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Posts posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. The Broncs gotta gift by making the playoffs in the first place. Then they got a bigger gift yet from Pig Ben who played the worst game he's ever played, albeit on just one leg.


    broncos D is serious.


    that's what football looks like when you can stop the run and force 3 and outs.


    big ben actually had a decent game, he just didn't have much of a pocket, and had to throw all day.


    its been about, ohhhhh, a decade since we've seen playoff-caliber defense around these parts.


    people want to throw fitz under the bus.


    its not just about point differential.


    it's about short fields... 3 and outs... turnovers... sacks... pressure up the middle... actually making a defensive stop.


    even when we were winning this year... 35-31 isn't a win, its a circus. only game we looked good in was against washington.


    wanny taking over our defense is the most important thing to happen involving the buffalo bills since jim kelly retired.

  2. well.




    theres the falcons equivalent to twobillsdrive.


    theyre not any happier with their team than we are with ours.


    this quote sums up their outlook:


    "Let's be realistic. Whether you like it or not, Matt Ryan isn't going anywhere.


    So Mike Mularkey has to go. "


    i mean, christ. we've had what? 4 gms in the last 7 years? soon to be 5 if whaley takes over.


    people say ralph is cheap, or nothing is going to change, or this, or that.


    to me, it looks like a man who has come to terms with his own mortality, and is trying desperately to win a superbowl before he dies.


    i would argue with need the exact OPPOSITE approach: let nix and gailey run the show for the next 5,6,7 years.

  3. Yes, but at least we'd give it a colorful nickname like all the other franchise-dooming calls that have gone against us in the playoffs.







    p.s. is anyone else conflicted watching this game? I'd love to see Denver beat Pittsburgh but the ultimate goal is to have NE lose next week and I can't see Tebow making that happen.



    new england is TERRIBLE.


    they haven't beaten a team with a winning record all season.


    50-50 they lose to denver next week.


    10% chance they beat the ravens.


    absolutely no way on gods green earth they get by the giants/packers or saints even if they manage to make it that far.


    but its just not happening. the "big bad patriots" that you knew from last decade are D-E-A-D.


    i live in new england.




    you're scared of their (well-deserved) reputation.


    pioli made those teams that won, and he's in kansas city.


    they got wide outs playing in their secondary, a terrible d, no running game.


    they. suck.


    we need to worry about the dolphins next year, not the pats.

  4. No, no, no.


    In 2013, when the new CBA salary floor rules go into effect, teams will only be required to spend at least 89% of the salary cap annually in cash. That is cash spent, not cap space. Many people fail to understand this. In 2011, the Bills spent $130 million, which is actually over the salary cap limit. For the 3 previous seasons, the Bills came in at around $10 under the cap in cash spending, which is on target for the 89% rule. Remember, cash spending is different than cap space.


    TLDR: The Bills are already above the floor and have been for years.



    oh. i stand corrected.


    hes gone.


    this stevie johnson situation is my first "adult" experience like this following the bills.


    i was in high school when pat williams left, so to me, i didn't have as much of an understanding of the front office side of the game.


    but sitting here, watching our offense, and just seeing what a natural athlete stevie is. how he can just seemingly make things happen out there. it's like we have an honest-to-god, real life NFL talent level player on our offense. it's amazing. i could care less about his histrionics - he is something to build around.


    if we let him go over a 1-2 million dollar difference in asking price... ill be upset. and ill be upset with our bean counters. NOT at our crummy team falling apart (like always) on the field.


    i REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to lose that magical aspect of my childhood of following the bills. that feeling on sunday that anything is possible.


    but if this guy walks, im going to turn into my father... or my grandfather... or my uncles... and just be another "we won't win til ralph is gone" kind of fan. and i really dont want that.

