyone interested in splitting a room? I don't stink (too badly) or snore (too much).




    With all the pounding you'll be doing you'll be snorign and waking up the cows over at the farms baby......Can't wait to see you again..



    I'll be coming down early this year so let me know if you need any help. I'll need two parking spots mainly close to the CNJBB since I purchaased my tickets and Tyrones though them. Thanks again..................GO BILLSSS





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