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Posts posted by 13player

  1. It was posted in Sully's story on the new hiring.


    I would have agreed with you before the hiring, but this are starting add up, Rex was a reactionary firing, We know he wanted to fire him but from all accounts Rex wanted to speak with Pegula privately after a conference call with Pegula, Whaley and Rex, next thing you know Rex is gone and Pegula telling everyone that that was not the plan at that moment and Whaley knew nothing about it.


    That to me tells me Pegula was forced to react for a very specific reason, Guys like Pegula just don't stray from a plan without a very good reason.


    Again strictly speaking from a cooperate executive point of view.


    Something is going on at Bills drive this whole thing went down to fast, there has to be at least one more ball to drop here.

  2. As a current executive I can only say what a bad idea!


    I have learned over the years that allowing two people to have authority over the same thing is asking for big trouble, and Pegula knows this. Having two employees share responsibility means you have employees sharing accountability on the same job. What you have just created is a power struggle waiting to happen, even when the decision making responsibilities are clearly drawn.


    I am surprised that this has come out, I would be surprised if Whaley was ok with this and I would not be surprised that if the new coach gets any say over the roster, he will feel like he has won the first fight, even though it may not have been intended that way.


    Pegula has put himself in a position to pick a side of the war that is yet to come at some stage and unless the new coach screws things up worse than Whaley (which I don't think is possible) if this actually does happen Whaley knows his days are numbered.


    This coaching hire happened fast! and that's ok but Pegula did not get to where he is because he is stupid and cant make decisions, so here is what I think Pegula is doing, again strictly looking at it from a business side with cold emotion.


    - Something happened on the phone call with Rex for the owner to quickly speed up his plan, if things went down the way they did and Pegula needed to control the situation, I believe Rex forced Pegula to react prematurely which is part of being a leader.


    - If Pegula is ok to buyout Rex's enormous contract its not because he can its because he had a plan and Rex maybe unknowingly pushed Pegula to act faster.


    - Pegula is not dumb, so why does say he may allow the roster to be shared, means two things, he is not happy with the job Whaley has done, so he just planted the first seed of doubt in his GM. His GM is now on the hot seat and he knows it if he did not know it already, again believing Pegual won't allow them to share the responsibility, he is to smart to make that mistake.


    -Now Pegual will get to see how Whaley reacts, Pegula did not get rich because he gave money away, so I believe he is setting up Whaley. Insecurity at an executive level is as bad as have two QBs, your always on the hot seat.


    I would guess that Whaley is looking to the future and Pegula knows it. Whaley does not want to get fired and hurt his future opportunities because he has not done a good job here and other owners will look to this and it may impact his decision as well as theirs.


    So here it is, I think Pegula planted the seed of discussion to open the door of a peaceful transition of power, Pegula saves money by not firing him and Whaley saves face by not being fired, Pegula gives him a nice going away check but certainly way less than firing him and Whaley gets to resign because of a difference of opinion on how to move the club forward.


    I think Whaley and Rex were both gone this year but Pegula is not a football guy and neither is Russ, so they need someone to lead the QB search as well as Draft prep that is why Pegula could not allow Rex to control the situation, He canned Rex, to make sure that did not happened, Hired the anti Rex fast, a guy he feels good about, a guy he knows wants the chance to run the team and the roster and start the qb and draft process, this allows him to make a deal with a horrible GM, save cash and now take a little time to find the right GM, who wants a 4 - 3, likes the coach and will work with the team and office with no accountability on the roster side and little need to in fight.


    Whaley will be gone in the next 8 weeks



    Just my opinion.





  3. It gets tiring to hear year after year our QB sucks and the truth is our qbs have not been great the O-Line is to blame or more so Front offices failure to fix it.


    The cowboys, The Redskins have young qbs and you know what else they have a great O-Line. We cant draft anymore qbs or running backs until we fix the line, Richie is old, yes he has been great but outside of this year its tough to say and we will need a new LG. Our LT is ok, not the best but for sure ok, our Centre is great but has injury issues and the RT and the RG are horrible.


    the past 15 years has been bad O-Line after bad O-line and if you put any qb behind this line with the exception of the Brady or big Ben they will fail, so stop trying to address QB before you address the O-Line we need a freaking great o-Line not a good one or serviceable one.


