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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. I thought it was the right call. The play happened close to where I sit. It's OK to discuss the call in my opinion, but we can't say we lost because of a ref's call. The Bills lost that game all by themselves. You know I can't think of a game in recent memory where I walked out of RWS so mad. Maybe the expectations of the season opener, and leading all game long and giving it away at the end. I don't know, but I was steamin'
  2. Hope they screw you good! If you're going 84 in a 55, I don't want you on the road with me. That's reckless disregard for yourself and others too
  3. No way, leave the w-barrow at home. 30 minute waits at each stand for 2 wings. That's what last year was. Never go back
  4. I saw on TV Indian Larry do that stunt. Guess he did it so often it wasn't much of a stunt as much as just part of his every day riding.
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