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tomato can

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Posts posted by tomato can

  1. Can anyone tell me what makes Kasich too liberal. Please be specific.


    I do not believe he is too liberal. He was being portrayed as a big government republican when he expanded the Medicaid roles under the ACA in Ohio. I'm surprised to learn that he does not have a position listed on his website about illegal immigration. Others could be right that he might not want to turn off Latino voters. I honestly do not remember in any of the debates him being asked his position on the issue of illegal immigration, but I could have missed it.



  2. Or, you could just let the troubled mind be. Seems a little easier in the end. Let him lung @ the cops with a bat and broken bottle and see how fast the cops shoot his sorry azz. You gotta be anti-gov't and paranoid if you believe the state will march in and take away your liberties if they have more firepower. There's the paranoia, anti-authority problem even from the so-called "sane minds."


    The world and this country is not a perfect place, never will be. Eliminate some of the efficient weapons out there. Easy to fix and deal with on a daily basis then trying to heal every sick person's mind.


    It is very much an arm's race out there.


    It is very much our birth right as an American to fight against tyrannical authority. People will invariably get confused when questioning authority, even a sane mind from time to time. Just look @ the people who fear gov't authority. Not that these Teabaggers are truly sane. ;-P ;-P Yet, why make it easier. Classic situation was the game of baseball in the late 1800's. Authority WAS expected to be question as your American birth right. It actually got so out of hand that fans were bringing firearms to the games to threaten the umpires. That's incredible! Things had to change. In the Old West, there was a reason why you checked your gun @ the saloon door. That "saloon" is now the world.


    This is what it is... Sad and tragic. Why keep on making things easier. It's a lot easier to solve the arms race as we did with the gangsters out-gunning the cops with firepower during The Prohibition Era. Gov't took control, passed stricter gun laws in the 1930's while granting it's citizens with more freedoms elsewhere (legalizing alcohol again). Illegal drugs are now the conerstone of the violence, not mental health. You are asking for a miracle and perfection trying to get 300 million people's mind right and on the same page all because some don't want their gun rights and entitlement well regulated.


    I am not anti-gun. So be it if people want an arms race. BUT, deal with these sad tragedies and move on with out a blink of a eye. It can be a teary eye, but don't blink.



    You are trying to compare two separate issues as being the same thing. I understand what you are saying about the 1930's, it worked without trampling on the rights of the people.


    In 1976 it the District of Columbia passed a law requiring a license to own or possess a handgun within city limits, then they turned around and stopped issuing licenses creating a de-facto gun ban. As a result, Washington D.C. had one of the highest crime rates in the country. So the fix that was put in place to help only encouraged the opposite. Adding more regulations to law abiding citizens who want own a firearm is not going to stop violence. People with mental health issues commit just as many crimes if not more of them without a gun. I don't see the arms race. There is plenty of people that support the 2nd Amendment yet have no desire to own a firearm.

  3. Huh?


    It's an arms race out there. How do you go about lessening it? More weapons, more firepower. I mentioned Prohibition Era. Of course they made booze legal again. It is now thugs w/drugs that have the firepower. The answer is not the status quo. A step in the right direction would be legalization of what fuels the violence: Drugs. Wouldn't that undercut the arms race just like repealing Prohibition did?


    Those two police officers had absolutely no chance sitting in that cruiser. Tell me how that can be prevented in the future? Again, pure rage against authority. You are seeing rage against authority more and more. How do you stop it? Dump more guns on the street? Less regulation? Clamp down on drugs?You got to be kidding!


    That's a preconceived notion that there is an arms race out there. I support peoples rights to keep and bear arms, yet I have no desire to own a firearm. You can legalize drugs but thats not going to stop or undercut violence, people commit all sorts of violent acts without a firearm.


