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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Obama can win 272-266 even without VA, NC, FL, or OH.
  2. The Virginia vote is paused right now because they are still voting. Those numbers are still early.
  3. New Hampshire goes to Obama. Things are looking tough for Mitt...
  4. The race is Florida is crazy! Unbelievably close...
  5. Republicans are quiet tonight on PPP. Come on - it's not over yet!
  6. Pennsylvania to the President... That have plenty of exit polls and they combine results to make these projections.
  7. Surprised that Obama won Michigan so quick??
  8. Checking in guys! Obama looking good so far. Long way to go though!
  9. I have a 30 pack waiting at home with a bottle of Crown! Haha. Me and my roomates are making a night of it!
  10. I know right?? CNN has been saying they are coming up next for over an hour now!
  11. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO02/211060410/Southfield-Twp-voter-appears-die-then-asks-Did-vote- Dead people are voting!
  12. Pretty cool... http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/06/cnn-takes-over-the-empire-state-building-for-election-night-results/
  13. I know it means nothing. Lol. It's just crazy how it worked out. I do put stock in the 7-11 cups though.......... http://www.7-eleven.com/7-Election/NationalResults.aspx
  14. It was 2000 or 2004 where the rule was wrong. But then people said, it had something to do with the popular vote in 2000. Some weird rule to amend why it was wrong. So basically, it means nothing.
  15. But he wouldn't be wrong. Silver never has said Romney has 0% chance of winning.
  16. I like how you guys are talking like the election is over or something. It's funny.
  17. Watched the video of the Philly BP guy. He was standing outside a door with no people in sight. Seemed "intimidating". Lol My signature is on file. I have to sign next to it.
  18. You still have to sign your name and match the signature.
  19. The New Black Panthers?? Lololol Does that still consist of those two guys?? Even that link has a picture of that SAME EXACT guy. Because that's all they are...
  20. I'm in North Buffalo. They did just re-district but it seems like names are actually out of place now. I heard a couple other people who couldn't find their name.
  21. I was sent to the wrong table and they couldn't find my name. They have people listed in the wrong districts. My address is under District 4 according to their sheet, but my card says 11. Weird.
  22. That state is very independent. They vote both parties. Mostly blue in Presidential races however.
  23. Just got back from voting. The place was loaded with old people! I usually vote at like 7PM when it's dead. Wrote myself in for the state assembly seat!
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