    Brady and Big Ben are freaks of nature when it comes to releasing the ball, they are so fast they make receivers better, runners better and they never have the same guys on the line, changes year after year, new receivers year after year.


    If this team is serious about winning overhaul the O-line and start this year by drafting a LT in the first round and Move Cody to the RT, sign the best free agent LG and draft the best RG available in the second round, that allows Cody to help the 2nd rookie on the right and lets the free agent LG help the LT unless you can get 1 more year out of Rickie.


    make those changes and then draft or sign any qb you want, that line will keep him off the ground, or at least is better poised to.



  4. I remember back to the day Rex was Hired and thought to myself that the first decision he makes will tell me what he is all about, and I could not have been more right!


    If Rex was a great coach and leader the first call he would have made was to keep Schwartz, he should of asked to speak with Jim before accepting the job. We had the number #2 difference in the league no reason to do anything accept resign everyone and extend Schwartz.


    He should have made Jim feel comfortable that he was still the man on Defense because of what he was doing and if it broke down at any time then step in, the coaching on D was top notch, instead he tells the guy we are going to make changes and I really believe Schwartz did not want to be attached to another failed attempt by Rex. We should have drafted a kick butt O line and signed some o-line players, not go after Shady or draft a running back or QB until we could keep him upright, once you have the O line as the Jets proved last night you can make and old man and second rate QB look like Tom Brady.


    So we bring a side show to coach, then we let the side show destroy the #2 defense and finally let the side show bring in his brother who has been fired from everywhere he has been and further destroy the team.


    I am speaking from experience, look around see what you already have, get what you don't, reward those that are bringing you results and remove those who are not. Rex turned a good hiring of Greg Roman into a pedestrian like coach buy focusing on defense when that was not the issue they wasted valuable picks on defense when they needed a O-line. They failed to give Roman the tools, and the freedom to fix and lead the offense a couple good moves here and there by Rex followed up by some very bad ones, trading for shady among the worst and signing Taylor among the best and then finally the for me the nail in the casket came with the signing of his brother.


    I am struggling to understand what a successful man like Pegula is doing by allowing the side show to get worse, or just maybe Pegula told his top people to allow Rex to let the rope out a bit and see what he does with his brother. I want to believe that Terry is allowing Rex to tighten the rope himself after seeing the disaster this type of loud mouth can create, Rex and Whaley have set this franchise back another 5 years. Yes we lost some good players on Defense due to injury like Shaq and Reggie, but it was not me that drafted a kid with a Bum shoulder, Reggie was bad luck but Shaq was just another sign and confirmation of how inept this group is, the worst was resting your success on a #2 draft pick.


    As I surmise this morning about how to get the 3+ hours I wasted last night watching this train wreck I realize that the real winners of Rex and his side show were, Schwartz, Fred Jackson, Mario Williams, kiko for getting off or being kicked off the Titanic before it sinks. That means the real losers must be the fans and the Peguals as it appears we are doomed to suffer through playoff football for many years to come.


    I only have one question for Rex and his circus of clowns, - When will you leave the main stage, because for me it can't come soon enough.



  5. Bosa is going to slide, based on the drop off in production from 2 years ago to last year he is not a number 2 pick, I don't even think he is the best player at that position. My guess is he is going to slide to 8 or 10 but this is the type of guy Rex would want and the end of the day he was able to convince everyone in Jets land to move up to take Sanchez and no one was even on the radar for him at the 4 spot.


    so, don't be surprised to see them move to 2 and take Bosa, not out of character. IMHO no player in this draft worth moving up for, take best QB on the board in the second and Noah Spence in the first or trade back, I think Noah Spence will still be there at 25ish.


