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Posts posted by Jobu

  1. For one labeled an EJ lover, I see TT playing his typical style. Reading half the field, then scrambling, and not using Sammy.


    I am totally shocked at the massive # of posts coming down on Taylor.


    Its like Humpty Dumpty took a great fall.


    EJ and TT are one in the same to me. Both have a ton of talent. In different areas obviously. Either could develop into a quality starter if given time. I don't think either will be given the time. Buffalo is not exactly known for having patience with young QB's / QB's with limited experience. Notice I did not say develop into the next Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, or even All-Pro.


    For it to work in Buffalo we are going to have to hit the lottery and get the next Jim Kelly in the draft. A guy that can just kill it from the get go.

  2. I was at the game and it finally struck me that what makes the Pats so good is their incredible awareness of what is happening every second of the game. Belichick (and Ernie Adams) realize that most officiating crews are a bunch of imbeciles so they so pull crap like illegal substitutions because they know they will get away with it most of the time. They also instantly go into a hurry up offense when they see the opposing defense dithering. The Bills looked like the Keystone Cops half the time and even though we were able to knock Brady off his game, Belichick, the Zen Master, always seems to know what is going on and what will happen.


    They probably have analytics indicating what habits each ref has.

  3. We are going to know ten times more than we do right now about Tyrod ataylor after the KC and Houston games. It's almost senseless to predict what the Bills will do next year or whether he has long term viability before those two games are played.


    Not almost Kelly, it is senseless. I would love nothing more than to see him rise to the occasion. He has shown he is capable, he just needs to put it all together with some help from Roman on the play calling.

  4. He is staying in the pocket for one thing. Earlier in the season he was bailing almost immediately. He is getting deeper into his reads. Essentially he is learning how to be a pocket passer. Which is what he needs to be able to do to overcome defensive gameplans like the one he saw last night.


    My one knock against him is that he has not made any progress looking off his reads. The safeties still read him like a book.


    Alot of people say he can not pass over the middle. I disagree, much like Flutie he needs a bootleg to read the middle of the field. I would like to see Roman incorporate some more of that.


    Rome was not built in a day.

  5. 1. God awful refereeing -- Between the missed late hits on Both QB's to the inadvertant whistle, to not stopping the clock on the last play. Way way to many mistakes and why did they have to huddle up for every dang call!!


    2. Injuries -- Both teams got Key players dinged up, I hope none on either side are season ending. (Pats were down to LaFell and UDFA (just called up from PS) Harper at WR lol)


    3. The Bills D brought it big time last night Brady was hit alot and you could tell the Oline was confused on who to block. Great game plan bythe Bills


    4. I thought the Pats D also played a great game and Butler for the second week in a row pretty much neutralized a top tier WR. (That one catch by Watson was sick!)


    5. Very good game and the Special teams fumble made a big big difference.


    Glad we are done with you guys till at least the playoffs, good luck from here on out.


    You strike me as the type of opposing fan I like to run into at games. Thanks for keeping it classy. :beer:

  6. Holy mother of god. Just stop people. We are still alive. If by some horrible luck Tyrod cannot play on Sunday -- we pretty much have no chance. We are alive because of him. He has progressively gotten better. I have not given up on him. But then I have not given up on Ryan, Roman, or any one else yet. Christ if this team was ran according to some of the thought patterns on this board we would have new coaches, qb's, etc. every three games.


    Get a f'ing grip.

  7. Not a troll acount. It is my job to make the more simple minded people more aware of what is happening right in front of their faces. History is a pretty good indication of what will happen tonight imo.


    I predict we will see something even more fantastic in regards to the refs favoring the *pats than yolo could imagine in his wildest dream. Let's see what note you guys are singing at about 1145. Eventually you will be forced to wake up. And in regards to my other refs thread why dont you read my last one about the "will the refs let us win the game" and tell me where i was wrong. If you ask me my prediction was pretty scary as far as how accurate it was.


    If this was back to the futre most of you would be Biff.


    Yeah but you are dead. Explain that.

  8. 212-450-2000. You will thank me after the game. The only way things will change is if we start a movement and force the Hand of the NFL.


    My advice would be not to sound like a crying Bills fan but rather to focus on the fact that it is apparent *pats games are predetermined.


    You know that you are supposed to be dead right? You kicked it like 7 years ago.

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