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Posts posted by billsfaninvgs

  1. A few years ago I wanted to do the same thing for different reasons. My dad and I went to the Administration Building and just asked - we drove over to the tunnel and walked out onto the field!! It was pretty cool.


    My suggestion is:


    > be humble and polite in your request

    > be honest (not saying you wouldn't be)

    > go at a time when little or nothing is going on at OBD


    Ya never know . . .



    This is great advice. I live my life with the motto of "It doesn't hurt to ask." I wish you the best of luck. Sounds like it would be a great time.


    I live in Vegas and the first time I went to a home Bills game I called to arrange a tour. Luckily they already had one planned for a Bills backer group so I got to join. They took us on to the field it was a great experience. Have fun

  2. What professional football league do american kids have that they can go to straight out of high school and make money? Can they develop their skills against the best competition at their level to prepare for their future in the sport/career?

    Is it a viable route for the truly talented to make it and become a successful NFL pro?


    If the answer to these questions is "no", like any rational person would answer, you see that this isn't really a viable option. Removing your leg as a means of trimming your toe nails is an option but not really a viable one. If this were the NBA I might be more with you. Young men CAN leave high school and go directly to the NBA to make money. Professional football players? NO..Just ask Maurice Clarette.


    The McDonalds comparison by the way is not in any way a relevant one. McDonalds is a crap job that anyone can get and there is something better. Division I college football is a "job" that VERY VERY few can get and there is no better option!! The NCAA leverages this fact and their de facto monopoly to create an incredibly low compensation ceiling for anyone that want's to play at the highest level. College football is the players...NOT the NCAA. The NCAA has created a system where the players can't leverage their unique skills.


    To me ...that is not the american capitalistic way.

    Three things.


    1) kids can't go from high school to NBA anymore they Have to wait one year after high school. That's why most kids go to collage and are one and done.


    2) my Mickey D's comparison was wrong but not for the reason you pointed out. It's wrong because it's a job. Playing collage football is not. It's a luxury.


    3) according to you not only do they get a free education. They get access to top notch coaches, training equipment, nutrition and to play against/with other top talent. All for free to help develope their "talents" for the next level? Sounds to me it was better for them than I thought...

  3. Come on man that is just ridiculous. Welcome to the world. People with unique gifts are treated differently than everyone else. These are not "most kids." This is America. This is a capitalist society. The exceptional get paid. These guys make MILLIONS for the universities from merchandise, television rights, alumni donations, notoriety, commercials. You think making a crappy $20,000 a year in tuition compensation is enough? What a joke. Get over it!!!!


    If you really feel as strongly as you seem to what if colleges could only make as much money on athletics as it took to cover athletes tuition. They shouldn't be able to PROFIT from other people when their workforce has no ability to negotiate their compensation. If this was a non profit situation I could see and would agree 100% with your point.


    Super models get paid millions because they had the genetic fortune of being hot. It is what it is!


    The funny thing is I don't feel strongly about it. You obviously care 100 times more about this issue then I do. I am just stating my opinion to the topic discussion. I am not trying to argue with you or start a war of words. I promise you my blood pressure hasn't risen at all.


    I feel that life is full of unfair things. In that same life people have options. You have the option of helping those universities make millions or you have the option of not helping. I had the option of working at McDonalds. I felt like I was worth more than minimum wage. So I didn't work at McDonalds.


    I don't know all the details on this. A few years ago here in LV there was a kid who didn't want to play collage basketball. He felt like he should get paid. He went overseas instead and got paid. He had that option.


    Just my opinion. I understand yours.

  4. I don't get that. Cars are very expensive. If your job gave you the use of a free company car and no other compensation is that fair? The pay must fit the job in my opinion. I don't understand the attitude, the jealousy and the envy of these uniquely gifted athletes.


    I would also say that you are 1000% percent wrong. Athletes do have to be students. Universities couldn't run their enormous money making machines known as college sports with young men and women who were athletes only and not students. This would be called a job, a profession that was subject to unions, strikes, free agency, etc.


    I have no jealousy towards athletes. I enjoy watching collage sports and I am a season ticket holder for both basketball and football at the local university. Most kids in school have to work several jobs or take extreme loans out to afford school. These kids get to go for free... FREE... then the really talented ones get to try and go pro and make a ton of money. It's not a job. Its them trying to get a education. Thad the bottom line is they should be going to school to get a education. They don't have to play sports they can choose not to. If they decide to play they get compensation. A free education.

  5. Sounds to me like he has some sort of mental illness... I am no doctor. But I think someone who is sexually attracted to his sister is not normal...


    With that said I wouldn't of had a problem if the bills signed him... He didn't rape her or kill anyone. He doesn't sound violent. Sounds like he hasnt had any problems since. Sounds like he has moved on from this and I believe he should have a second chance... He was a kid when it happened....

  6. Is that the non-HD Rate? Because I thought I paid more than that last Season...Who knows...It ain't cheap...That's for certain...The problem I've always had with the Ticket is, outside of Bills Games, I don't use it...AT ALL...It's one Game a week and then I watch what is Nationally Televised for the most part...Seems to me they could do something cheaper so you can just watch your Home Town Team...But whatever...It still got me through all these years witout missing a Down of Bills Football...Then again...Maybe that's not such a good thing... ;)


    Same here...... I usually just watch the bills game then after that I have errands to run or things like that.... I barely get to watch a full slate of games... It's worth it to me to just stay home.... Sick of going to the bar and trying to save seats and then buying breakfast or lunch while there.... I have had it for I think 6 years now. I will call and get some sort of discount... Like every year...

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