  5. feel like a broken record for saying this in every stevie thread, but ill say it again:


    we have to spend to the cap next year. i strongly suspect johnson will be back.


    don't see how NOT franchising him has anything to do with it.


    a franchise tag (which isn't used as much as people tend to think) is basically an admission that a player WON'T be back, and that you're looking to get picks for him. players that get franchised are usually very unhappy, and walk the following year.


    its called, a "negotiation."


    im sure stevie has told the bills, he's going to test the market, as he should

    he will see what his value is, and the bills will more than likely resign him for that asking price.

    he will likely find that no team is willing to spend 10 mil a year on him, and the bills will match anything lower.


    if some team goes above and beyond that, because they are DESPERATE for a wideout... (and no teams in our conference really come to mind... maybe baltimore??....) and spend above 10 million a year... well, we can't tie up THAT much of our cap in 1 position, and it wouldn't be prudent too. the money would be better spent on our oline and secondary, and yes, cj spiller.


    all in all, we're in a great position, and again WE HAVE TO SPEND TO THE CAP. stop with the ralph is cheap, it doesnt matter anymore. if stevie walks, the money still has to be spent.


    say that to yourself every night before bed:


    "if stevie walks, the money still has to be spent."


    "if stevie walks, the money still has to be spent."


    "if stevie walks, the money still has to be spent."

  6. interesting thread... interesting topic.


    my 2 cents would be that i think these are 2 separate issues that are being considered as a whole:

    1) stevie was benched today

    2) stevie is, as of tonight at midnight, a free agent


    Chan made the decision to bench him as a coach - not as a GM.

    Buddy can choose to resign him as a GM, based on his production, not off of his histrionics today.


    I do think the Bills and Stevie will work out a deal. we have to spend to the cap, and there's quite a bit of room for us to get there!

    Stevie's asking price is reasonable, and when negotiations open up in say, a month or 2, this incident will have lost some of the "importance" that it seems to be carrying at this time.


    stevie is a great receiver. the way he is able to move his body in space, as a natural athlete, is quite remarkable, and something i haven't seen on this team since willis mcgahee. to lose him would be a shame. kobe bryant and shaq had 2 of the biggest egos in sports, and were impossible to deal with (together) from a coach's perspective. yet they won back to back to back titles. it is up to gailey to figure out how to reign in stevie's ego, and harness that passion for the good of the team. perhaps todays benching is the first step in that direction. it is now up to nix to figure out how to financially reign him in, for the good of the team.

  7. great thread, surprise overtime rules havent come up in it yet!


    i've always thought that penalties that occur away from the ball during a play, shouldn't negate the yardage, but should be tacked on at the end.


    rightly or wrongly, ive just always thought it was counter intuitive to take away a 50 yard kick return, because someone grabbed a facemask on the other side of the field.

  8. ha!


    we're going up against our most hated division rival of the last decade,


    in a building we haven't won in, in how long?


    coming off an absolute thrashing of one golden boy qb, and a chance to embarass the other.


    a sweep of the patriots and a 2 game winning streak to end the year against 2 division champions, not to mention finishing 7-9 after going 4-12 last year...


    but moving up 2 slots in the draft is much more important, right?!


    come on man, show some pride in your club.


    root for the bills to win, don't draw up venn diagrams of how we can move from the 13th to 9th pick.


    who cares!

  9. I live in new england, and hate the patriots.


    would love to see them lose out on the number 1 seed and have to travel for the conference championship game (if they even make it out of the divisional round - unlikely.)


    how cool would it be if we could sweep the patsies this year, and finish at 7-9?


    one last game of bills football, on new years day no less! perfect day for sitting around doing nothing - with monday a paid holiday!


    go bills! one last time this year.

  10. I agree with you and I think this is why the new owner is putting on his "we're staying in FLA face". On the flip side, I really believe the Bills are not in WNY - as soon as 2015.... The way the league is going it has outgrown Buffalo and our perpetual mediocrity, (if we are even that good). When it occurs, I believe the other owners will approve a relocation of the franchise.... I don't have sources deep within the organization or anything like that, just a feeling that when the old man dies, it's all over....


    couldn't disagree more.


    nfl doesnt belong in




    green bay



    et. al


    there's lots of "unsexy" cities with teams.


    but the bills have toronto in their backyard, history, and a fanbase that the league knows will turn out 80,000 strong to see a winner.


    oh, and a stadium, no matter how old and sh*tty it is.


    owners won't want to see the entire western new york/toronto disappear.


    not when jax, sd and oakland are all viable candidates, not to mention st. louis.

