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Posts posted by Happy

  1. 18 minutes ago, cage said:


    What you're saying just isn't practical.  Beyond sports, most business are also embracing these protests and re-examining their policies.  I'm not going to exalt their past righteousness and they may not get it right this time either.  However, everyone has to recognize that every company, sports league or the entertainment industry is made up of people who have thoughts about this.  To expect that everyone just shuts up and do their jobs when they are surrounded by the affect of these problems is unrealistic.  


    I work for a Fortune 50 company and my son graduate last year and is working for a much smaller company.  Both companies have given their employees room to express their thoughts, feelings and even encouragement to protest.  My son's company even gave time off to people to attend protests.  The sports industry given their predominant players are African-American is even more affected.   Also beyond the physical component, sports has an enormous mental aspect to it around motivation and intestinal fortitude.  To think that could be just turned off because you don't want to hear it is both selfish and unrealistic.  These protests have a deep multi-generational cause to them and have deep pain for those who have been offended.   Nobody can be a robot and so insular as you suggest.


    You took it several layers deeper than what I suggested.  All I suggested is that the military pull its funding for the NFL, and let the NFL determine if they still want to do Salute to Service as well as play the NA.  I would guess that the NFL would at least not play the NA before games; if so, then so be it.  I think it would be better if the NFL did not play the NA before the games.  Asking politicians to not tweet or make comments on the NFL might be asking too much, though it would be nice.


    I never said the players should turn off any thoughts or opinions of police, protests, racism, etc.  That would be impossible as people are not machines.

  2. 1 hour ago, GregPersons said:

    Unless it's pro-military support the troops, at the beginning and throughout each game. 


    Of course that's not politics. That's just patriotism. It's only "politics" if you don't like it!


    I have an idea, how about the military pull its funding for the NFL to play the NA at the beginning of the games?  If the NFL cancels "Salute to Service" and playing the NA, then so be it.  Also, politicians, including the President, should refrain from tweeting/making public comments on the NFL.  Get politics completely out of the games.  I've said before, and will say again, keep social justice issues and politics out of sports; they don't mix and most spectators don't want to see these displays.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Beast said:

    Has he been executed yet?


    It does seem like it's the 11th hour.  This dumb joke, and it was an immature joke from over a year ago, wouldn't have been as big of a deal if today's current events had not happened.  I'll bet that girl wouldn't have posted the tweet, which I'm sure the Bills knew about but probably thought it was just a stupid joke by a 20 year old kid who showed no signs of being a racist, otherwise.

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  4. 1 hour ago, BarleyNY said:

    I think that’s the point of it though.  To use that particular type of platform as a way of putting issues in front of people who could otherwise ignore them.  The fact that it makes some of the people who typically live in relative comfort a little uncomfortable is intentional and designed to make those people stop and think.  All won’t, but some will. 


    You missed my original point.  Most fans don't want to see social justice displayed in a pro sports setting, that is not why they come to games, follow sports, etc.  It is not the players' nor the job of the NFLPA/NFL to make spectators "uncomfortable" or think about societal issues; sporting events are not the time and place for it.   It is just the opposite; the job of the players and the league is to entertain people in exchange for people's money.  A few years ago when Kapernick started kneeling during the anthem, and others followed suit, there were attendance issues at stadiums across the country.  Why?  Because people don't want to see these types of displays.  It hurt the owner's bottom line and the kneeling was "encouraged" to stop.  


    The players will kneel this season for the anthem; I saw an article just this morning where Adrian Peterson mentioned as much.  This shouldn't come as a surprise.  I think the NFL needs to not play the National Anthem at the beginning of games.  Most other team sports (hockey and baseball, for example) play the anthem, but I think the NFL should rethink playing it before games.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    I see that you're having difficulty putting this into perspective.  In your place of work, do you not stand up for what you believe in?  Do you not professionally challenge your superiors?  If not, that's an unhealthy work environment.  


    I guess I'm lucky.  Where I work, if I disagree with something, I'm comfortable saying so.  Your definition of "acting professionally," appears to be silently taking orders, whether you agree with them or not.  To me, that's weak, I'm sorry.


    Yes, you are lucky.  Some places are dictatorial and micromanaging, where bosses/management do not take well to criticism.  I've been in those places and they suck.  You have to know your environment, and leave if you don't like it.

