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Posts posted by Buff_bills4ever

  1. Your welcome. So what do you think? I know that "World War Z" was a book, but I have no knowledge about the storyline. Does this look like it will be faithful to the book?



    Guess that answers my question, about Z.


    As for JP, I might check it out, but I am not into the 3D craze.


    The book is a bunch of short stories about different people's experiences with the Zombie Apocalypse. That trailer looks like they took the name of the book, and turned it into a CGI POS.

  2. Does it really make people feel good to make fun of a kid who's primary audience is kids? Seriously, this kid gets so much hate from people who are not SUPPOSED to like his music. Do you people attack Sesame Street for being too unrealistic and not gritty enough? What the hell are you expecting from a teenie bopper?

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