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Posts posted by DocLawless

  1. Ive been wondering if it is possible that Spillers big season of some explosive runs has something to do with learning from Fred and watching the way he hits holes, has the patience to let the plays develop a little longer, and maybe just overall preparation for games. Obviously he is talented and lightning fast anyways, but didn't know if maybe Fred has something to do with the breakout season. Any thoughts?

  2. I hope you come to this blog to read this, and I hope Chan is bright enough to realize your opinion of Stevie's behavior is what's wrong with the media in this city. I'm not condoning his behavior, and I believe Chan was justified in his reaction to it, but to suggest he should be shown the door is obsurd. Is he to join the list of athletes to thrive in another city while the media sits back wringing their hands about another player the "Bills" let get away? He has shown some maturity issues but I would hope he can grow from his setbacks. I would rather have him than Santonio Holmes any day, even with his antics. The media in this town couldn't shuffle Lynch out fast enough, and then there's Willis and even Antoine who didn't "deserve" the kind of money he was looking for because he doesn't get picks. I hope The teams we send these players to atleast send us thank you notes. If you want to get on a band wagon how about pettitioning for the No Fun League to hire real (I actually do this for a living) officials. This league is a joke, I just wish I wasn't hooked on it. Oh by the way Jerry, Happy New Year!? Why So Serious??????????????????????????????????????????????

    Love this. You couldn't be more right bro.


    What Jerry doesn't understand (among other things)is that there are behavior clauses put in many NFL contracts these days. The Bills will have one with Stevie when they resign him and the problem goes away or he gets fined heavily and/or suspended without pay.


    In fact, I would bet right now that he is the LAST member of the Bills who would ever get a celebration penalty again.


    And I hope the rest of the league looks at him as a character issue guy so the offers aren't too aggressive. Chan should never have stood up for Stevie saying he's a good guy in his postgame interview. He should have said no comment on the incident until I meet with him personally.


    We lost 5 out of 6 games in our division this year, we can't let any talent walk. Nobody gets away unless we cut 'em in camp or get a solid trade.

    IMO though, he really does seem like a good hearted guy who is loved by his teammates and loves his teammates in return. He def makes some bad decisions but who doesn't in life ya know? He will learn. It's not often that young talented players have good attitudes, love playing in buffalo, and have the respect and love of their teammates. I think hes a winner and I really hope he resigns.

  3. I don't understand why everyone is talking about trading up for rg3 when andrew luck is on the board. Maybe the price would be high but if we were ever going to give up our much needed draft picks we would be better off getting luck than rg3 that's for sure. That is a real franchise qb. Look what he has done for stanford. The guy is winner. I know it's a long shot but I can dream. Colts have Peyton and need so many pieces besides a qb. They have more depth issues than us.

  4. Whatever man the league needs to lighten up. He's wishing everyone a happy new year big deal. Hes our best receiver and one of the best in the league so anyone who wants him gone because of this is ridiculous. The NFL needs to take a good hard look at what should and shouldn't be punishable and a tshirt message shouldn't be. Why so serious everyone.

  5. In those same 12 years, the Indianapolis Colts have drafted a RB #1 the same three times.


    In those same 12 years the New Orleans Saints have drafted a RB # 1 FOUR times.

    They are playoff caliber teams that didnt already have two legit starting rb's though. They needed a stud rb and had the rest of their roster filled out properly thus why they are playoff teams. We couldn't afford a luxury pick

  6. The way you hate on Fred is weird. He was having an unbelievable season until he got hurt. Top 5 MVP type season. You don't have to disrespect a very good football player because you want people on TBD to know that you were "right" about your boyfriend CJ.

