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Benjamin Barker

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Posts posted by Benjamin Barker

  1. Wow, dog14787 you have a problem, man. :(


    You always come into my threads and call me names and berate me, and now you are coming after me in threads where I didn't even post! You can go ahead and check with the mods, I am not HARCO and I don't know him. I will say, though, that since you seem to hate him as well, he must be a savvy poster with a good head on his shoulders. :)





    Anyways, in regards to your post, the Bills do have a great secondary, there is no doubt about that. However, they can't cover forever, and with no pass rush things will break down eventually and their great coverage will be undermined by the lack of pressure on the quarterback. This will limit their interceptions and big plays (like in week 1). They are a talented bunch, but there is only so much they can do.


    I don't think there's any way the Bills will score 30 points, either. Unfortunately, this week it looks like the Bills will take a pretty bad beating.

  2. Wow your pretty new, great post, very insightful. Have you meet Benjamin Barker you should look at his threads too, I think you will like them.


    Bowery would you like to be the official president of the Benjamin Barker Fan Club? The job is yours if you are up to the task! :)

  3. If you don't know anything about the NFL labor dispute or the potential lockout, here's some basic information for you. This is all just stuff that I've heard or read, I'm obviously not an official NFL representative or anything. Enjoy!


    Why Should I Care?

    Because there is a very real chance there will be no football season next year. It's not some far off thing that will probably never happen, it's very much in doubt that there will be NFL football played next season. The current CBA (collective bargaining agreement) expires after this season, and as of right now nothing is in place for next year.


    What are They Fighting About?

    Money, naturally. The players want to be paid more, and the owners want to pay the players less. The owners are the ones really forcing the issue, looking to give a substantial pay cut to the players.


    Who are the Key People Involved?

    DeMaurice Smith is head of the NFLPA (player's association). Roger Goodell is the NFL commissioner and a representative of the owners. These are the two that are representing their sides, and they seem to have a little personal animosity towards each other. Owners such as Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, and Jerry Richardson have been at the forefront.


    Why do the Owners Want to Pay the Players Less?

    The owners don't think the current deal is fair. Tagliabue was about to retire when they made the current deal, and people say that Upshaw and the players association strongarmed Tagliabue into a bad deal because he didn't want to tarnish his legacy by leaving the league in a state of labor lockout, and they knew this and took advantage. They are also claiming increased costs of doing business.


    Can you Give Me Some More Detail?

    The players get about 60% of all the league's revenue. When all the total revenue is added up, before they start dividing up the money the owners get to take a certain slice right off the top for operating and investment expenses (like stadium costs). Basically the owner's feel that slice isn't enough to cover their costs, so they want a much bigger slice off the top, leaving less money for the players. The players will still get 60% of the pool, it will just be a smaller pool because off the funds skimmed off the top.


    Do the Owners Really Have That Much More Cost Now?

    It's hard to say. The players are demanding the owners open the books and show them exactly what all this extra cost is, and the owners are refusing. That sounds a little shady on the owner's part, but when it comes to big business accounting and law it's obviously a very complex thing. That stadium in Dallas wasn't free, that's for sure, but the owners might be exaggerating their costs some, too.


    What's the Deal with the Stadium Costs vs Revenue Sharing Issue?

    The owner's have some issues amongst themselves, too. There is revenue sharing in the NFL so the small market teams get some of the money the big ticket teams bring in. But what is not accounted for in this is stadium costs. Some small market teams, like the Bengals, didn't have to pay for their stadium because the city provided it or what not. Other teams, like the Cowboys, paid for their new stadium out of pocket. So they Cowboys don't really feel they want to give the Bengals money for being a small market team, because the Bengals are actually making more profit than the Cowboys since they have no stadium costs.


    Will Anything Good Come From a New Deal?

    Probably. They might fix rookie contracts to use a set wage scale like the NBA. Maybe they can have max contracts like the NBA has, too. There is talk of creating a funds pool for players that far outperform their contract - situations where a late round pick becomes a superstar but is still playing for minimum salary. There could be improvements to the retirement funds system.


    Who Will Win the Lockout?

    If it comes down to a lockout, the owners will win. They are extremely wealthy and have the resources to make it through a period of time without earning money a lot more easily than the average player. Also, players have short windows of opportunity for their careers, so losing an entire season of earning money is a big deal. It will hurt them both badly, but the players will feel the burn more.


    Is There Any Hope?

    Yes, there is still hope. It's not guaranteed that there will be a lockout, but it's also not guaranteed there will be football. The whole thing is very much up in the air, and after this season it will become a huge story.


    Do You Think Trent Edwards is a Good QB?


  4. I would rather trade Lynch or Jackson to a team that suffers an early season RB injury in exchange for a draft pick. I like both of those guys, but having all three good RBs is a bit of a waste, as there is no way each of them can get enough touches.

  5. I was having this debate with a friend yesterday and I also agree with a seperate media area. The players come off the field, go through a media area, and then into a seperate players only locker room.


    I am all for a woman being able to do any job a man can do, however, something seems broken about the current system. Women reporters are usually pretty attractive (say what you will about whether that is good or not, the fact is they are). Having an attractive women standing around talking to 50 naked men who just finished playing one of the most primal and manly sports seems like a recipe for trouble.

  6. This is not a Trent Edwards hate thread. This is just a thread to suggest nicknames for Brian Brohm.


    The Great Brohmbino


    Brohm Perignon




    The Brohmit Comet


    Ladainian Brohmlinson


    Cool, Brohm, and Collected


    Brohm'd your Mom


    I have more, but these are just to get you guys started. They don't have to use his name. Gogogo! :)

  7. Relax man, no need to get all upset. When the team plays poorly and loses, a lot of the discussion is going to center around the negative areas of the game.


    Before the season I said the Bills have the worst QB situation in the NFL. Now after week one, I think there are some other teams that may be just as bad or even perhaps worse. This thread was for people to discuss OTHER terrible quarterbacks.


    Like Sanchez looking worse than ever. Or Moore's horrific debut.

  8. I'm convinced you are a troll from another team that's got nothing better to do then stir up our forum. :thumbdown:


    I bet I've been to more Bills games than you, but think what you will.


    Do you have anything better to do than call me names?


    At least I keep my posts related to my opinions on the Bills and don't go out of my way go say nasty things about other posters.

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