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Posts posted by Santana

  1. You can argue both sides here, I do agree with most of you guys though that it's ridiculous to complain about how bad the team is and then when they do good we don't stay and support. On the other hand people have been drinkin all day, been up since 6am, some people have a two hour or so drive, tired kids. There's just a bunch of different things that warrant people to leave the game a little early.

  2. You didn't post any facts.


    It's amateur hour to point out what you did. Anyone who knows a lick about the game, knows that Mario is THE REASON that the other defensive lineman you spoke about were playing as well as they were. 2 of our 5 sacks were directly attributable to Mario's presence in the pocket.



    I definitely agree with you, he was commanding a hell of a lot of attention on EVERY SINGLE PLAY. Triple teamed or doubled with a chip block, he still found a way to be somewhat disruptive and came away with a fumble recovery.

  3. Fitzpatrick is a back-up quarterback and he continues to do the same things now that he's been doing his whole career. He is just so erratic and put the Bills in the whole from the start. He's picking up right where he left off last year. At the same time however I blame Chan Gailey just as much as I blame Fitz. For some ignorant ass reason he keeps trying to put the game in the hands of fitz instead of putting the game in CJ and FJ's hands. That's why he got booted in KC because he's so damn predictable in his play calling.

  4. I honestly can't even believe there's a Pro-Rex Ryan thread day's before we play them. I mean it's whatever I guess but how can you honestly like a guy like Rex Ryan? He's the epitome of a douche bag. Anyone who claims his team is going to the superbowl and then doesn't make the playoffs is just a chooch.

  5. Does anyone notice that none of our DB's really seem to turn their heads and play the ball in the air? I've noticed a lot of plays where if they just turned around they could either get a hand on the ball or intercept it. I'm not particularly thrilled with the play of Aaron Williams but I'm also really concerned with the play of George Wilson. He's been beat over the top quite regularly this preseason.

  6. I wouldn't be too worried about Gilmore, I mean Antonio Brown is a good elusive route runner and he's overshadowed by Mike Wallace a lot. Gilmore is going to have a lot of Up's and downs this year, I'd be more concerned with Aaron Williams the guy simply has no ball skills whatsoever. All preseason he has been caught with his back to the ball, I've yet to see him turn around and actually try and make a play for the ball. Very concerning. George Wilson hasn't looked all that good either

  7. Kelvin is not ready to start yet, neither is Aaron Williams. These guys are being forced into starting roles based on where they were drafted and they're definitely not ready. Kirk Morrison should definitely be starting over Kelvin, he's more physical and is a proven LB in the league. He got completely ran over at the goal line yesterday as well

  8. This post is lame, I mean really no one is forced to be a Bill's fan. We all choose to be one, there's 31 other teams that you could be a fan of, You could make this list for any team in the NFL if you wanted to, there's just no relevance at all here, sorry. It's week 2 of the preseason for cryin out loud, lets not jump to conlcusions. There is just as many reasons why the Bills COULD make the playoffs too.

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