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Posts posted by BiggieScooby



    Really? probably why your D been so bad this year, they are readin message boards instead of preparing for a game. As for that hit I didnt see it I just know Spikes got fined for it, so I am admitting nothing.. since I didnt SEE it.


    and you are a TROLL for thinking your TEAM needs to do cheap shots and hurt their fellow players to win...


    I'd be with a Wilfork-like forearm to Brady's unprotected right knee. If that makes me a TROLL so be it.

  2. If Brady has a weakness it's in his shoulder / arm area. He's had a bad non throwing shoulder throughout the years. Dareus supposedly hit a dummy as hard as ESPN Sports Science has ever measured. That said how do you not give the "indirect" order for him to take a hard wrap up tackle and blow thru Brady & land on him with all his force?


    Brady has long lanky arms, his forearms are prime for a break if a face mask were to directly blow into him. Brady's arm is vunerable and his right hand would be my target. I'd bend his finger, stomp on his hand and break him into pieces.


    I'd expect this kind of play from Baltimore, Pittsburgh or the Jets but not our pansy ass Bills. Maybe someone locates his "sack" and plays with some balls Sunday. I'm not holding my breath.

  3. Can't help but think, could taking a little more risk and trying outside of the box thinking help Chan Gailey turn things around? Sure! Will he do it? Probably not.


    My personal argument is even with 7 guys in the box, CJ, Fred & Tashard could probably get it to 4th & 2 or less on 75% of all offensive possessions simply lining up with 5 offensive linemen, 2 tight ends, and 1 wideout, with Corey McIntrye lead blocking.



  4. How long until Republicans start ripping Romney apart, my reenacting, gun loving brother-in-law is already going on about how what a loser Romney is, a pretty stark change since about 15 hours ago Romney was going a wonderful President.


    Right. This is reflected in the exit polling - 37% of Romney voters said this was a rebuke of Obama, wheat as 7% of Obama voters were voting due to their anti-Romney stance.


    I still say the Republicans can't be the old white man party, and the top 10%.

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