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Posts posted by BRAWNDO

  1. I haven't seen it mentioned in any article yet. If they are going to have a bank soon to do the vetting process, then they must already know who is and is not going to bid for the team. Toronto being so quiet makes me nervous.


    Good point. We also have not had a formal announcement from Jacobs, Pegula or another dark horse candidate with local ties on what their plans are either. The serious candidates are probably waiting until the investment bank is in place to make their intentions known.

  2. On the section about Cyrus K - they showed a screen grab of a web page. That web page was to the web-base software of Intelemage, called inteleGRID® Secure Medical Image Exchange.


    I'm not sure this means anything other than the status of Cyrus' knees was a matter of deep concern and they had scans of his knees to look at.


    Nice pick up.


    Love that they were trying to be even more aggressive and get back into the second round.

  3. Kiper gave the Seahawks a C- for their 2012 draft as well.


    He said this


    Russell Wilson is a great test case for shorter QBs, because he has everything else, but did they need him in the third round after grabbing Matt Flynn to come in and likely start?


    And the Bleacher Report had this to say about the same draft

    As if the day wasn’t bad enough, Seattle selecting Russell Wilson, a QB that doesn’t fit their offense at all, was by far the worst move of the draft.

    Gave them a F.


    Hopefully the Bills have the same results in 2 years!!

  4. Ok help me here. All I have heard since 1983' is Buffalo is a small market. The market can't support the Bills. Fans whine and B word every time ticket costs go up even though they are consistently the lowest or near lowest in the NFL. Can't sell all the Luxury suites and what we do sell has to be much less than other stadiums.


    So how the hell is the County and fans going to afford a new stadium? What do you guys think the seats will cost for this? And if the county and state have it so bad, how the hell are they going to finance this stadium without sticking hard to the tax payers? What about PSL's? I can't imagine fans being able to afford those and that has been one of the main ways to fund stadiums since Carolina built theirs.


    Its all good to talk about but the reality says It can't and even more so, shouldn't happen.


    Buffalo itself is a small market, hence the regionalization of the franchise to Southern Ontario and Rochester Regions.


    New York State will be the largest contributor to funding of a new stadium, thereby not limiting it strictly to Erie County Taxpayers.


    A domed stadium in combination with a new convention center that could be used year round, is one possible way to make a new complex more economically feasible.


    In terms of the PSLs, I believe this is where the Buffalo Fan Alliance comes into play. The BFA would be able to loan the new owners money towards the building of a new stadium, that would offset the need for PSLs or at least make the amount charged much less.

  5. This is what King had to say about the Bills in his column after the Bills drafted EJ.


    I think the Bills could be CIA agents. E.J. Manuel over Matt Barkley and Ryan Nassib? If you had that one, you are either Doug Marrone's wife or Buddy Nix's mantra-keeper. But Manuel is the kind of versatile quarterback -- the guy Jon Gruden firmly believes is the best all-around quarterback and team leader in the draft -- who should have a long career in the league. Great career? No one knows, and God knows the Bills have had their failures since Jim Kelly retired.


    I doubt too much has changed this year in terms of true information getting out.


    The Bills said the same thing about Tavon Austin last year as well to generate trade interest for the eighth pick.

  6. Terry may be a bigger fan than you know. Plus, his wife has been a Bills fan all her life. And then there's LaConfora's reports of Pegula's name being tossed around at the league meetings in March. Hmm. Granted, it's all speculation, but still.




    GO BILLS!!!


    Plus there is this from 2011 shortly after Pegula bought the Sabres





    "This was an easy decision for us," Pegula said in a release issued by both the Sabres and the firm. "We did extensive research to find the perfect fit. All of my resources had nothing but praise for Todd. His reputation among the elite NFL executives was phenomenal."
  7. Not sure if these have been posted. Jerry Zremski, one of the authors of the article was on NFL Sirius Radio with some interesting tidbits


    These are from Mike Watkins Twitter Acct: Mike Watkins@Merk256



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: things look good for the Bills staying in Buffalo...multiple people in the area will makes bid



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Jacobs is emerging as the leader to buy the #Bills...One of Jacobs sons would relinquish his rights to the bruins



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Need to be a Billionaire... Trump, Casino not a concern to the NFL, they are publicly traded entity



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Stadium Situation, Ralph 2nd oldest and outdated, there is interest in a new stadium, group working to build a new



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Governor and Shumer are very invested in keeping the #Bills in Buffalo. Governor very invested in Buffalo



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Economic turn has started in Buffalo, politicians recognize this and #Bills leaving would hurt/stunt growth



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius: Pegula has been key, waterfront redevelopment has been key, private sector showing interest in the area



    Jerry Zremski on Sirius:building a stadium in Buffalo will be priority over Niagara Falls. Type of stadium up to debate retractable/open air

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