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  6. 43 minutes ago, klos63 said:

    Reasonable people can disagree on this statement.  i.e. Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in MLB.  Made baseball much better to watch in the long run.


    Concur that black inclusion in pro sports has made them better.  i have to disagree that current events are like Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier.  The league is already integrated and overall is not racist; there may be players here and there, but as a whole racism is not tolerated.  What is happening now concerns race relations with a fraction of the nation's police force.  Players are not prevented from playing sports because of their ethnicity.

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  7. 29 minutes ago, Chandler#81 said:

    Yes, overall, the pre-invasion coastal bombing was very effective on the other 4 beachfronts, knocking out gun emplacements and creating holes in the beaches for soldiers to hide from machine gun fire. I’ve heard the air corps over Normandy were directed to ‘wait 5 seconds more’ due to the fog from 1st Hand accounts, but others claim they hit their Omaha Beach targets. They obviously didn’t hit it enough. Gen. Bradley nearly called off the Normandy assault due to the carnage on the beach, but Ship Captains chose to chance beaching their vessels by moving in close to wipe out the big weapons.   


    All this while Hitler slept, with orders not to disturb him. 


    Interestingly, Saving Private Ryan was pretty accurate regarding D-day, from what I can gather.

  8. 1 minute ago, K-9 said:

    This is the million dollar question. Me, I’m skeptical because Goodell only serves at the behest of the ownership that couldn’t be more regressive in their views on the matter. If the NFL had more owners like Mark Cuban, for example, I could see a more receptive collective, but the NFL isn’t a bastion of forward thinking when it comes to societal issues. Then again, sometimes Goodell’s job is to save the owners from themselves, so maybe there’s a glimmer of hope.


    Are they going to allow and/or encourage more players to kneel during the Anthem?  If so, will the league (or NFLPA) mandate that Kapernick be brought back?  If my questions are affirmative, oil and water are being mixed by playing the Anthem; I would pull the plug on playing the NA at the beginning of the games if I were Goodell.  The owners have to also keep in mind that they have a going concern with the NFL, and while business is good at this point (revenue wise), it can go downhill.  A balance needs to be reached because nothing is too big to fail.  Social issues and pro sports are not a good combination; people watch and follow sports to get away from the rest of the world for a while.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, HeHateMe said:

    This witch hunt is insane... he made a bad joke in a private conversation via text message a year ago...  Let's see everyone's text history... other players too.


    The sad thing is that if these old texts came out during any other time, given all that is happening right now, they would not have received anywhere near the attention that they have.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Billl said:

    So he can say that he disagrees with what they’re doing, but they can’t disagree with what he said?  That doesn’t seem like a double standard or anything.


    If you like the anthem so much, feel free to listen to it on your iPod and stand at attention all you want.  The US military pays for the anthem to be played before games.  If players want to kneel during what is literally a paid advertisement, that is their right.  If people want to piss and moan about it, that’s their right.  If people want to put those people on blast, that’s their right.  See how this works?


    Who says no one can disagree with what Brees said?  He didn't...I didn't...no one else I saw said that.  What I do disagree with is people telling Brees to pipe down and silence him.  That is what it all came down to.  I totally disagree with that.


    See how what works?  A completely misguided second paragraph?  Most players don't have a problem with standing for 30 seconds to honor the country that gives them the opportunity they have on game day, as well as the amount of money they are paid.  The ones that can't should try going to China or Venezuela; I have a feeling their outlook will change in a hurry.

  11. 4 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    What an idiotic example of our society silencing someone who doesn't buy the party line. 


    As far as his comments go.. how exactly is kneeling during the anthem not a sign of disrespect for the flag? We stand in reverence (see, respect) and honor, so kneeling would be the opposite. What am I missing here?


    Exactly; well put.  I don't have a problem with what Drew Brees said as he is standing up for those who gave all so that the NFL can play football.

    It seems that the kneelers, protestors, other players, etc who are speaking out against Drew Brees have a very narrow view of issues; only their view.  They don't seem to respect the country that is giving them this opportunity to play football, as well as protest; nor do they respect those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  

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  12. 20 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Bills fans the next time they see Peter King


    Better yet, how about the Bills win the games they're supposed to, as well as a few games they're not supposed to (SF, Seattle) and a playoff game.  That way the Peter Kings of the world will rank them in the top 5.

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