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Posts posted by bearc012

  1. This is the flaw in the Gilmore/Kirkpatrick folks' reasoning, and ultimately why I don't think we will be (or should be) taking a CB at 10. We took a ton of pressure off of our CBs by adding Mark Anderson and Super Mario. The residual effect of adding an outside pass rush is that our CBs won't be left on an island. In addition, Wannstedt has never asked a lot from his corners. A lot of times he'll play his secondary in a zone quarters set, aiming to impact the opponents passing game through pressure from his front four, rather than lock down coverage. Other times, he'll go with a fairly bland cover-2 look, with the same intent. He's acknowledged that good corner play is necessary when he wants to ramp up a blitz, but I don't think that he's ever felt it necessary to go out and get lock-down corners. I just don't see him needing that one guy (a Revis or Asomugha) that can take a WR out of the game. We've already seen this in our off-season strategy where the clear focus has been getting more pressure from our front-four.


    The bottom line is this, we've made some big investments at CB through the draft (Williams, McKelvin), in resigning Florence, and still have McGee around, plus the up-and-coming Justin Rogers. I'm not saying that this is a great group, but given the additions to our pass-rush and our change in scheme, I don't see CB being a greater need than OT, WR, or LB. We should add another body here, but not until we've addressed greater needs.


    If all goes to plan on our DL, I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised by the production of our secondary this year.

  2. From the little I saw last year in the preseason, it looked like Jasper's problem wasn't getting a push, it was that he very seldom was able to shed or disengage his blocker. There's a lot of hand technique that comes with playing the line at a high level. Maybe he'll pick it up, maybe he won't.

  3. At the time, I thought I had heard something about his injury rehab being an 18 month thing, and that he wouldn't get back to full health in his rookie season but that he could be at or near 100% for his sophomore season. At least, as close to 100% as a guy with little or no cartilage left in his knee can get.

  4. So I guess anyone who has ever made a mistake is forever tarnished???


    My post is meant to present the whole story, not just the popular "Floyd is a drunk" nonsense. I suppose we shouldn't give any credit for a guy owning up and trying to make things right though.


    Oh, and going by your examples, I suppose you wouldn't have drafted Bruce Smith either.

  5. I love the people that throw around Floyd's drinking issues without giving the whole story. Kid made some mistakes, but rather than cutting and running to the NFL for a fat payday (he would have gone late first or second round last year) he worked his tail off to be reinstated to the team, entered into alcohol counseling, moved back on to campus where he had to live with three freshmen in a four person dorm room, and completed massive amounts of community service.


    Floyd owned up to his mistakes and took the hard road, the road seldom traveled by young athletes presented with his opportunities. It would have been easy to enter the draft last year but he felt he owed something to his teammates and owed it to himself to get his degree, so he came back.


    I have no question about his character whatsoever. His character issues are another of the drummed up, over-analyzed, draft season stigma that get regurgitated ad-nauseum by message board "experts" who take everything they hear from ESPN as gospel.

  6. You have to talk about the first rounder that we used on CJ for this thread to be complete. The bottom line is, we could have:


    CJ and a 4th Rounder




    Marshawn and a 1st Rounder (preferably spent on a position of real need)


    There's nothing you can say that will convince me that Nix and co. didn't screw this up. It's all water under the bridge now. I hope Marshawn does well because he's fun to watch and he may never have an opportunity to hurt the Bills out in Seattle. I also hope that something clicks with CJ and he magically starts turning out CJ2K (Chris Johnson's 2009) type seasons.

  7. Anyone even thinking of booing obviously doesn't remember the reception that Scott was given when he returned to Buffalo for a post Super Bowl rally in Niagara Square in 1991. It's one of the proudest moments in Buffalo sports. 30,000 Bills fans going wild in support of Norwood during his difficult time. There used to be a video on the net, but I can't find it, see below for an archived story from the Buffalo News.




    Scott was an important part of a great team, he should be cheered for representing Buffalo.



    Bills Backers of Fenway

    The Bleacher Bar

    Inside the center field wall of Fenway Park with a large garage door that opens up to the field when the weather is nice. Proprietors go out of their way to order Western NY specialties for us: labatt, bison dip, beef on weck, occasionally genny screamers, garbage plates. They play Shout! probably too often, but if you're like me, the song never gets old and actually gets better with every beer. Be sure to sign up to get on the email list if you're a local. Also hosted a Bills draft party and all Sabres playoff games.


    Bills Backers of Boston

    The Harp

    Across Causeway St. from TD Garden. Larger, more space. Decent wings.



    Personally, I'm partial to the Bleacher Bar. Crowd has been a bit rowdier and the ownership treats us like they really want us there.

  9. DE:

    Marcel Dareus 6'3'' 343 lbs

    Dwan Edwards 6'3'' 300 lbs

    Alex Carrington 6'5'' 304 lbs

    Spencer Johnson 6'3'' 306 lbs



    Kyle Williams 6'1'' 306 lbs

    Torrell Troup 6'3'' 315 lbs

    Leslie Michael Jasper 6'4'' 394 lbs


    Good Lord that is a lot of beef. I can't remember seeing a group of DEs that large on any team. I hope it's all "good weight," especially Dareus and Jasper.

  10. Yeah...I'm sure you know more about LBs than Dave Wannstedt. Three days into free agency, just starting camp, no preseason games played...do you honestly think this roster and all of the positions are set in stone?! I know this franchise has sucked for years but this staff has barely had a chance to cut it's teeth and some of you act like we've already gone 0-16. For cripes sakes, take a deep breath and back away from the ledge... <_<


    If this were any other franchise I'd agree with you, but this is the Bills. Generally speaking, the preseason "chicken littles" have been correct for more than a decade. It's amazing to me that fellow fans can still denigrate others for having a pessimistic outlook.

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