    Finally if they are moving to the second pick to take a QB, they are nuts, we finally have one get him a RG and a #2 receiver and you will see a different team next year take a QB every year until you find your guy, for now your Guy is in the locker room and had they not of resigned Shady, they would of had the money and the room to sign the Guy (taylor) and we would not even be talking about moving to 2 to take a QB, now they have to protect against losing him next year, or tagging him. Signing shady to an extension right away was a dumb move that we will pay for.


    just my thoughts

  6. When you hire people do you ask people what they know about your club and business?


    It would seem to me that when you are hiring a person for a key role in your business that they can answer this question. I cannot for the life of me understand why we would go from a 4-3 to a 3-4 with the players we have. We went from the #2 defense to God knows where and this is due to this one question. If they were seriously interested in winning last year how could they hire Rex.


    The only reasonable assumption I can make is the Big mouth (Rex) convinced them that he could run a hybrid or we could easily switch. If I owned the Bills I would have specifically said we built this team to run a 4-3 and that is a requirement of the job. Repositioning players to a 3-4 is not an option for the seeable future and since you are a 3-4 coach, I need to be comfortable that you are willing to coach the personal you have and not try to fit the round peg in the square hole.


    This was a major mistake on Whaley's part and how do we award him, yup extension, and then we hire a family member who has been fired from 4 teams and had little to know success anywhere to fix the already screwed up defense.


    The next big mistake will be getting rid of one of the best past rushers in the game because he does not want to play a 3-4.


    They just can seem to stop making bad decision after bad decision, I don't see the playoffs until we get rid of Rex and his brother I just hope Roman has not bailed because he should be coaching this team.



  7. I know people will think I'm crazy but if the bills don't trade back and Landon is on the board he will be their guy. I don't believe for a second they are 100% happy with Duke Williams and we know Rex loves the strong secondary. He will start day 1 and be a huge addition to the secondary.


    1st rd talent and no idea why he has slipped. this draft is way to deep in G to pass on a kid like this.



  8. I remember we the Bills announced Buddy as the new GM and I said here we go again, but its time for me to say thanks for starting the turn around! I know a lot of people did not like buddy and think he has little to do with where we are today, and I was one of them but he made some pretty serious moves that we are benefiting from today.


    Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has reflected on the moves he made, like signing Mario Williams and getting Whaley to leave the Steelers.

  9. there will be no big QB signing read between the lines. Whaley has said we can spend because we don't have to pay an elite QB. They will sign Darius and draft 2 QBs next year, they have said they want to get in a position to draft best player available so they don't have to reach for a need, unless Petty slips to the 5th, I don't see a big name QB, next year with some luck they will get there chance and maybe able to move up in the draft to get there guy.


    They Sign Darius next year and if we strike gold we hit a Franchise QB in the draft and we are good for 5 years on the money side. These are some smart moves in m y opinion!

  10. I am thinking Marrone must be thinking he committed Career suicide by not sticking it out with the Pegulas. Gone from Buffalo, sun tanning in Florida as the OL Coach kind of puts a smile on my face and reinforces the old saying about not being to quick to judge people.


    It appears the 5 million Pegula spent to walk away was money well spent for the Fans, I am not so sure all these signings happen with Doug driving the ship.


    Lets keep it going!


  11. look, I don't want to wait another year either, I want to win now but it isn't going to happen. Be realistic, consider the cap in two years, consider Freddy's age, consider there is no better option that gets us better odds then EJ. If EJ is great we get a pass rusher next year with the first pick to replace Mario and sign a free agent TE and DT, we will have lots of cash in 2016 and I think the new owners will spend.


    Anything else is a wasted pick or wasted cash, so don't go looking for trouble, Josh McCowen is exactly who you want right now, a veteran that won't cost but EJ still plays and next year you have a vet go get a real franchise QB, and if the draft class is as good as they are saying it is right now you will absolutely get a franchise QB with the 15th pick. Jim Kelly or Dan Marino both went later than 15 because the draft class was that good, early predictions is next years could be that deep.


    stay rich and full of options for 2016, and go get a running back.