    The 2 Police Officers were murdered by a person with a troubled mind. We have to do more to heal troubled minds. You could make the argument the guy with the troubled mind was pushed over the edge by the dignitaries who chime in on these incidents for political purposes. The overwhelming majority of people are law abiding citizens. The rage against authority is over blown when it comes to these things. People get these emotional based ideas and when its proven wrong, they protest and cause a bunch of nonsense. Thats not rage against authority thats people refusing the accept the reality of a situation.

  4. The Police asking for an apology is proof the police are completely out of touch with reality. People, even athletes, have the right to protest anything they want.


    The Police should have just ignored this. However these guys got a lot of nerve, they play in a league filled with athletes who are often involved in violent confrontations off the field and these guys are quick to jump up and show support for those fellow athletes. They should work a little harder at cleaning up their own act. This was nothing more than a bunch of grandstanding.

  5. Net Neutrality has had its own thread. Many times. The issue is clear as a bell for anyone who has bothered to familiarize themselves with the material, therefore, it's hardly worth discussing. But, if you want to start yet another thread, and decry poor Google's position that they deserve more for less. Go ahead. I will bring my axe.


    The very notion that Google is now building it's own ISP infrastructure? That should tell a person of >= average intelligence the following:

    1. The status of the Net Neutrality law = never going to happen

    2. Google's goals haven't changed, they are merely changing tactics....because of #1.

    3. Because of #2, Net Neutrality's entire reason for being is clear beyond all doubt. They tried to pass a law to rip us all off, they failed. Now they are doing what they want the harder and more expensive way.

    4. By creating their own infrastructure, they hope to compete the existing ISPs out of business by providing content, via software that is only accessible using their infrastructure(that's why software always rules, no matter what hardware companies try to do to lock you in. In the end, software people(like me): circumvent. See this: http://phonegap.com/ We've been using phonegap for years, and have contributed code and testing to that project. More importantly we deploy real-world architecture using it, which lends them our cred. And....so much for Apple's app approval process = so much for hardware lock in.)


    But despite all of this, they will ultimately fail, just like NFL Ticket failed to make DirectTV dominant. Once again, the internet doesn't take kindly to any company trying to dominate it, and Google is going to learn this lesson when their supposedly ISP-only content is either hacked, converted, or integrated and then web serviced to the other ISPs....most likely by some free-to-pay services. It will be PhoneGap all over again.


    Thus, what's left to discuss? New thread? I'm just going to cut/paste this into that new thread.


    I'm not defending google....no axe needed. Honestly I was never even familiar with Net Neutrality until I read about in this thread. I don't always get a chance to read the forum and missed those other threads about it. After reading that they are deploying their own ISP I then came across what plans they might be offering in my area and shared it. You explained exactly what it is they are doing and I won't be ordering from them now that I am familiar with it did some reading about it. Screw google.

  6. This chick nails it.





    In summary: A low level GOP staffer criticized Obama's daughters on her Facebook page for dressing and acting inappropriately at an event and it became the weekly outrage.


    She nailed it....As she said near the end of the article


    "There is a huge liberal bias problem in the media (fun recent graph related to the problem here). Pretending it’s not there is not going to make it go away. But pointing out the problems year after year isn’t making things better"


    Nothing ever seems to change with these reporters....What can we do?

  7. Now here's something worth discussing:




    Give Saudi Arabia credit: Whoever sets oil-production policy for the desert kingdom has guts. Unfortunately, the sheiks have made what’s likely to become a sucker’s bet.

    You know this part already, but the 12-nation Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries last week declined to cut production, sending Brent crude oil futures tumbling to their cheapest point since 2009. The Saudis appear to be spoiling for a fight, trying to find out exactly how cheap oil must be to force surging U.S. shale-oil production to seize up like an unlubricated engine.

    “Naimi declares price war on U.S. shale oil,” a Reuters headline shouted, referring to Saudi Arabia Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi.

