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Posts posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. If you can get past the ridiculousness of "grown men watching a little girl's cartoon" and actually watch the show, its not half bad. I was just like the rest of you when I first heard about Bronies, but one night I broke down and watched an episode, and can say I enjoyed it. It's a show made by talented people who honestly enjoy what they do, and you can see it.


    I don't get into the EXTREME forms of fandom that this show gets, but I understand why it has a cult following. You should at least put your egos aside and check it out before you start calling people names.

  2. And the thing is, he doesn't even TRY to pretend he's smart any more. He simply just gets to say one stupid thing after another...propose one stupid plan after another...and absolutely no one in the media calls him out on it.


    His new talking point is that the tax code is "rigged," and the way to fix this is to increase taxes on the wealthy. How much of a chucklehead do you have to be to believe that the way to fix a problem is NOT to actually address the actual problem head on, but rather to address the results of the problem? I mean, it's embarrassing enough to publicly be that unbelievably stupid, but does the unbelievably stupid person have to be our president? Does the entire world need to see how stupid we are for putting someone THIS stupid in charge of our country?


    But hey...he doesn't wear a sweater vest. Boy, we really dodged a bullet there, eh? :wallbash:


    If you are going to call out another person's intelligence, you might want to pick up a synonym or two for 'stupid'. Just saying.



    Pres Obama is a very intelligent man. Anyone who says differently because or trivial disagreements is an buffoon. I will not vote for him, but I respect him and always will.

  3. This case has really taken a tragic turn and could be setting up federal and state crime bills in his name, I hear on the news.


    Self serving politicians gotta act like they care don't they?


    I will say this. If the Sanford Police decide not to press charges, and Eric Holder and PBO decide to pursue federal charges against Zimmerman, impeachment charges should be the result.

  4. You are a frothing at the mouth imbeclie with the reading comprehension of a second grader. You are a fool. And you are the worst kind of fool that is full of self assurance that you are knowledegable and right that reading blog posts and and watching fox news fills you with. You are a fool who makes no attempts to understand those that disagree with you; you instead puff out your chest and yell as loud as you can, all throught the anonimity of the internet. You are a fool who doesn't attempt honest debate or concede points or admit failure or change your mind, because you are the type of fool that thinks that this would make you weak.


    And I chose my avatar very carefully. That avatar is pure sexy. Take one look at that Mona Lisa smile of Marcia Brady and tell me with a straight face that you're not just a little turned on. Because I know I am. Every single time I look at that picture.



    Sooo... How 'bout them Sox? I think they could go all the way this year.

  5. His own press secretary asked the reporter to ask about Martin, so it is obvious that he wanted to pontificate. He interjected himself into the situation for his own purposes. He went along with the media's description of Martin when he should of stayed out of it. But, it's all about him, always.


    President Obama just can't get it into his head that he can no longer be a leader of black America.

  6. Absolutely classic. So happy to see that her overwhelming grief isn't stopping her from cashing in. I wonder what Al's cut is going to be on the merchandising.


    Only in America!


    I don't see that as the case at all. She is protecting her son from being used as a cash cow for some unscrupulous jackass. This is exactly what she should've done. Now she has control about what her son's face gets plastered on.


    This whole thing is just a complete mess.

  7. I have been bored so decided to get a pHd. It is in Society and I am almost done. I just have to write my dispenstation and I have begun it on the topic of oil and wealth. i wanted to run the theme by you guys and some of the conclusions to see if they make sense to you.


    I will assert that countries which have a lot of oil under the ground have not historically become wealthy nations as a whole but that there are varying reasons for it.


    I start out with the Middle East and point out that while the people at the top have become very wealthy, their fellow citizens have not due to the oppressive regimes. I go into a lot of detail with historical stuff.


    I then move to Venezuela and point out their relatively recent foray into this market has been met with a "separate but equal" oppressive regime to those in the ME.


    Where I think this dispensation will differ from most is that I then move on to the US and discuss how although a wealthy country with a relatively open system, the wealth potential from oil has been largely unused for various reasons and even though we are awesome we are like the other countries inasmuch as we have unrealized potential that can be attributed to oil.

    Lastly I focus on Canada. This is a country rich in oil, with a government on paper at least that allows for a relatively high amount of freedom, drilling is happening and yet the plight of the masses remains horrifying. Yes, some of this can be attributed to the weather, but in fact most of it has to be laid at the feet of a population chock full of abject idiots. How can they not turn this good fortune into a better tomorrow for their children?


    In summary I wonder aloud if having oil is somehow a curse in that not one nation, regardless of governmental system, has been able to tap its whole potential. Did the oil create the regimes in the ME and Venezuela? Did it cause us to look for reasons not to drill? Did it make the Canadians morons? These are complex and far reaching questions that I will attempt to answer.


    Any thoughts?


    What plight of the masses are you talking about. This post is generally confusing.

  8. So you know about the prison but not about the hooded one? Trust me, that is ANYTHING but stupid. oh my lord, wait until you see what happens next. Giddy with excitement here!


    I've never read the comics, but I know the basic plot. The prison. The governor.

  9. Wow...great episode...the last 5 minutes was pretty intense. Seriously, who the hell is the hooded dude (chained to walkers?) with the kitana, and what the hell was the last scene showing in the distance?


    The prison. It's in the comics. As for the hooded guy, probably something stupid. And I think it was a girl. "He" had a rather feminine figure.

  10. and you think this is a good thing? did you cheer for RJR in "the insider"? it's like a scene from "1984" where the audience cheers the ministry of peace propaganda war films showing enemies killed....sound familiar? but at least you'll be cheering for the winning side.



    haha do you have any idea what the concept of irony is? Which side is willfully engaged in a smear campaign against a small group of Americans, screaming about "corruption" and "fairness", exaggerating and down right lying about what this group is engaged in and their influence, turning said group into a bunch of caricatures hell bent on destroying "The American Way", and above all else, demanding that the government harm this small group for the greater good?

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