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Posts posted by sidbuff

  1. He's an idiot. He wont go far in the NFL. He still thinks like a child talking make when he isn't proven, doing the rookie holdout last year. He thinks he's still playing in the schoolyard two hand touch and that there will be no repercusion for his mistakes..

  2. I agree with all of the above. I do it old school style. Get a ball and grab a sneaker shoe lace from one of yuor old sneaker. Grab some cooking oil and just spread all around the front of the glove (not to much but just enough). Put the ball in the pocket and tie it real tigh all around with the sneaker lace. Put it under his bed overnight and the next day the glove is GOLDEN.

  3. Yesterday morning around 5:15, Gerald Samuel checked in at 8 lbs, 3 oz and 20.5 inches. I took care of the other four grandkids (18 months to 10 years old) from about 3AM until 8PM yesterday and am headed back for more punishment this morning.  :w00t:

    ...and then there were five.....




    HOLD ON >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. You are a grandfather ????? Since when ???? ot from your daughter in NY right ???

  4. I dont understand why so many people are all hyped about this years class.


    Not to boast but believe ma I follow the draft religiously every year for the past 5 years and this years class is not that great. The only thing great about this years class is it is deep in secondary.


    Now next years class.......that will be a better class than this years...

  5. Bills general manager Tom Donahoe is playing some serious hardball, but the reality is that there's almost no way he can bring back a disgruntled Henry.


    Once again, this is another scenario that will depend on the draft, and who misses out on the running back they covet. Miami hasn't been mentioned in the equation for some time, but if Nick Saban goes another way with his No. 2 overall choice (and it's starting to look that way), the possibility of Henry landing in South Beach will be renewed. And if Jon Gruden settles on USC's Mike Williams over Auburn's Carnell Williams at No. 5, he might be able to pry Henry loose from the Bills for either the 36th or 71st overall pick.

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