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Posts posted by n3wyork13

  1. Teams spent 774 million on the first 25 players in free agency and NONE of them are Tier 1 Free agents. They are all quality players, most of them have been back ups, or 2 down players. Espically coming from Baltimore. Mike Wallace would be an exception...but thats debatable.

  2. There's not a single franchise that can afford to keep all their talented players. Little thing called the salary cap. They've done a good job in keeping Stevie Johnson and Kyle Williams, gave Fred his money and made a mistake on Fitz. Jairus Byrd will most likely receive the next big contract.


    For all Nix' faults, you can't say that he's been stingy in keeping the homegrown talent.


    I hate to see Levitre walk, but if it means getting Byrd, Spiller and one more quality player on this team for years to come, then it was worth it.

    No way Byrd Re-signs with the bills after this season. Dont you think hes tired of losing?

  3. This is emberassing. The Browns have now added two more very good defenders to a very good defense already. We are in total rebuild mode. The next move will be to give away next year's number 1 to KC to draft Geno Smith - a guy who has second round talent at best.


    I couldn't agree with you more man, Not only the browns but look at what the dolphins have done, not only is everyone laughing at the bills because the gm got cat-fished,Levitre goes to titans, we franchised byrd this seasons gonna be a bust so everyone KNOWS he's not gonna sign.Exactly what are they giving Marrone to work with? How much input on these descions does he have? Why havent we heard from him? We released our ****ty qb that should have never been given the contract he was given in the first place. No matter what we are going into next season with a QB that has never even taken a snap with the bills. Pisses me off that TJAX never even seen the field last year and then they re-sign him? Seriously?

  4. I have certainly said my fair share of negative stuff on this site...but man listening to half of the stuff yall say is mind boggling...we have a coach who actually wanted to come here, was part of the turn around in new orleans, then went to syracuse and turned that program around, we interviewed alot of coaches and for the first time in over a decade actually HAD A CHOICE in who we hired. We didnt have to scrape the bottom of the coaching barrel to find someone to the team. Relax...so what if he brings in Hacket from SU. Coach Marrone already said that although he wont do the play calling EVERYTHING will be run through him (unlike chan). Marrone will actually spend time coaching both sides of the ball instead of worrying about how to split up carrys between our 2 backs.

  5. I get pissed when the Bills lose and have seen them do nothing for over 25 years but at the end of the day (Like Mario usually says), i will always back and be a fan of the Buffalo Bills. People come on here and say "I wish they would just move", "I'm not going to watch them anymore" etc etc etc. those are the same people coming back on here when they are winning. Stick behind your team and hope for the best no matter what! Support!!!!! Speak up as a fan and be noticed (like fans did when they put $ together to make that billboard). Whatever it takes to bring a winning team to Buffalo!


    Damnit!!! Enough is Enough!!!!


    (That was my little vent)


    GO BILLS!!!


    Too bad there is one of these posts every week. Stick behind your team blah blah blah i

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