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Posts posted by JLO

  1. I've thought about why the first Death Star took so much longer to build than the second one. When they started building the first Death Star, there were still vestiges of the Republic. Resources would have been less mobilized for a war effort, especially with the Clone Wars drawing to a close. Also, the possibility of Senatorial scrutiny would encourage a smaller percentage of the budget to go into a secret project like the Death Star.


    The second time around, it's possible the Empire was in more of a hurry to get the thing built, and more willing to divert resources from Star Destroyers or other military spending. Also, the Empire would be more able to impose onerous tax burdens on people.


    also,the Emperor gave out no-bid contracts to his buddies in the military-industrial complex.

  2. Great way to end this saga. Ive seen every one during their original theatrical run and now just need a Bills SB win to be able to say I can die now.

    The scene at the end with the Emperor, Vader, and Tarkin on the Star Destroyer bridge with the Imperial officers below really nailed it for me as far as tying it in to the originals. Im going to see it again tomorrow.

    One thing though, besides each film consisting of peoples appendages getting cut off, there seems to be an abundance of scenes where characters are hanging off ledges or falling down shafts.

    Thanks Mr. Lucas

  3. anyone remember the bomb to Lofton on the Bills first possession? Seemed to me he had enough seperation between him and the DB to run in for a TD, instead he gets pushed out around the Giants 5yrd line and all we got was a FG. It would have been sweet to beat Parcells and Belichick on the same field and squash all this genius talk that

    we're stuck with when it comes to these two chumps.

  4. Agreed, the bad ass characters are Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Greivous etc. They build the Death Star. The leader of the Jedi is a small green midget that retreats to a swamp when the going gets tough.


    Personally, I think the Emperor is pretty lame. He just sits in a big chair and stares out into space? Be cooler if he was a Scarface-gangster type, sitting in his hot tub surrounded by beautiful women puffing on a fat cigar eating prime rib and sipping on champagne.

  5. Anakin as the chosen one is still the most logical, as it is he (as Vader) who ended up tossing the Emperor into the power core pit or whatever it was in RotJ. Luke was laying down and crying like a sissy while the Emperor was electrifying his ass.


    I always questioned this scene here, why couldnt the Emperor use his dark side powers to stop from falling or levitate himself out of that pit?

  6. I dont think they actually destroy them, but send them over seas to third world countries. I can name a lot of places in Honduras or Nicaragua that can use some T-shirts and hats. When I went to visit Nicaragua, I saw some incorrect chamionship gear.


    an ex-girfriend found me a Bills Super Bowl XXXVIII Champions t-shirt at a swap meet down in Costa Rica a few years ago.

  7. I dont know what all this "sci-fi/comic book geeks dont get laid and live in their parents basement BS is about." I know plenty of hot girls who are into that stuff also. I love Star Wars and get plenty of action, and yes, with girls. Just more of the narrow-minded thinking thats screwing up this country I guess.

  8. As a Buffalo-to-CA transplant myself, and as someone with experience helping people conceptualize and launch small businesses, my two cents would be to broaden your potential market beyond those interested in Buffalo food. Maybe a broader Great Lakes focus?... with "local" specialties from not only Buffalo, but also Chicago, Cleveland, Michigan, etc.? You could organize the menu as such, and target your marketing infiltrate other "transplant" groups such discussion boards for the Bears/Bulls/WhiteSox/Cubs, Browns/Cavs/Indians, etc.



    for the Pittsburgh transplants you could serve a Primanti Brothers sandwich

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