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Posts posted by southernbill

  1. We could very well sweep New England this season. The last game of the season is at New England if we are playing for the postseason and they have it locked up, it is entirely possible the starters only play a quarter or two. They aren't playing for 19-0 so if their playoff position is completely locked up it's completely possible we won't have to beat Brady to beat the Patriots. With that in mind we could/should go 3-0 in the last 3 games that makes the playoffs seem very possible to me.

  2. Just to be clear, I in no way wanted to disrespect anyone that grew in a hard lifestyle. My life has been comfortable to say the least and believe me I'm very thankful for it


    Hopefully no one would take it that way, I understand completely how you feel. My grandfather grew up similar to that, but thanks to the GI Bill he went to college and forever changed my family. Because of the GI Bill he and my grandmother became school teachers, they forced my dad to go to college. My mom went because she married my dad and then felt she needed an education as well (she was the first in her family to go), then I go to school, then law school, and boom here I am today. Crazy how just 50 years ago everyone in my family was dirt poor.

  3. A group of us will be there!


    This game is not even close to being sold out so there are a ton of tickets available.


    Last year we tailgated at Longworth Hall and had a blast.


    The address is:

    700 West Pete Rose Way, Cincinnati, Ohio


    I think the NKY Bills backers are tailgating across the river in Covington.


    Do you know where in Covington the Bills Backers will be? I'm very interested in some tailgating somewhere.

  4. If we can escape the next 6 games and be 7-2 we will make the playoffs. I think we wind up 6-3 after the next 6. Vick may be out for a few weeks with his hand, and even if he isn't now with the head injury and the hand injury he will be vulnerable. All the games are winnable, but I would think we drop a couple of them.

  5. Auburn and Alabama fans alike show up in this video thinking they've won tickets to the iron bowl, these tickets usually sell from scalpers for 3 to 4 hundred a piece. Instead of tickets though when they arrived to claim their prize they were arrested for not paying their child support. The video is priceless.



  6. Ok I didn't know the redskins game was the Toronto game, so that knocks it out. Looks like Eagles or Raiders it is.


    Also I don't mind if my wife goes or not after the first game, but I do know long road trips are not her favorite if it's a place she's already been, so I have to assume that she most likely will never care to go with me again.


    What restaurants would you guys recommend as well? I hate chain restaurants so give me some good real Buffalo only places to eat.


    Are you the southern ieatcrayonz? 1. The Redskins game is in Toronto. 2. Why would you bring your wife? That's a critical mistake. As far as stuff to do in Buffalo, search countless numbers of threads on here, there's probably one of them a month.



    That is not me, I will bring my wife if she wants to go, I know she likes to see new places so I assume she will want in on this trip, if she doesn't it's her call. I know I will probably start coming up once or twice a year so at some point I will have to take her.

  7. Ok I'm trying to plan a trip up to Buffalo and I need help deciding what game to go to. It needs to be early season because my wife will throw a fit and want to leave in the 2nd quarter if she gets too cold. After my first trip I can come whenever because my wife won't care to go a second time, but she is always in for the first trip to a new place. Right now I'm kind of debating between the raiders and redskins games. Which one would be better? Also where should we stay and what else should we do on the trip?

  8. As an SEC West school season ticket holder I can tell you with 100% certainty we don't want Ryan Mallet in any way shape or form, he is very overrated, his numbers are blown up the same way Brohm's numbers were (need anyone forget at one point people that Brohm was a number 1 pick in Bobby P's system), and he is one of the biggest jerks you could ever hope to meet, oh ya don't forget the arrest record and the fact people are questioning what drugs he's on.

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