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Posts posted by BuffaloBlizzard

  1. We have an issue effectively developing and then utilizing pass rushers. Look at what Maybin is doing in New York. I'm paraphrasing a quote by Buddy Nix after he cut Maybin but he said "at 230 lbs. I'm not sure there is a scheme he fits." Apparently he fits NY's scheme pretty well and has had an impact on both games against the Bills.

  2. I don't think he's a diva, I think he's more of the rebel type. Stevie did this specific dance to mock and embarrass the Jets (like they did the Bills in Buffalo). It obviously backfired big time with the key game winning drop, but him giving the Jets some of their own medicine is very cool with me. This is only the second time in two years that he's done an "crossing the line" TD celebration.


    He's clearly very embarrassed now and is acting like an prideful yet immature young man who's embarrassed. Fitzpatrick and Johnson are joined at the hip. He knows that Stevie's just trying to save some face and he won't take the comments to heart.


    To those saying let him walk, he's not going anywhere. Fitzpatrick has been resigned to a big contract and Stevie is his Andre Reed. He's here for the long term, case closed. BTW, this team doesn't need any more big holes to fill. They have quite enough of them right now.

    Fitz and Stevie definitely have been joined at the hip. The problem is Fitz puts all the blame on himself when things go wrong and Steview points fiongers at Fitz. I hope it doesn't happen but over time a wedge could be put between them if this continues. I certainly am not the type to want to get rid of Stevie. Sign him for sure but he's starting to get a bit diva like. Let's hope this comes to an end.

  3. I'm starting to get a little worried about Stevie turning into a diva. When asked about his wide open drop with 40 seconds left, he blamed it on Fitz. He said something like "in that situation I would expect the ball to be in a little bit of a different spot." Sorry to hit you in the hands Stevie. Also, he was in a good mood the entire interview when being questioned about these things. He just loves seeing his name on ESPN's first page. I love Stevie but am getting worried with these new developments.

  4. Hey fellow Bills fans. I'm new. Been a Bills fan since the Flutie/Johnson era. In other words the only taste of playoffs I've had in my day was the music city miracle and the Miami game when Moulds set the post season yardage record. In other words, my entire time as a fan has been pure misery haha. I have barely missed a snap since then though. Ok, on to the topic:


    The offseason move that is desperately needed is acquiring a defensive guru as our new coordinator. We've got Chan on the offensive side and for the most part we have been able to move the ball this year. The only problem is we couldn't stop an elite high school offense (obviously an exaggeration). Pass rush is by far this team's biggest problem which has me questioning the coaching staff. Look at what Maybin has done away from this Bills staff (I think we could use a sack specialist this year!). We clearly don't know how to effectively develop and utilize pass rushers.


    We need a 3-4 guru on the defensive side of the ball. Somebody like a Rob Ryan or a topic that might be taboo around here, Wade Phillips. Those 2 likely aren't available but we need somebody with a proven record in a 3-4 defense. I have faith in Chan with the "O" but the "D" needs new leadership and direction. I think this could fix a lot of our problems.

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