    Yea not to mention that our THIRTY YEAR OLD MVP candidate running back played a solid full season in 2010 while 22 year old spiller missed games. Knew this bs would start if spiller had 1 100 yard game, 1!!!!! Fred carried this team and does it all he blocks, catches and can fight for those tough yards in the trenches. I like spiller, think he is pretty good but don't start hating on our best player fickle bills fans. Fred is a stud for at least 2 more seasons maybe 3. We can use both of them ya know. Its good to have depth

  7. Awesome. Another let's run a good player out of town for some stupid reason campaign by Bills fans. For as much as people B word about the FO, fans need to look in the mirror. Sabres fans do it with Ryan Miller. Bills fans have done it with Evans, Maybin, McGahee (though it probably was deserved), etc. Stevie Johnson is not the problem with the Bills and losing him only creates another hole. Develop, turn into a good player, get rid of him, then repeat. So stupid.

    I know wtf lol. Why do bills fans always want to run out our young developing talent. He is a future superstar.

  8. SJ is not TO. Fitz can't throw the deep ball. The past 7 games proves it.



    They run a different package of routes between the 2. Coming back to the QB from a slant or curl is way different than coming back from a go or post route, especially when the ball is underthrown 10 to 15 yards.

    Yes absolutely right its a momentum thing can't put fitz's picks on SJ. I gotta say I can't understand all the SJ hate around here. The guy gives it everything every game, loves playing in buffalo(a lot of players dont, especially since Fitz has been missing him on a lot of his routes lately), he supports and backs his teammates when they play poorly etc.. I know he has made some mistakes with the two drops and the td celebration ( which I personally loved) but cmon imagine the numbers he would put up if he had another receiver to take some of the coverage off him and if Fitz was playing more consistent of late. The guy owns some of the best corners in football and wants to play on this mediocre team. Please sign him!

  9. "He can be a every down back" Funny the team that drafted him doesn't believe that. To prove my point why did Choice get so many touches yesterday? Chan said he didn't want to overload CJ or words to that effect. That's a pretty telling tale on what his own team thinks. Since Fred went down they have failed to capitalize on CJ's skills. Maybe it's O-Line related but Even with that It's becoming obvious the kid has a place not only on this team but in the league.


    personally I would have run him all day yesterday. I think CJ would have been on board with that. The head coach sucks and still thinks he's coaching at the college level.


    To prove that I give you the vaunted gailey spread offense. Filled with players that should not even be there. If there are any nuances not yet figured out by the league's dc coordinators. You can bet your bippy they will know on kickoff day 2012. A limp armed quarterback is suited for the spread. My question to Chan. What's next?


    Fred deserves some respect. Mainly in the pocket book. If he never plays another down, before his injury this year he was the epitome of putting team first, and to hear he believes his family even comes before that. What can you say. he is a class act. A man with tangibles rarely seen in this age of sports. He is probably better than he ever imagined career wise, going back to his humble start. Best NFL story since Kurt Warner. A man who has no need to showboat, his work does the talking, Fred you the man!!!!!!!!!!! Personally, even though his body of work is small here. He is one of my all time favorite Bills.


    Off topuc is "bippy" even a word?

    Completely agree. Freddy is the man and a leader and a role model also. Not to mention he was a legit MVP candidate before he got hurt.

  10. Spiller is the future and the future is now.


    This team should fire Nix and Gailey, do whatever it takes to get into position to draft RG III (2012's 1st, 2nd + 2013 1st, 2nd), then trade Fred Jackson for a 2012 2nd which should be easy to do.


    Make Whaley the GM and have him hire a new head coach. Perhaps Brian Billick?


    This team needs a drastic change in direction. They have some really good pieces in place, but prolonging this kind of change will only set this team back another 2 or more years.

    Wow are you serious? Let me get this straight. You want the Bills to trade the two first draft picks they have for the next two drafts for an unproven qb and leave the defense and receiving corps the way it is? Then on top of that you want the bills to trade their best player away to get back one of those 2nd rd picks you just want to give away Unbelievable. RG3 might MIGHT become a good qb but he is not luck and therefore not worth ruining our next two drafts for when we have SO MANY other needs right now.

