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Everything posted by guru

  1. And you know better because you live in Alaska yet you are "inside the dressing room"? The proof is the proof, so when you have good proof, IT IS PROVEN !!! Show us BETTER REAL PROOF, when you manage to pull your head out of the sand !!...make that SNOW BANK !!!...or is it numb from the cold??
  2. I have just finished reading the thread entitled: "Flutie to be released". Thanks to C.Biscuit97 and all those who made positive, intelligent comments...not moronic ones. One of the main reasons that I seldom post on this board or visit it anymore is because I got tired of wading through the all the crap (5 pages in the topic mentioned above) just to find a little bit of good reading. I honestly have never been able to understand why so many members of the Buffalo media and fans of this board have insisted that Doug Flutie was "a cancer in the locker room" (despite positive comments from guys who were part of the team...on offense...like Eric Moulds, Steve Christie, and Ruben Brown, to name a few. Some Bills fans have even insisted that Flutie ripped apart every locker room he was ever a part of...which is just part of the absolute B***S**T that some insist on propagating on this board. Such posters have no credibility...and are just a waste of everyone's time.) Would John Butler and A.J. Smith have welcomed Doug Flutie to San Diego if it were true that he was a cancer? Now I think the conjecture over this can OBJECTIVELY be put to rest as we have some definitive statements from A.J. Smith and Marty Schottenheimer about their evaluation of Doug's value as a team player, as included on the web sites listed below. Please notice that A.J. includes the words "...in Buffalo" in his assessment. http://www.chargers.com/news/headline_deta...m?news_key=2107 http://www.chargers.com/news/pr_headline_d...release_key=460 And, Doug has accepted his release in a very classy way. http://www.chargers.com/news/pr_headline_d...release_key=462 I have always said that Doug is one of the most competitive players that I have ever seen...and it was great to have my observations affirmed by people as close to the scene and as knowledgeable as A. J. Smith and Marty Schottenheimer. Also, notice Marty's comment: "It was a pleasure to work with him." I am glad that Flutie was picked up by the Chargers after being stupidly released by the Bills. It gave me a chance to meet a lot of great and knowledgeable Chargers football fans on the Internet that I probably would never have met. It also gave me a chance to watch a down-and-out Chargers team be transformed by new management into an exciting young team with a lot of upside for the future...KUDOS to A.J Smith...even though I was also disappointed by the departure of Jr. Seau and Rodney Harrison. Through this process, I have become a H-U-G-E fan of Ladainian Tomlinson and will continue to watch Charger games at every opportunity on the NFL Sunday Ticket. Thanks to all the Chargers fans, on the Internet, who have mentioned Doug's good influence in the locker room. Flutie was dealt a rotten hand by owner Ralph Wilson in Buffalo after Doug gave the Bills such a huge boost in his first 2 years here. The cancer in the Bills locker room was NOT Doug Flutie. All the best to Doug Flutie. If he lands with the Patriots, as is being rumored, then good for him...and me...I'll get to see him again in person in Buffalo next season...you can bet the Flutie fans will be there by the thousands! I will definitely be at the ceremonies when Doug is inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. I'll be the one wearing the Chargers #7 jersey...my son will be wearing the Boston College #22 jersey. I have met Doug Flutie in person in a very public setting surrounded by many other fans and he was extremely kind, appreciative, and accommodating in our requests for autographs. AND HERE IS JUST ONE OF THE MANY OBSERVATIONS POSTED BY CHARGERS FANS: When we first got Flutie, I didn't have a good feeling about it. It was the whole Rob Johnson vs Doug Flutie hype that kind of got me going. But now, seeing Flutie with this team of ours, I believe it was Rob Johnson who was the problem, the Bills cut the wrong player. Flutie was and is a team player and it showed here. I wish him well wherever he goes, he brings excitement every time he steps on the field, the guy is a player and is in unreal shape for a man of his age. Even when he retires, I don't think he will be done with the game. He seemed like he would make a good coach by the way he was always talking to Brees and Rivers on the sideline. It looked like he was always trying to help the guy that had the job that he wanted to have. Good luck Little Dougie, wherever you end up playing or coaching.
  3. Thanks C. Biscuit...and to all the others above who made positive comments...instead of moronic ones.
  4. Since Donahoe became GM, Buffalo sports talkshow hosts, Buffalo's sportwriters and thousands and thousands of fans have bemoaned how Bills football has become boring, dull, unentertaining, and frustrating to watch. When Flutie played for the Bills, he always kept me on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what magic he was going to pull off next. I can't say that about any of his successors so far! FLUTIE LOVES THE GAME OF FOOTBALL and KNOWS THAT THE BUSINESS OF FOOTBALL IS ALL ABOUT ENTERTAINMENT...he had Buffalo buzzing with football excitement. Every Bills QB since Flutie has been absolute Dullsville. They have given little outward indication on the field that they love playing football...to them it seems to be just a job! It is a travesty that Ralph Wilson,Donahoe and Williams ran Flutie out of town. Look up Eric Mould's stats. He had most of the best games/performances of his career when Flutie was the QB. Flutie and Johnson played behind the same Offensive Line, but the results were like night and day. Those who are blaming the Bills Oline as the source of all of Bledsoe's poor performances have short memories. Flutie is a field general. If you saw come in off the bench to the SD vs. Jets game last Sunday with 5 min. left, and engineer a long TD drive, you can see that he has tons more field savvy than Bledsoe ever will....Five minutes to put together a scoring drive...something that Bledsoe couldn't do in 7 full games last year! Flutie always brings elements of the unpredictable on to the field as part of his game plan...something that Bledsoe is not capable of because he is a statue standing in cement shoes. From the little that I have seen J.P. Losman play, he impresses me as being a lot like Flutie in his style of play...I don't think that Losman is wearing #7 as a coincidence. For me, Losman cannot get healthy fast enough so that Dreadful Bedsore Deadsoe can be benched FOREVER from ever playing another game in a Bills uniform.
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