  11. ridiculous that the NFL wants TWO teams in LA.


    it won't work this time.


    even if the bills move to LA, they'd just move back to buffalo in 10 years after whatever owner moves them there realizes that he could either have 80,000 people attending his games in buffalo week in/week out... or 40,000 a week in LA.


    AND they want to split the market with TWO teams???? wtf.

  12. depressed?


    saw some great things from our first stringers this year when we were healthy.


    were 5-2, atop the conference, beat the pats and rolling.


    lost our prime talent.


    can't wait til next year.


    people are mad that the bills have had a bad decade, say we need to rebuild. we have starter quality talent this far into the rebuilding process, but now people are mad we don't have the depth.


    next year, with more depth, people are going to be mad that we can only go 10-6 and get a wild card.


    in 2 years, when were 13-3 and division champs, people are going to be mad that we didn't make the super bowl.


    in 3 years, people are going to be upset that the prognosticators aren't picking us to go back to back as champions.


    im just enjoying the ride, GO BILLS!

  13. philosophical post warning!


    one thing that gets lost in sports discussions, is the human element to the game.


    aaron maybin isn't "a football player" only... he's a human being. to reduce it to something as simple as - he was bad in buffalo, he's good in new york, the bills suck, the jets are champions, discounts everything else that could possibly have gone into this.


    for instance: i've gotten a bad review at a job before - basically been told my work ethic wasn't up to par. i took it hard, but i worked my ass of to improve, and now am in terrific standing with the company and continually promoted and given more responsibilities.


    maybin was, and still is, a kid. his time in buffalo was more than likely the first time in his entire life he was ever told he wasn't good enough. the guy may have been battling some serious personal demons.


    mentally, he may have quit here. HIMSELF. not because of the coaches, but just from being basically a few years removed from being a teenager, and having his heart broken at his first job.


    you don't have to "let it go" or "get over it" per se. but the fact of the matter is, he was no good as a football player when he was here, and the bills cut their losses. good on him for improving, but i think it has little to do with a particular jets coach, or scheme, or their defense, or our coordinators.


    in this case, he needed a fresh start, he got a fresh start, he's producing.

  14. i've said this before on here ad nauseum.


    i've said it on billszone.com.


    i'll repeat it.


    we are... THIS... close. to being super bowl contenders.


    you are looking at a team absolutely devastated by injuries. every team in the league is devastated by injuries, but the bills are in year 2 of a rebuilding process. we had the first string talent to be 5-2 and atop the conference for the first half of the season. our offense was all world.


    we did not have the depth to weather the storm of putting 12 players on IR, 12 players that didn't have a full offseason of conditioning under the buffalo bills, but were instead left to their own devices.


    with that being said, with a stevie johnson catch ruled a catch against the bengals

    a field goal instead of going for 6 against the giants

    and if stevie holds that ball against the jets


    this could RIGHT NOW be a 8-4 team.


    we didn't compete in the dallas game, the miami game, and the second half of the jets game. we have played 10 quarters of "bad" bills football through 12 weeks this season.


    i will bet my user name, because that's all i can do on here, but in the "real" world, i will be laying heavy money on buffalo to win the division next year because i know the odds will be in new englands favor when vegas lays the line.


    we are... VERY... close.




    i believe they brought in a new strength and conditioning coach after jauron left, HOWEVER, there was a lockout this past offseason.


    a lot of teams have significant injuries this year, hardly surprising.


    detroit is losing players to injury too - they are also free falling.


    pats have edelman playing offense, defense, and special teams.


    the lockout/lack of offseason conditioning is why you have the same teams


    (new england, baltimore, pittsburgh, new orleans, green bay)


    that are good every year, being SO DECISIVELY at the top of the standings this year,


    and everyone else looking like complete also rans.


    next year figures to be a very different NFL season - but that is why the AFC has looked like such a mess thus far.


    houston on it's 3rd starting QB!