    Not to speak for the OP, but I don't think he was suggesting coasting, just that from what we've seen so far out there he is probably our most likely and best starter fromt hose options come openning day.


    never said coasting, play our butts off, worst we can do is make the playoffs with EJ, I said don't waste money and picks and if EJ sucks we take a couple of qb's in 2016 and we have money to sign free agent DT and Pass rusher and we will be a playoff contender.

  12. All this QB talk is confusing, but I think we really only have one option.


    EJ - That's it, bring in whoever you want as long as it does not have a big impact on next years cap. The 2016 draft class at least right now looks way better, if EJ stinks we get a great pick next year, possibly we pick a high as 15, and a trade up to around 9 or 10 would be possible.


    to bring in anyone else unless you thought he was a franchise guy is a waist of money. Draft a the best running back we can this year with the 2nd and see if we can get to the playoffs with ground and pound. Sign a couple of TE in free agency a couple of guards fix the o-line and get set for Rex year 2.


    If EJ stinks you can draft at QB in the first and the third next year, the class could be that strong, sign a veteran QB to help the young guys, of course by year two you will need to sign/draft another Pass rusher and DT, the Williams brothers will be getting up in age.


    in the 2016/2017 year we should have lots of cap room to sign needed pass rushers and DT if we cant find them in the draft.


    I think after next year we become a real challenge for the AFC tittle, Brady may even be gone by then.


    Just my opinion

  13. I don't think wasting a pick on a guy with some potential is the worst thing we could do, but I don't think taking a shot on Aaron has any greater chance of not working out than any of our other choices, other than Eli, Bradford and Cutler. By the way I hate cutler.

  14. I haven't heard anyone talk about a possible trade with KC for Aaron Murray, his name has not been thrown out there at all, the guy played in the SEC, 3 year starter, has a big arm. I know he had the knee issues and showed up to his pro day with a knee brace but looked good. I was kind off surprised he slipped to the 5th but I think he is just as good a gamble as anyone in the draft other than the first two QBs. His scouting report looked pretty good if I remember correctly.


    With the exception of Eli, Cutler and Bradford the rest of the guys in the mix offer very little. I think Murray has a better upside than Sanchez, Moore or Gabbert and he could be had with one of Buffalos two - fifth round picks.


    One last thing, Rumors had it that Rex was pretty high on Aaron Murray and had discussions about drafting him last year when he was with the jets. There's more than one story about the Rex and Murray draft rumors but I will post the link if anyone wants.


    And finally - its some thing no one has been talking about.

  15. If we don't move forward with Hacket as OC and Schwartz as head coach, the team was good last year, we made progress. Let hacket run the offence, he knows what he has to work with, everyone knows the system both defense and offence changing things up now is crazy. Lets ride out the third year and see what hacket can do calling the plays, nothing changes if we do and sometime that's a good thing.


    Getting a new head coach, does not solve our QB issue but it does introduce a whole bunch of new potential issues. If Schwartz and Hacket fail, then hire a new coach who can pick his own QB with a number 1 pick.


    Please don't go backwards, I think if Nate lets EJ play his game, and not force to stay in the pocket and allow him to move around a bit you will be surprised at what EJ can do. Personally I think Marone tried to fit a square peg into a round hole with EJ, just let the kid play.

  16. You know I am hearing a lot about how Bad EJ is and I am not sure if he has what it takes or not but I am quickly believing that Hackett is getting a pass on this preseason. His play calling has been horrible, I can hardly bring myself to watch any more Its like watching a train wreck.


    The plays he is calling on 2nd and 3rd and goal are just horrible talk about vanilla. EJ was pretty creative guy in college and they are trying so hard to keep him in the pocket, maybe the fact the kid cant play his game is what is killing him.


    get ride of Hackett and let the kid play his game, and run and throw.


    they have nothing to lose, but Hackett is what's killing him.

  17. Brady


    after Him it does not matter, he is in a class all on his own. He has done it with different playes, over many years with cast aways from other teams. Makes everyone around him accountable and he still hass 5 years left to play.


    for the record I hate the Patrioits, I am a Bills fan, I am happy I got to watch him playeven if it meant beating the Bills all those years. Greatness does not come around that often, just enjoy it.

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