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Momma Pecoraro

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Posts posted by Momma Pecoraro

  1. Can't trade dareus. I wouldn't cut tyrod because it doesn't really hamstring us to keep him. His cap hit isn't too bad and we can affordably cut him in 2018 if he sucks next year, and we have a plan of some kind.

    What plan would that be? Ride a qb without a third gear?

    It's so easy - trade all our good players and get a QB. I mean why hasn't anyone thought of that in our front office? It's just a matter of getting one - so simple.

    Hyperbole. Bills have decisions to make on Gilmore and Taylor. Pay Gilmore Revis money for above average not elite play? Or tag him and trade him instead of the Marv's strategy of making gentlemen's agreements to let assets walk for nothing.


    Pay Taylor a premium for limited qb play or move on and use the cap for better prospects.


    Bills have pieces, time for them to go Belichek.

  2. You're all about the OBD yard sale, huh?

    Cost benefit analysis. Dareus will f up again, it's not even unreasonable given the emotional trauma he's endured. I don't think football is his focus, and maybe it can't be given his history.


    The front seven has been functioning well without him. If you can entice another team who is sold on his talent to bite, do it, Tim Murray like. Grab a first and draft a less emotionally fraught, less cannabis dependent DT. Dareus is self medicating and it has nothing to do with physical football pain, and it won't stop. No life coach or selected periodical pr blitz will prevent Puff Daddy's next episode.


    Tyrod, has merit but is not worth 95 large. John Murphy has Bills fans repeating 'the Bills are built to run by design' canard, when it is really the Bills have no choice but to run as Tyrod is ill equipped to do what rookie qbs are already doing this year - that is, slinging the rock everywhere. I don't like the odds of the Bills riding the defense to Super Bowl glory. You're going to need to go bombs away more than once en route, and nothing I've seen give me the confidence to say the Bills are capable of doing that consistently, jv wrs notwithstanding.


    Until you have the guy at qb, Sammy is irrelevant, so heal him and deal him. Get your 1st back and draft a qb. Or go balls out and try to get someone like Stafford (Marcel, Sammy, Gimore, whatever). In the Bills case, a playoff birth is only a symbolic if you have no legit chance to contend.


    Nothing matters but the qb. Nothing.

  3. No brainer means everything. If it's a no brainer than there is no excuse not to go for it. If it's a 55-45 proposition or something close to that, you make a decision based on how the game is going, where you are playing, how your team is playing, what your record is, etc. it enters into the equation. One game you may kick, another game in similar circumstances you may go for it. The reason I wanted to go for it was the Bills were horrible in their first two games. We were at home. if we score, we give huge confidence to the team, and the crowd goes nuts. But I didn't think it was a no brainer. I totally understood why a coach would kick.


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