    But there are at least three big problems with this strategy. One, North American crude isn’t as expensive to produce as it used to be. Two, there’s more than you think in the pipeline to make it even cheaper. And third, OPEC nations, including Saudi Arabia, have squandered their edge in cheap oil supplies on welfare states rulers can’t easily cut back.

    In 2012, when U.S. shale burst into public consciousness, common wisdom was that it would cost at least $70 to $75 a barrel to produce. As recently as last week, saying U.S. producers could tolerate $60 oil seemed aggressive.

    But data from the state of North Dakota says the average cost per barrel in America’s top oil-producing state is only $42 — to make a 10% return for rig owners. In McKenzie County, which boasts 72 of the state’s 188 oil rigs, the average production cost is just $30, the state says. Another 27 rigs are around $29.


    Time for them to do a little belt tightening.

  8. I'm somewhat familiar with Google Fiber's deployment plans and service options, since I work for their biggest competitor in this region. Aside from that, Net Neutrailty is a topic that deserves it's own thread.


    I was just sharing what their service options were that I came across. Your comment was spot on in seeing what their stance would be after deploying their own ISP infrastructure. Net Neutrality definitely deserves its own thread.

  9. this is absolutely correct. it's nice to see someone else saying this for a change. the only things I'd add is that Netflix is another of the companies who doesn't want to be charged for sucking up all that bandwidth, and that it will be interesting to see Google's take on the issue once they have deployed their own ISP infrastructure (they're laying down fiber here in Austin to begin offering their 1G internet service).


    another part of the proposed net neutrality is to make the internet a utility, giving the federal government regulatory power over it. does anyone think that they wouldn't exercise control over content like they do with television and radio?


    I came across this today.....



    Google Fiber is a 1 Gigabit internet service that accomplishes high speed internet access through fiber optic cable to each home instead of an area node. Google offers three plans for customers:

    • Free 5 Megabit service with a one time 300 dollar fee.

    • 1 Gigabit internet service for 70 dollar a month. (5x comcast highest priciest speed.) (300 dollars waived)...


    • 1 Gigabit Internet service and 150 full HD channels for 130 a month. (300 dollar fee waived.)

    With other benefit including a competitive edge to local businesses and schools, more widely and quicker accessible information and competition in the internet marketplace I'd like to ask if Google fiber were to ask for early sign-ups in the Chicago area, to see which areas would actually get that service, how many of you would sign-up?

  10. Bull. They should have had every National Guard troop in Missouri on those streets with an adequate supply of flexi-cuffs and the ROE to use them. They should have started stacking those !@#$ers up like cord wood and sending the message that the second you step over the line, you're going into custody and getting a record. None of this "catch and release" **** they did before. Put them in the tombs for a few days and let them feel what it's really like.


    The message should have been sent loudly and clearly that what happened in August wasn't happening again, under any circumstances. The "Hug-a-Thug" tactics opened them up to this mess and were started by the "leadership" of idiots like Jay Nixon and Claire McCaskill. They cut the police off at the knees and essentially declared open season on the citizenry of a town.


    This probably the only way to stop the riot chasers. It's their opportunity to fight with the police, engage in civil disobedience, vandalise, loot, arson, ect without really being detained and properly charged. Tear gas and rubber bullets apparently is not a good deterrent.

  11. Medical Marijuana comes to the southeast side of Chicago. Some residents are for it some are against it. I copy & pasted some of the comments from the local page for your reading enjoyment!





    Here are some of the comments. Some of the comments will have you shaking your head :thumbsup:


    "Ald. Ed Burke was the primary sponsor of an ordinance, citing a rash of burglaries and robberies in Colorado and California, where medical marijuana has been legal for years. He highlighted a California case in which a medical marijuana owner was tortured by people trying to determine where he kept his cash. These businesses are conducted almost entirely in cash because it is exceedingly difficult for them to open and maintain bank accounts. The banks don't want to deal with the Feds when the raids start. They pay employees with envelopes of cash. When they are able to open bank accounts its often under false pretenses, many have taken to storing money in tupperware containers filled with air fresheners to mask the smell of marijuana(think home invasions).The all-cash nature of the business has also created huge security concerns for business owners, employees, & communties."



