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OP Class75

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Posts posted by OP Class75

  1. I'm Eligible!!!!


    Week 1 9/9: Buffalo Bills at New York Win

    Week 2 9/16 Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 3 9/23: Buffalo Bills at Cleveland Browns Win

    Week 4 9/30: New England Patriots* at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 5 10/07: Buffalo Bills at San Francisco 49ers Loss

    Week 6 10/14: Buffalo Bills at Arizona Cardinals Loss

    Week 7 10/21: Tennessee Titans at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 8: BYE

    Week 9: 11/04 Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans Loss

    Week 10: 11/11 Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots* Loss

    Week 11: 11/15 (Thurs) Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 12: 11/25 Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts Win

    Week 13: 12/02 Jacksonville Jaguars at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 14: 12/09 St. Louis Rams at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 15: 12/16 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills Win

    Week 16: 12/23 Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins Win

    Week 17: 12/30 New York Jets at Buffalo Bills Win



    I also see 12-4.....Playoffs Baby!!!!!

  2. You do mean Hank Williams Jr. I suppose? Or maybe you do really mean Charlie Daniels? :lol:


    :oops: Color me Stupid!!! Yes, I do mean Hank Jr.......I'm sure glad I didn't post this in a public venue for the world to see......... :blush:

  3. I'm boycotting ESPN until they bring Charlie Daniels back....I'll DVR Monday Night Football just to get a list of sponsors...I'll notify the sponsors that I'll not use their products as long as the advertise on MNF until Charlie Daniels is back!!!

  4. Awesome - Chapter 1, Page 1 of the Vick apologist handbook. Bring up stuff other athletes have done to marginalize dog murdering. How cute and original.


    Not just what other athletes have done.....But what other athletes have done without repercussions of any kind!! So I guess you would say that hurting dogs is punishable by suspension and prison time, but hurting children is deserving of nothing...It's good to see your priorities align nicely with the NFL....maybe you should be the next commish.....


    BTW - I believe Vick deserved what he got....but I guess Antonio Cromarte and others of his ilk should just continue to get a pass....after all, it's their private life....no personal conduct issues here!!

  5. How can anyone forgive a dog killer???? That's unforgivable.....now if he had only done something minor like fathered 7 children with 6 different women, then skipped out on all the child support payments, then every team with the blessings of the NFL Personal Conduct Policy would be able to fight over the right to offer $100 Million contract....but a dog killer.....what is this world coming to?????

  6. Got to chime in on this one because I think we are missing the boat. The problem isn't that Spiller started a pre-season game - the problem is that Gailey is not communicating with his players. Jackson has earned the right to be informed when the head coach makes a change that affects his position....the key phrase here is "Earned." Levitre has also earned that right...these guys are not undrafted free agents trying to make the team - they spilled sweat and blood on the field in the name of the Buffalo Bills. If Gailey wants to make a change or conduct an experiment, that's fine - he is the head coach and has that right. BUT....demonstrate a little commmon courtsy and atleast approach an inform the affected players especially if they are ones like Jackson and Levitre who have given their all. This is not about guys thinking they don't have to earn their jobs....I doubt that either Jackson or Levitre believe that. This is about respecting players and acknowledging what they have done and sacrificed for the team. I absolutely support Jackson.

  7. I'm not quite ready to beat up the OL. Some bad plays and missed assignments - yes, but being the eternal optimist, I am hopeful the starters can improve - As is everyone, very concerned about depth.


    That said, I was very pleased to see no false starts. How many times did we scream at the TV last year for false starts....someone must be doing something right. If this holds, this could represent the greatest improvement to the OL this year.


    Did anyone else have to suffer through the NFL Network replay of the game???? Have to listen to those announcers out of Chicago? Beyond Horrible!!!!!

  8. I find it amazing what people place value in. Vick is a scum bag - anyone who intentionally hurts animals should be captured and punished. Having said that - they are just that....animals.....dogs.....we should and do care what idiots like Vick do them; not only for the unnecessary hurt they do to the animal, but more so because of what is says about us as people if we allow that to go on unchecked.

    Having said that, I am even more deeply disturbed by the LACK of condemnation for people like Antonio Cromartie, and our former "star on the crown of humanity," Travis Henry....The league is rampant with their's and other's stories of fathering (and I use that term very loosely) literally dozens of children, making millions, and not even providing basic support of housing, food, and clothing. What does the NFL and all the other self-righteous dog-lovers say about that...."Is he available as a free agent?....Do we have cap room?........" I don't defend Vick....I'll let his rehab play itself out whether it's sincere or not, but the other Neanderthals that father children and do leave, what does that say about us to allow that to go without accountability but condem a man over dogs!!!! In my world, people, children, are maybe just a step or two above dogs!!

  9. Die Hard,

    I just signed up yesterday to this board after reading your post - I was compelled to do so....For One Reason....I have to say thanks for the memories!! If you ever practiced at the old Camelot Hotel on Milestrip road, I'm certain our paths have crossed. The assistants would let my friends and I help retrieve balls and set up obstacles on the practice field, etc....From this 53 year old kid.....thanks for the great memories!!!!

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