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Posts posted by Jobu

  1. It does. It tells me that there are many millions of wild raving morons in this nation.


    I'm not here to defend Hillary or grind any ideological ax, but there is no comparison to Trump. He's a !@#$ing joke! This whole bizarre extended episode of mass delusion will be looked back upon in embarrassment.


    I don't consider myself a wild raving moron, and I don't think anyone on the two non-profit boards I serve on would say that either. I have three solid kids, a great wife, and I make a good living. I own my own home, I am a college graduate, I have many old friends who are not white--I spent a good portion of my childhood in Wellston, MO.


    In my eyes, the mass delusion is our current government and the wild raving morons are the people that continue to vote the same types of career politicians into office and expect different results. The same people who are spoon fed their information by the MSM.


    Have a great day!

    I'm going to do you a favor, and you may wish to take stock because I don't do this often, and take a break from mocking you to explain why you're being mocked.


    You're displaying an astonishing lack of self awareness while exhibiting a completely unearned sense of self importance. No one here knows who the hell you are, yet you've rolled in, without taking a breath to make a reasoned argument, demanding that everyone submit to your superior understanding, when you've made absolutely zero case for it. And then when you're being derided for exactly that behavior, your go-to is that you're rolling in the dough, and to attach dopey under-cooked labels to the people calling you to the carpet. News for you bub: your Trump-lite shtick isn't working. Lyin' Ted, Crooked Hillary, and Little Mario don't post here; and no one cares or believes that you're "very rich".


    If this is some carefully crafted online persona designed to look like anything other than an under-employed, angry millennial screaming out into a world that quite frankly doesn't give a !@#$ about you while you play at cool, desperately trying to make folks think that you're more than you are, it isn't working.


    That pooped collar, styled bed head, ripped skinny jeans, rolled cigarette, hint of mascara, slam poetry, wallet on a chain imagery?


    That's the imagery you've conjured up with your behavior.




    That is your perception. My perception is the three of you think you are god's gift and you come off that way too. Save your sermons for someone who gives two ***** what you dribble out of that receptacle you call a mouth.

  2. I still can't completely get it through my head that the loudmouth idiot real estate scumbag Donald Trump is hijacking our entire culture in this insane frenzied ego orgy and getting millions of people to magically forget that he's a sleazy loudmouth !@#$ long enough to actually consider voting for him. Didn't we all know he was excrement decades ago? Down is up. This will all be over soon, right?


    No one is forgetting who or what he is. Knowing that he is preferred over Hillary should tell you all you need to know. Arkansas polls have him up by 20+ points. They know the Clintons better than anyone.

  3. We have GOT to get you and gatorman together...


    Thanks, but no thanks. I want to know when Miss Cleo is going to start doing commercials again and when you are going to become the Jitterbug spokesperson? Chef could split his time between getting his ass handed to himself in a Senate race and pimping University of Phoenix's new online Chef degree.

    Silly girls.

  4. Tell us more about the f#%*d part. Did you have to wait 20 mins for your table at Cheesecake Factory?


    Times are tough.


    I wish. I can't eat Gluten... You don't want to get me started. I will just leave it at, "I believe in states rights, if the Constitution does not explicitlly outline it, the Federal government should not be doing it."

    Jobu, you big bad voodo daddy... You've got a harsher edge than a freshly honed straight razor...


    Keep on poppin' bottles and bangin' models; and always remember the day you start caring what anyone else thinks is the day they stop dropping you the fat stacks of Wilson's.


    Spends his evenings layin' down slam poetry too.


    You are henceforth known as Miss Cleo, you just can't help yourself can you?


    a quick interruption................



    SUN TZU SAYS: The best strategy is to attack your enemy’s strategy.


    The Dems’ strategy is to divide us into ethnic (read: racist) and special interest (read: Goldman Sachs) camps.


    Instead, Donald Trump calls for a “new deal” for black Americans.




    OK. “Scripted remarks” is a giveaway we’re dealing with a bigoted reporter. Who’s more scripted than Hillary?


    But dig the Sun Tzu: Trump’s New Deal is a direct challenge to the crooked Democrats’ evil (hey, it is evil) and racist strategy of division and ritual hate. (Institutionalized hatred is evil — and that’s part of their game.) Challenging this scheme of hate and division is long over due. The Democrats’ strategy has damaged American politics.

    3Posted at 10:3



    While the Donald has said several indefensible things, there are some intelligent, common sense positions in there. I personally think he has ADHD, which is why he cannot stay on message. Get that man an Adderall.