  11. When wade Phillips benches doug flutie for the playoff game vs the titans because rob had a decent game vs the colts the last game of the year in which the colts played their backups cuz they had the conference locked up.

    For some reason nobody ever talks about that but it was def one of the worst decisions in franchise history. Never understood it. Flutie took over for them after Johnson led them to an 0-3 start and got hurt and then took them to the playoffs. It was also the same year the bills lost to the patriots in foxboro because they got flagged for pass interference on a last second hail Mary. The whole bills team left the field before the game was actually over because of the ridiculousness of the call. Either way i was 12 years old and still remember how upset I was of hearing on espn that Johnson was starting over flutie against the titans just because johnson played well in the throwaway game against the colts that we decided to sit our starting qb (flutie) so he would not get injured. Only the bills would make a stupid decision like that. Flutie was a winner. No Jim Kelly but still a winner

  12. Yes thank you, good post. It is getting just about unbearable to come on this site anymore due to the fact there are only a handful of posters on here that arent whining and crying and actually look at the whole picture and do so with intelligence.

    Agreed. Can't believe how many fans cry and rip apart our own players wtf. If you think we can spend two picks in this years draft on qb's with the holes we have on defense I just can't agree with you.


    If we had Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady, this team might be 6-7. Consequently, anyone who thinks this team is a QB away from being a contender is mistaken. The defense is so bad, that we are pretty much out of most games lately early in the second quarter. You cannot win if your offense needs to score 30 points a game or more, which is basically what the defense has demanded all year. The offense obliged early in the year, but asking an offense to score 30 points every week, especially when you are down 14/21/24 points early in the second quarter is absurd. Stick with the run? When you are behind by 14 and the other team scores on every possession--good luck with that. It is a vicious circle.


    Fitzpatrick is a middle of the road QB, maybe top 15-- he is not paid like nor expected to be a "franchise QB." He is paid like, and expected to play like a Matt Cassell or Kevin Kolb or Joe Flacco, not a Brady or a Rogers or a Manning or even a Vick. He plainly is not nearly good enough to take this team on his back and win lots of games. But when the whole team is functioning, as it was in the first half of the season, you can win with Fitz and he might steal a game or two for you, and lose you one or two on a bad day like yesterday(although that game would have been lost even if Fitz had a good day IMO). Get a better defense and supporting cast on offense. A QB for the future is a luxury we can't afford right now. If you think this team would be rocking right now with a Christian Ponder, Blaine Gabbert or even Andy Dalton(what happened to him by the way), or next year with one of their 2012 counterparts, you are wrong.

    100 percent correct

  13. This is the only thread I've created. I've stated my opinion in many threads. In those threads, I read others saying they are happy with fitz as our qb. I want to see how many people think he's a great qb. That's the purpose of this thread. For me to see how many people, if any, think he's that good. Maybe I should have worded it differently. With the draft on my mind, theres a few qbs I would love to see in a bills uniform and I see drafting one of those guys as our "should be" #1 priority. Yes we need defense badly. We need OL and Wr too.! I think we need ago upgrade our qb position more than any of them. Not sure what some "new" would be. The only "new" stuff I can come up with would be after each game, when we add another loss onto our record and him being unable to drive down the field at the end of the game and score a gw td. Or if we get blown out and don't score any meaningful tds. All of these losses recently came at a point where if we won, maybe we can still make the playoffs. We lost ALL of them. A couple were blowouts where our defense and offense got dominated and there were a couple games that we had a chance to win at the end of the game and didn't get it done. I really wanted to see him get it done. He didn't. Mark Sanchez isn't a very good qb, but he has 11 gw drives in the last 2 years. Fitz has 6 in his career. 2 this year. I want a qb that I have confidence that he will get it done. I don't have confidence that fitz is that guy.

    I don't have an agenda. I'm just some guy that wants to see how other bills fans view their qb. I should've included more options. My bad.

