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Posts posted by n3wyork13

  1. ON paper the bills D-Line should stack up with the top dlines in the league, But Kyle Williams is past his prime, Dareus has never had a good defensive coach period, Mario wonders why he ever even came to buffalo. I think the dline will do good this year if we are winning, if we are losing look for mario to be detached, dareus to not be 100% commited to football and kyle williams will end up on IR.

  2. People need to RELAX. They are not trying to show everything in preseason for one. They ran a more basic D today then the last 2 weeks. This team has shown a lot of promise in the other 2 games and in practice from the defensive side of the ball. Do I think we will the top rated D in the league...no...but this team looks like it stole Jerry Hughes who has gotten pressure consistently all preseason and camp. With him and Williams on the outside, I expect to get a lot of pressure on the QB which leads to turnovers.


    I think this D is going to still struggle with stopping the run, but if we can be opportunistic and make big plays then this team could field a pretty good D. Today was bad, but the other 2 games it was pretty good. Its a young team, new staff, new system etc. There will be ups and downs.


    THe bills did blitz today but the packages didnt seem to be as exotic as they were the first two games. we got stuffed alot today and the CB and Safety play hurt us. EJ will be the starter week one, im not all that worried about week 1 vs pats. LOL!

  3. BIggest thing that is sticking out to me in the game so far is the way the offense runs with EJ and Kolb in there is TOTALLY diffrent. The attitude of the offense is blah, everyone is walking back to the huddle. When EJ is in there everyone is hustling back to the line EJ is commanding everyone in the right spot and its fluent.

  4. San Jose already won the day with "The Pettine Zoo" for our D.


    Chris Brown said thats one of the worst names he has heard


    Comment From Mark Is "The Pettine Zoo" the best nickname or worst nickname you've ever heard for our Defense?




    Chris Brown: Definitely the worst. That's a bit creepy.


  5. On NFL Insiders just now Mort said that the Bills have called around to other teams in the league, but their stance on Byrd was the same as the bills. Saying that they like byrd but are not going to overpay for him or to get him. Schefter then said to keep and eye on this situation because something tells him its just the beginning..... Not sounding good at all. Some other guy on the panel said that the Bills would like to keep byrd but keep in mind that they drafted jonahton meeks and duke williams, also they moved Aaron Williams to safety. So the Bills are not in a desperate situation at that postion.

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