  6. Ease back, bruh. Save your strength for that very real collarless career where they sling you the fat stacks for not caring what people think.


    Roll slow, daddio... They'd need to be rhombicosidodecahedrons to have more edge than you.


    Not only a Miss Cleo wannabe, but also possesses a Jedi level of knowledge about archimedean solids. Fancy. You even spelled it correctly. Color me impressed. You truly are the smartest man in the room.

  7. Someone has a problem with comprehending their own statements.




    Not saying who, but I bet they're edgy as it gets. Wears skinny jeans with manufactured rips and frays too.


    You must fancy yourself Miss Cleo! Keep your day job bud, you have not come close yet. But judging from the type of things rolling off your keyboard, you have a strange style to say the least.

    Do you have a manufactured Jamaican accent to boot?

  8. Wow... Color us very impressed, what with you being large and in charge in your field where... collared shirts aren't a thing, and you don't have to care what anyone else thinks...


    Sounds like a very real job.


    You were wrong about yourself, bruh.


    You are edgy. Style your hair like bed head too.



    You must have reading comprehension problems.



    Nah, would rather make a **** ton of money and not give a !@#$ what anyone thinks.


    Save for the Supreme Court, the best thing to do is to take what has been an embarrassingly disastrous eight years of hope and change and chain it to Hillary to choke on for a single term. It's partially her mess anyway.


    As I've said before, at this point, the GOP needs to ignore the Oompa Loompa and fight like hell for the House and Senate so you can at least stall whatever crazy will come from Hillary.


    If we get another Sotomayor or two on the court. It's done.


    Too bad for you they kick you out of eighth grade when you turn 21.


    Clever. Not. I had a college degree by 21. Too bad for you that you are a bitter old man.


    The country is not !@#$ed and your a hysterical little child who thinks they know everything about everything and everyone.


    No the country is !@#$ed. Clearly. Take off the rose colored glasses.

  11. Sooooo if they're doing nothing about anything and you're saying something which is actually proven to be nothing about their doing anything you're either a moron, a hypocrit or a moronic hypocrit.


    What are you doing?


    Deep **** J. I would pencil me in for all three. Mainly just poking them in the chest.

    He's being edgy, man. Has a popped collar too.


    Me and edgy, nah. I don't really wear collars, so how the hell you going to pop a non-existent collar. Idiot.

  12. Everyone is pissed at the Federal government because they have their hands in everything. They impose one rule and expect it to work for everyone. Just not possible. If the federal government was reduced to the limits imposed by the Constitution, the government would be small, and would not interfere with issues it shouldn’t. The federal budget would be balanced, and most of America’s social problems would be solved, because most of them have resulted from federal intervention.


    The social issues were meant to be dealt with at the state level. If this had been adhered to you would not have the polarity we have in politics. Abortion, Drugs, Gay Marriage, all would be at the state level. This allows like minded people to live in the same geographic area. Then when considering the Federal government, these very individual states can find a lot of common ground.


    Our founding fathers were geniuses, we are all lemmings.

  13. I get an absolute kick over his completely unjustified righteous indignation, and the fact that his go-to insult is "you guys are old, man".


    I aim to please.




    Not really. His lack of content and posting only insults will make him boring real quick. At least gator tried to participate in the issues and conversations.


    BTW did gator get a lifetime ban or is he dead. I really don't care either way.


    What issues would you like me to participate in? The country is f*****. As if a bunch of old f**** conversing about the issues will change a damn thing. Talk about futile. Get off your ass and do something about it.

  14. Ah...


    Yeah. Maybe if he wants to be taken seriously (or at least less not seriously) he can remake his ****ty point.


    Why would I make the point again? It is not my problem if your "jitterbug" computer is too complicated to figure out or if you are so ass backwards that you are incapable of following a message board thread. Moron.



    Like he's coming back here.


    He's going to declare victory and run away.


    Run away? Silly old man. I will pop in from time to time to remind you that you are a senile, rambling old man.


    Been a while since I clubbed a baby seal. Felt good.


    Puhlease. Unless you call that little flap of skin dangling between your legs "a baby seal", the only clubbing you have done probably took place at your local AARP meeting. Keep your sick feelings to yourself, pervert.

    You obviously have me confused with someone who cares enough about any of the idiots here to learn how to search for anything they've posted.


    Sorry I was too quick to reply to his post. I should have known you'd have covered this.


    You old bastards stick together eh?

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