    I'm sorry but drafting a qb this year would be the absolute dumbest thing Buffalo could do. They have ZERO pass rush and terrible linebackers that needs to be addressed immediately. I don't care if Aaron Rodgers is our qb we will never win giving up 400+ yards every week and 30+ points. We have a good enough offense to win 10-12 games in a season if we get a good enough defense. Their offense is so often one dimensional because of the whole their defense puts them in and not even an "elite" qb can do anything when the offense is one dimensional and predictable. Fitz is good enough with good team around him IMO

  14. We are not paying Fitz too much. He is a top 15 quarterback right now with potential to be a top 10. Sorry, but Tom Bradys and Aaron Rodgers do not grow on trees. I firmly believe we can win a championship with Fitz at the helm. We are a young rebuilding team who lacks depth at key areas. I do not understand why some supposed Bills fans cannot understand this. We were never built to win the SuperBowl this year, get over it. Im so sick and tired of the ridiculous posts from fair weather fans who have no clue on how to build a contending football team.

    Spot on bro. The season gets lost (like what was expected from the start) and our fans just jump on chan and Fitz like there was ever enough depth and talent on the team as a whole to play into the postseason. Fitz is a damn good qb for what he has done with what's around him and hes a competitor with heart which is nice to see in buffalo. At least give Fitz and Chan more of shot before writing them off completely. Fitz has good numbers especially for a qb that has little around him. Were on the right track bills fans we just need more depth, a pass rush, and receivers (besides Stevie) I feel it good things are coming in the next couple years!

  15. If Fitz ends up living up to his contract, most of the people on this board better be ready to eat a lot of crow. Fitz is currently projected to make the pro bowl and is beating the guy in 4th by quite a bit. Fitz is currenty 5th in the league in completion percentage with 65.7%. Granted, we have a short passing game which helps a bit but it's not like he's grossly inaccurate by any stretch. Lots of Bills fans=bipolarly stupid. I'd like to look at a lot of your posts when we were 5-2 hahaha.

    Yea for real way to many Fitz bashers in buffalo. I gave our fans too much credit over the years apparantly. if they think Fitz is bad they don't know too much.

  16. Fitzpatrick behaves, and plays like a guy ten years older than he is. No one needs a degree in psychology to see that. I think poor coaching is the problem on our defense, as opposed to a lack of talent. And while both Bradford and Newton lead teams with horrible records, there is "hope" for the future. Bradford did surprisingly well in is rookie season, and Newton improves exponentially every week that he plays. No, you can't pursuade me that Fitz is worth one-tenth of the money he has on the table. Just like no matter how many bad passes, INT's or 3-and-outs he gets you won't accept the fact that Fitz isn't the future of this franchise. As for the prozac, well, you may wan't to keep some for yourself. You'll need it to console yourself when you realize that the leader you've put so much faith in is a SHAM.

    Typical bs I can't stand. At least let Fitz get a shot at qb with a team around him before you call him a "sham". Please name more than 2 weapons Fitz has on offense. Fred is out so that leaves Stevie and spiller? Maybe levitre and Chandler could get argued for but so could spiller the other way. Not a whole lot of talent of the offensive side of the ball. How about our defense. The defense being as awful and poor coached as it is leaves the bills pretty one dimensional most of the time. Even when we don't have to be spread out we are because of coaching and we just don't have the talent at the receiver position to be in a spread offense as much as we are. You could put Tom Brady in place of Fitz and you would see a pissed off qb that has one receiver and a decent tight end with no time to throw and barely any seperation from his receivers and he'd put up similar numbers. Fitz with his close to 70% completion and 20 td's is pretty damn good to me considering were a pretty predictable often one dimensional offense with less studs than any other team and very small windows to put the ball in because only Stevie can get separation from db's. We should be getting behind Fitz and backing him since he is the qb now. Things will get better in buffalo soon. At least give it one more draft. Also I know everyone is ready for Ralph to go but aren't you worried that when he goes the team will go too. I'd rather have Ralph and the BUFFALO bills rather than no Ralph and the team move

