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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsForever

  1. Blitzing might work however Sydney Rice is back and now healthy. I don't think our corners can handle him 1 on 1, especially with the jump balls and thats what Favre would do if we bitz him.
  2. Based on the talks or lack there of extending POZ, the Bills management might agree with you.
  3. Just heard on the radio that he is expected to play. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/11/29/peterson-expected-to-play/
  4. The Bills where actually tackling on first contact in the second half which was the main difference. However, late in the 4th quarter and the final drive in overtime, the Steelers ran the ball with ease like in the first half.
  5. Peterson will be playing this week. Excactly. Putting up a lot of yards running doesn't mean one team blowing another away when it comes to the final score. Its only one step/advantage to winning a game.
  6. He's not confirmed injured for this game, atleast not yet. If you actually read my post there is nowhere I said the vikings will blow away the bills.
  7. I have seen some improvement in the Bills defense the last 4-5 weeks most notably the pass rush but they still can't stop the run for the life of them. Peterson is a physical, bruising back with speed when he gets around the tackles. I can see him putting up 200+ yards next week. Hopefully we can bank on Favre making some bone headed decisions and get Stevie involved early in the game. Go Bills!
  8. To Stevie Johnson, You are a ballar who comes out and consistently makes plays for the Buffalo Bills on a weekly basis. You are having one of the best season for a Bills WR in decades. You are a young shining star on this team and your chemistry with Fitz is without question excellent. Nobody is perfect, don't let one play change the way who you are on the field and off. You are a prime example on this team why I enjoy watching Bills football and what makes it exciting to be a Buffalo Bills fan once again for the present and future. Sincerely, BuffaloBillsForever
  9. I hope the Bills fans showed some class towards Stevie. He is a bright spot for this organization and one of keys to the future of the Buffalo Bills.
  10. Stevie has learned that God is not great -- Hitchens PS This is a good learning experience for Stevie.
  11. He destroyed Pittsburghs O-Line. Man he has been playing great. What he did today is about as dominating a NT can play in the NFL. Great game Kyle! Have fun in Honolulu. Well deserved.
  12. One bad drop does not define his season. He is playing spectacular this year and is our best WR on this team. He is a valuable asset to the future success of the Buffalo Bills. GO Stevie and Go Bills!
  13. I'm not going to pile on. I am overwhelmed with to many positive thoughts on this game, that I am not going to dwell on a freak mistake.
  14. Dope and the bullfrog don't know what they are talking about. I love what you are doing with this team especially the offense. Just think what you can do when you have a lot talent to work with on the defense. This team has a lot of fight and is playing hard. We just need to learn that killer instinct and finish out games. P.S. This comes with more talent especially playmakers. Go Bills!
  15. And this stat alone does not translate to overall performance. The only way to grade players is to watch film.
  16. Just wondering if this game is going to be televised. Thanks.
  17. Rian Lindell has always been an above average kicker for field goals. Where we can improve in the kicking game and are below average to the rest of the NFL is on kick-offs (Lindell rarely reaches the endzone for a touchback) and a kick-off specialist might be beneficial to add to the roster and Brian Moorman's inability to pin the ball within the 10 yard line on punts. The latter case on Moorman is a fact that is vastly overlooked amongst Buffalo Bills fans.
  18. Stevie actually reminds me of Marques Colston. The irony involved is that he was also a 7th round pick. Ralph, this guy deserves a contract extension!
  19. Indeed! Stevie Johnson outclassed and outplayed the competition today.
  20. If I was Ralph Wilson the owner I would pay that fine for him. Johnson is our future. Got to lock this guy up NOW! This guy deserves respect!
  21. And a message OUR BOY Stevie Johnson (The Joker) sent today! Outplaying both Batman (Ochocinco) and Robin (Owens). Stevie you are becoming not only one of my favorite Bills players but after your appearance on Rome and your brilliance of today on the field, you are becoming one of my favorite players in the NFL. GO BILLS!
  22. THE BILLS DON'T RUN THE FOOTBALL! Of course Jackson's production is going to be down. When you have two competent backs and neither are getting any touches to get in flow with the game they will press which makes it even worse. Less touches = less production ITS NOT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND!
  23. Ummmm, when you don't run the ball your running backs don't produce. That simple.
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