    "so an example of our BS federal government making things worse for everyone. It would be ideal if he state and feds could get over their BS, but if you think for a second that the eastside and hegrwisch aint already FILLED with green, And a good portion from grimey ass gangbangers, then you're dead wrong. Uou want the mafia controlling booze, or a flawaed government? You want the kings,dragons,counts, etc,etc, floodin the southside with green, or a flawed government? I would never say its perfect, but our current status is FAR from it! It was made illegal from the jump due to harry anslinger and willaim randolph hearst, a known racist whob hated the hemp competition with his timber buisness, and "weed" was made illegal based on stories of it making "black men rape white

    Woman," and "making Mexiacans violent." Its all BS. Of course weed is a mind altering substance that isnt great for everyone, and should be regulated. But the fact that its illegall is based on racist propoganda BS, and the bangers benefit just like the mobsters did during prohibition."



    "The world is a changing place. I, as well as others, cannot speculate on the number of jobs the cultivation of approximately 4,500. lb. of cannabis would produce; however, in what way do you imagine the center being automated. Even as the conventional food system is mechanized, agriculture requires HANDS -ON. Cannabis is not a "fruit bearing plant", the "profit" is pruned ... making way for the plant to regenerate, creating more. Automation, in this respect, cannot replace human activity. Moreover, should he join the growing ranks of organic cannabis production, the constant cultivation would provide many other un-skilled jobs; with just compensation, these unskilled workers would have income where there was none prior. Where some income replaces no income, the capacity to invite additional community investment is increased. Although the cultivation center sustains the enclosure, the product does not impose ANOTHER environmental hazard, is speculated to promote social order by increasing availability of a drug --known to be effective--with mutual externalities in reducing the illicit trades."


    ----While they provide the medium for vertical farming, hydroponics and aquaponics, demolition of the buildings would be an absence of foresight (cannot grow year round in Chicago without them). How many residents are currently being paid (FT or PT) at 112nd and Avenue O? Hemp potential is tremendous and as we can agree the cultivation of hemp/cannabis does not impose ANOTHER environmental hazard, is speculated to promote social order by increasing availability of a drug --known to be effective--with mutual externalities in reducing the illicit trades, we can embrace progress (even in little steps), or be lost within the shadows of the past where the 10th Ward is nothing more than a sacrifice zone for dumping, storage, incineration of waste and carcinogenics."



    "Interesting note, as "medical marijuana is finally being recognized as a viable alternative to more dangerous and addictive drugs"....can you guess which industry financed medical opposition to the medical marijuana industry? That's right. The pharmaceutical industry. Can you guess which industry supplements the conventional food system? That's right the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. See a connection. Critical Legal Studies support laws are enforced to empower the elite. Why would a multi-billion dollar industry be willing to forego profits through the legislated accessibility? They wouldn't. Do state governments recognize the potential through their 10th Amendment rights? YOU betcha'. After the pharmaceutical industries have been given time to adjust and once the finance industry accumulates controlling shares, both medical and recreational use of marijuana will obtain the federal stamp of approval. This could take a few more years. Change, however, is inevitable. The youth from 20 years ago are acquiring those administrative positions to empower change. In the meantime, the 10th Ward will be in the position to thrive, or stuck in an trap of isolationism."


    "As the acceptance has increased, so has regulation. Marijuana/Hemp cultivation has a tremendous amount of oversight, including the FDA, USDHHS and Proessional Regulatory authorities. Final comment on the thread: Any representative at the time who fails to write a Community Benefits Agreement into the proposal is not fit to lead."



