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BoooBerry's Achievements


Probation (1/8)



  1. Thank you sir! I gladly accept your olive branch and appreciate your comments! May it be an entertaining season!
  2. Thank you! I do apologize for stating something that in retrospect was reactionary. I guess I should've expected the same in return. Mr. Chandler I'm sorry. Being in 6th grade I have a lot to learn about manners. Maybe you can teach me how to treat old people with more respect. It just seems from my shortsighted point of view (my dunce cap getting in the way too) that you may want to look at yourself in a mirror. Why would anyone allow themselves to be so controlled by something that they actually have so much control over? Maybe you can regain your joy again. Take back what's yours Mr. Chandler, life is too short. You can break free from this "family" if you really want to. By the way, my brother and I REALLY loved your spectacular toe dragging catches. Good stuff!!
  3. I'm curious, for those who state as best case scenario a losing season or at best 8-8, what happens if the Bills make it to the playoffs? Do you join the bandwagon? Do you get upset because they didn't perform as you expected? Is crow part of the diet? Or do you expect the rest of the community to forget your past comments and join in the party with the others like nothing ever was said?
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