  16. are all games shown every week, or do they not carry the games that are on network tv in your area, and nationally televised games?


    or, put another way:


    as of now, i just have rabbit ears on my tv - no fox, no espn. i live out of market.

    unless cbs is showing the bills (happens maybe, 5-6 times a year) i go out to a sports bar.


    BUT, if i get the NFL sunday ticket next year, and the bills game is shown on fox, or if they are on monday night, will i STILL have to go to a sports bar to watch?


    or is every game carried, no matter what?


    for what its worth, i would be getting it via the ap on the PS3. don't know if that changes anything....

  17. Are you really sure about this ? ............ this team is this close to being super bowl contenders.


    i am positive.


    the line between champ and chump in the nfl has never been thinner.


    if we could get the offense we had for the first half of the season... and last week.


    combined with a defense that was maybe... half as bad?


    we will be instant contenders to win the super bowl.


    go to any other team's message board (short of the packers,) and browse for a few minutes.


    no team is perfect.


    hell, the packers might lose this week.


    its not 1994. teams are built differently, teams win differently.


    the last team that was up and down loaded, stacked and unstoppable, that won a super bowl, was probably the 1994/95 49ers.


    the league has changed. we have changed with it.


    i don't need to sell you this dream, just enjoy it next year.


    we had 4 win talent last year, about 8 win talent this year, and we should be about 12 win and super bowl material talent next year.


    a 3 year rebuilding program that is right on track, and will bear fruits soon.


    we're back baby.

  18. I don't know about that. College coaching positions are generally less demanding, more secure and better for the coach's ego than NFL gigs. Many coaches prefer them. Ask Steve Spurrier. I might be a good fit for him given his struggles so far at the NFL level.


    aaron maybin's *gulp* "success" in new york this year, as much as it pains me to say it, is reason enough (in my book) to can edwards.


    chan took a bunch of no names, cast offs, and d3 "talent" and had them humming along as one of the best offenses in the league, until they all went on IR.


    make our d based on the players we have, not try to fit the players we have into a preconceived d scheme.


    if maybe can really come off the edge that fast, which it looks like he can, he should have been in that space for us.

    not saying poz and maybin are all world, but theyre having good seasons on their new teams, and it's crazy to imagine a 3-4 with them, barnett and merriman! wow.


    if anything, this year has proved how important coaching is to a team. we NEED a better d. a slightly better d (and being able to re-write history) would maybe have given us wins against cincy, the giants and the jets this year. that's an 8-3 record!


    anyways, long story short, this team is this close to being super bowl contenders.

    hang in there bills fans,

    gonna be a fun offseason and a 2012 to remember!

  19. In Steeler country, tend to the pessimistic side, 12 years no playoffs will do that. Im smart enough to realize there are 6 playoff spots. Looking to 2012, somebody wins the AFC west and south, Steelers/Ravens take the north and a wild card spot, Patriots in the east. Thats leaves 1 playoff spot for the Jets, up and coming Bengals with nice draft picks, 2nd place west and south teams, and the Bills. The playoffs will be a tall mountian to climb.


    we could EASILY win the division next year. don't just assume the patriots got it locked up.


    brady will be a year older, beliceck STILL doesn't know how to draft (that ship sailed when pioli left for kansas city,) they can't video tape opponents anymore, and on and on.


    they're 3 games up on us right now... next year, we should win games like


    cincy, new york giants, this week against the jets, et. al.


    were gonna fight for the division next year, forget the wild card - think big!

  20. I don't think this franchise will ever recover from the Lost Decade 2000-2010 until we have new ownership.


    ha, i couldn't disagree more.


    i think this team is going to be VERY good next year.


    they showed me a lot yesterday.


    this is a very talented group of young men, and quite a few of our better players are on IR.


    another draft, a required spending of our cash, and (hopefully) a new d coordinator, not to mention a healthy team?


    every year, i go into it hoping the bills are going to be good. i have not thought of the playoffs as a lock since 1999, fluties second year.


    next season, there is not a doubt in my mind we are going to make the playoffs.


    this team is this close to being for real.

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