  17. Insanity!! Norv Turner is one of the worst head coaches I have ever witnessed. How this guy has kept his job is beyond me. Total !@#$ing failure. :wallbash:

    Agreed. He took San Diego from a playoff caliber team to a complete mess. Their offense hasn't looked this bad in years. Would much rather have Chan. Do not understand why anyone has problem with what Chan has done so far to be honest. I like him as head coach of our team

  18. nah....just hate bashing people....if I cared about only wins and losses I would have stopped being a bills fan along time ago.....effort and playing with passion ranks high in my book

    Exactly right I love seeing players that truly like playing for our Bills and play with passion and emotion. I love Stevie Johnson and your also right that a 15 yard penalty on kickoff shouldn't be a big deal if gailey didn't call for a squib kick and rayner knew how to execute it, it would of been no big deal.

  19. I hear this but I'm not sure I understand what it means. And was play-calling responsible for Jackson averaging over 5 yards a carry? Or is he the best running back since Barry Sanders? Or is the offensive line better than you think it is?


    And if you mean that the offense is designed for Fitz to get rid of the ball quicker, then he must make his reads quicker than any QB in the league and his numbers at this point are even more impressive considering his coach doesn't allow him to wait as long as anyone else to throw the ball. Maybe we just got a steal with that new contract. Or maybe the offensive line is better than you think it is.

    Truth is that Fitz has one of the quickest releases in the NFL along with play calling of short throws (because the line will def not give fitz the time to sit back in the pocket) and Fred Jackson really is a an elusive, hard to bring down, all purpose back. Both of them hide a lot of the flaws in our o-line. Understand though the o- line is young and inexperienced and has had to shuffle around a lot this season. This would make things tough on a any line and it shows we have drafted some players with potential, versatility, and heart. I really billieve this team has a bright future! See you next week at OBD

  20. Stevie just needs to mature a lot, and remain focused on those final drives. That drop across the middle was a perfect throw and it's just not acceptable to drop that.


    We had a ton of stupid penalties that really added up in the end. Stevies dance played a huge role in costing us that 7 before the half. Then again Rayners kick was the icing on the cake.


    I don't care what anyone says, Fitz played a great game today. He put us in position to win it several times and was thwarted by horrible defense and a dropped ball. A few weeks ago it looked like he would never have a good game against the Jets D, because like everyone kept saying ad nauseum, "they figured us out" and took away our strengths. Well Fitz did a great job in coming out today with amnesia and he lead a very efficient passing game against a top pass D, moving the ball well all game. None of his passes were even near-INTs...you could argue the Smith TD but he put it out there for Smith to make a play and it worked.


    Seriously though...he never hesistated throwing it in Revis direction, which to me was very impressive. On a few slant routes he threaded the ball into the smallest of spaces, and he did it well and got us 1st downs. He is a streaky player but man, when he's on he is on. I just love watching him cause when he gets into a groove he just exudes confidence.


    As for Spiller, he had some nice plays but overall wasn't a major factor like Freddy. I applaud Chan for never abandoning the run

    completely, but Spiller seemed to miss a lot of holes and run right into walls. Overall though Fitz was the reason we almost won, I just hope he can keep it up, I have no doubt we can win 3 more if we continue playing like this.


    I also find it pretty cool that we managed to be so productive without our best player in the game. We probably would have won with Freddy today, but we made up for his absence nicely

    by spreading the ball around.












    In rayners defense it was an awful play call by chan to squib kick from our own 20 but yes rayners execution was poor. I am part of the split group of bills fans that is 100% behind Ryan fitzpatrick as the franchise qb for the next 5 years. With talent around him he is a very solid qb. Also cj is def no Fred jackson and even though Fredz age scares me I love the way he runs and I hope bills fans everywhere agree with me that I would like him to be the feature back for the next 3 or 4 years on this team. He is the best all purpose back in the NFL!


    Don't know how to get my post out of that blue box yet lol

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