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Posts posted by mdk

  1. we shall see. real games start very soon. then we will know what we have.


    preseason = garbage. If not for the huge $$ involved, we would be down to 2 games by now in the new CBA.


    unfortunately, doesn't look like EJ is the real deal.. this could get ugly


    You want "ugly"? Flash forward to 2015's NFL draft where, after an abysmal season, Buffalo's fans desperate for a franchise QB, are forced to sit on the sidelines without their #1 pick. Can you imagine the roaming lynch mobs? That will be ugly.

  2. Just wait. The EJ bashers will soon be here with the,"we should have signed Manziel" nonsense.


    It's early in Manziel's transition to the pros. However, there are signs he processes the game quickly. With more reps I think he's going to be Tony Romo +. Which, sadly, is a more positive projection than EJ, whom remains inaccurate with sub par football instincts. Note to Bills scouts and FO: when drafting a QB, size ain't everything!

  3. Right now Fitzpatrick is a better quarterback. So yes I wish he was on this team. Better QB = more wins in my opinion.


    I am convinced that if Fitz was here and there was an open quarterback competition, he would win.


    From extensive practice and coaching, EJ would have time to develop those "coachable" shortcomings that we have been told he has.


    If and when EJ eventually "earned" his start in the NFL because he outplayed a legit starting QB, then I predict we would see a much better quarterback than we see now.


    Good comment. Agree, that would have been a better way to develop a young QB like EJ.

  4. the criticism is deserved.


    but hey, marcel just issued a statement:


    "After dealing with a personal matter in Alabama, I am excited to return to training camp to rejoin my teammates in our preparations for the 2014 season.


    "Right now, my focus is on earning the trust of my teammates, coaches and the fans while continuing to improve as a football player. I have a passion for this game and I want to be here to help this organization achieve its goals. There are things I need to work on professionally and personally to make sure I can be accountable to myself, my family, this team and this community.


    "My focus will remain on achieving that goal one day at a time. I want to thank the Bills organization, coach Marrone and the coaching staff, my teammates and our fans for their continued support."





    with all that god given talent....he will get lots more chances to do better.


    and i'm pretty sure he will screw up some more.


    Pretty clear the apology was written by the Bills' PR department. Appreciate the organization wants to help one of their football assets get his s%#t together. Only MD can make that happen. Does he have the self-discipline? Does he want it enough? We shall see...

  5. TJ isn't a bad receiver. I think he is better than most people say. A lot of people hate him because he is mostly a number 3 receiver and we "could" have had russel Wilson with his pick. He isn't bad, but we have talent at receiver that is ahead of him. On other teams, he would be a solid number 3 guy.


    Geez, he's fast BUT... I have to agree with most other posters: TJ has not shown much catching or route running ability. No evidence to show he'd earn a #3 spot on 'any' NFL team. Maybe CFL???

  6. He had 7.5 sacks and 71 tackles last year. If thats spotty in his play for a DT, we should be so lucky.


    If the Bills cut him, then it is not about winning anymore. He's a great player who has made some stupid mistakes in the last few weeks. Have a heart, help the guy, keep your pro bowlers


    Would you pick up Aldon Smith? If the niners cut him would you pick him up?


    This +1.

  7. At what point do we stop making f-ing excuses for this guy.


    Life is about choices, he needs to choose to be a grown up and to play football. If not, he's not helping our team to succeed.


    He's becoming our next Marshawn Lynch all over again.


    Sure, that bum Marshawn Lynch. Hmm, whatever became of him?

    Unless you're running a Bible school, work with Dareus. He's a good football player and one of the pieces of the puzzle to build a championship team.

    P.S Speaking of Seattle, I bet you'd have tried to run Richard Sherman out of town for his televised rant.

  8. has little to no bearing on his ability to play football unless you want to cut him based on some moral position in which case you're delusional, the only difference between dareus and most other young NFL stars is hes dumb enough to get caught. cutting him DOES NOT make our football team better even from a locker room perspective, in my opinion the team would do well with a veteran presence, somebody like ed reed...


    This. +1

  9. Yes, Stevie Johnson had a down season for him. But how would you like to be the Bill's targeted receiver playing catch with last year's turnstile of 'not ready for prime time' QB's?


    While Stevie may not be a true #1 receiver (hope the FO will stop drafting TJ Graham, et al), he IS more than capable of being part of a successful team. This board is quick to get RID of talented, outspoken players (Marshawn, Donte, etc.). A likely 4th round draft pick for SJ doesn't advance the playoff cause.

  10. Big improvement on the field (not off) but I'd still rather have AJ Green


    Typical Bills fan, Chicken Little 'sky is falling' response: 'Dareus, ALL PRO? Yeah, okayy, but I'd rather have a different all pro' (i.e AJ Green). How about GREAT, we've got a killer DT, let's build some MORE building blocks through FA or the draft! (Like Sammy Watkins, for example).

  11. Schaub, in many ways, is like Ryan Fitzpatrick, but on a better team... IMO, Schaub has been the thing that has held the Texans back over the years, from making that next step... he can put up numbers (or he could, who knows what is up with him now?), and yeah, might be a decent back-up for somebody..but unless you are pretty much admitting that Manuel is not your guy (some fans may be at that point, but I don't think the Bills are), Schaub may not be the best guy for that job. And, honeslty, if Schaub is content with being a back-up, I think he would target a team in better shape than the Bills...



  12. i am still not sold on Wilson


    Am a former Buffalonian who lives in the Pacific Northwest. I watch Russell Wilson weekly and read about him daily. My observations: he lives the game, is extraordinarily prepared, sneaky fast, has a rifle of an arm, computer-like accuracy, senses pressure like a barometer, and escapes tackles like Houdini. "Not sold on (Russell) Wilson"? Hmm, you, sir, are a very tough sell indeed!

  13. Woods and Goodwin must be chop liver. We have a nice young crop coming up together. Graham is close to bein real good. We need 3 things on offense, a TE who can run and catch, a stud OG and a between the tackles kick your ass running back in the mold of brandon jacobs. EJ just needs a little more time to develop. Injuries have hampered him but every week I see improvements. The Bills wont be drafting a wide receiver.

    "TJ Graham is close to bein' real good?" Maybe in the CFL. He's not tough enough, clutch enough, or consistent enough of a route runner to be a # 3 NFL WR, let alone anything more. He'll be at the crossroads of getting cut next year. Hope I'm wrong but that's what my eyes have seen over the past 2 years.

  14. Russell Wilson and EJ Manuel both are young QB's. RW and EJ are both poised, articulate, and likeable human beings. RW and EJ both have strong arms. Other than these shared traits, there's a few things to separate them: height, throwing accuracy, a talent for reading defences, a 6th sense for feeling pressure, and an uncanny drive to be a champion. These are things that keep EJ from credibly being in the same conversation as Russell Wilson.


    Am not saying Ej can't get better or even become a good NFL QB, but there's sufficient evidence there's a wide gap between the two. Then again there's a fairly wide gap between RW and most of the QB's in the NFL. He's special.

  15. The Bills primary need, among many, is QB. I mean, is Tavares Jackson really going to be our starting QB?? I like the upside (MVP Senior Bowl), leadership, and personality of EJ... more than Gino! So, unless someone in the 10-15 range swaps picks with us, we wont get our man by waiting until the 2nd round. Move on E.J early and address the myriad of other needs after.

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