    "I'm all for medical marijuana being prescribed to patients who will benefit from it. I'm all for the regulation and montoring of a medicinal products to insure public safety. It's good to see industry returning to the southeast side region. It was the shady background of the owner of this proposed plant that has drawn scrutiny and media attention. There are some that have an issue with the secrecy, deception, inconsideration and disrespect shown to the residents of the 10th Ward, where these local projects are concerned. "Public meetings" also require adequate, widely disseminated public notiification. To do otherwise leaves one to suspect an underhanded, backroom deal has been intentionally made, without the community's knowledge"



    "do you honestly think you are going to be able to negotiate a CBA with someone like Mandera? If it is not initiated on the front end (which it has not been) it is not going to happen."


    Damned skippy, Mandera would have agreed to a CBA!!! Again, as the State of Illinois has designated "manufacturing" communities for the production of hemp, Mandera would have had little choice--NO choice if he wanted a sufficient amount of land logistically feasible, that is, immediately access to major highways, immediately accessible to the river. He is in transportation and KNOWS this accessibility to transportation and logistics within what the State has designated the Millennium Reserve, will be equal to millions in savings. Yes, Mandera could then select a site west of the river--closer to Pullman and Roseland. Those communities, however, have Community Development Corporations which would have been much more likely to DEMAND a Community Benefits Agreement. So, would Mandera agree to a CBA to acquire the required acreage (for a savings) while saving millions (over time) in transportation costs. You bet your ass he would. He would be a fool not to, and obviously, as there is tons of money in the Farm Bill for hemp production, he has the experience, the money and the knowledge to exploit the opportunity for profit. Again, with a CBA not being "initiated on the front end", it exemplifies,not the quality of leadership, but the work of a pig fit for slaughter."



    " There are serious issues with the secrecy-- however, our deceptive leader can point out that there have already been IL State announcements regarding proposed land use of the Millennium Reserve. This," inconsideration and disrespect shown to the residents of the 10th Ward" appears to be nothing less than doing the minimum amount of work for the maximum amount of pay. As stated, it is POOR leadership, and as I NEVER expect anything from this piece of ****, he is a pig--and should be slaughtered. Hopefully, the voter turn out will recognize the poor quality of leadership. With designations made at State levels to uplift impoverished communities, used by local representative to kiss the ass of a capitalist -- w/o subjecting the venture (made possible through the Farm Bill) to a Community Benefits Agreement, demonstrates a thorough lack of knowledge. No businessman gives away their assets. As Mandera would have had very little economically feasible choices, to not consider the community assets--to thoroughly en-richen the residents of the community-- where local projects are concerned, this preliminary approval is highly suspicious indeed. However, it is "preliminary"



    "Why not?? How is it diferent than a brewery? Adult tax paying citisens should be able to do their own thing. More American jobs!"



    "Im just thinking that if it will create decent jobs then great. But of all the economic opportunities for Chicago to create for Hegewisch, a pot farm?"



    "Its not just pot. Surprisingly there's a lot of science behind it. Different amounts of the different chemicals in the plant produce different effects. They can be hallucinogenic or it can be a pain reliever. There's various combinations. #ThankYouDenverTrip"



    "It might "yuppify" Hegewisch, raising property taxes through the roof"



    "I'm down! I've been looking into getting a job into that field because that's where the money is at, hopefully they can make a huge profit ( which they will ) and will offer good health benefits and retirement plans. I have 7 years in the medical field. I would def take their tests and prove to them I'm an honest worker and wanna help out people that seriously need it."


    "If this becomes a reality, I see it as an asset to the community. Medical marijuana is finally being recognized as a viable alternative to more dangerous and addictive drugs. Investors, politicians and the general public are increasingly becoming aware of the medical benefits of the plant."

  12. Has Participatory Budgeting been successful anywhere? Some politicians are pushing this parctice and telling people that they can decide where monies get spent in their communities. Most people can't put together a budget to pay their own bills, now we are going to let them decide what capital improvements are made...

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