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Posts posted by jtf1444

  1. DO i actually see a word underneath the NFL shield logo on the jersey collar? Could that say BILLS? That's what i've been asking for. Our jersey needs something identifying it as a Bills jersey for us out of town fans.


    That will make me so happy! I'm here in Australia and wear my Poz Bills jersey all the time and get asked all the time which teams jersey it is. I can't wait to get a new one!!


    If the Bills take a non-QB at #3, I take Dalton


    Which says alot about Dalton because he's a Ginger

    And Ginger's creep me out :ph34r:


    Ha ha. I will have to agree with you on that one! Very funny post.

  3. I'm from Australia so obviously I didn't have a team that im born into supporting, but I was in the USA when I was 14 and I went to a LA Raiders game with my dad and some friends at the LA coliseum So I have to say I'm a Raiders fan second.

    Again as I said, I'm Australian so please dont make fun of me for this, even from here in Sydney I know the Raiders are a terrible franchise. Ha ha.


    But I have since met my fiance who is from Buffalo and have been to many Bills games and would support the Bills over anybody as I LOVE the Bills!!! For an Australian im strangely obsessed with them! I would also go as far to say that I love the Bills as much as the Wallabies, our Australian Rugby team who I have friends that play for them and I have been a fan of since I was born...

  4. Wow, I cant believe we have some more Bills fans here in Sydney. Thats awesome!! I live in Sydney but have been back to Buffalo for games at the Ralph the past 4 seasons.


    I didn't actually realise that we have Bills Backers here until yesterday also. I have watched an NFL game at Star City before and they pretty much just have foxsports, espn and One sports so if the Bills games are not on foxtel I dont think you can watch them there, But it may have changed since? It was a few years ago.


    It would be great to watch the games with other Bills fans here, but until then I will have to keep getting up at 5ish most Monday mornings to watch the Bills online.

  5. Carolina needs to draft another franchise QB because the two they drafted lsat last year stink. I guess franchise QBs don't come with guarantees.




    Remember last year they also drafted Armanti Edwards also who was the starting QB for Appalachian State. I know they drafted him as a WR, but still.


    Could be 4 QB's drafted in 2 drafts. Im glad im not a panthers fan.

  6. I thought he looked pretty good last week vs Oregon St throwing 5 td's. I know they are not the best but his 2 overtime td's was pretty impressive. We will see if he can cary last weeks form with him on the road?

    I'm watching the Arizona game at the moment and so far he is looking pretty good. Shame Washington's 0-line or defence isn't.

  7. Being a massive Bills fan from Sydney Australia, I guess I have to opportunity to watch all 3 sports (Rugby league, Rugby union and the NFL) religiously when they are on, and I think it would be interesting to see a player like Inglis give the NFL a go.

    I have actually played all 3 sports over the years and like I said earlier on TSW when the news about Inglis first came up, I think Inglis's sport rugby League is actually more suited for the NFL then Rugby Union. (even though Union is a better sport then league IMO)


    The reason being is that in Rugby League when you get the ball, the opposing team has to be 10 meters back when they start running with the ball. So the players are known for being great tacklers especially in the open field and it is also such a high impact sport like the NFL.

    League is actually my least favourite out of the 3 sports and Inglis plays for my most hated team in the League so I would love for him to come to the Bills where I could support him.


    I know lots of people on here believe it's impossible for these players to make it in the NFL and they are probably right. all im saying is that a guy like this has the right raw skills that it could work. I dont know if any of you have heard of Jonah Lomu? (those who saw Invictus would know who he is) He was A New Zealand rugby union player who the Dallas Cowboys offered Millions to play for them, And I believe without a doubt he could have made it in the NFL because he was a monster




    I dont think Inglis is as big and strong as Lomu, but he is still in the same mould of player.


    Like I also mentioned earlier in another post, I don't think this is not a possibility for this season as we are in week 12 of a 26 week season so he is still on contract for another few months so if they signed him it will be a while before you see him.


    Anyway thats just my two cents. GO BILLS!!!

  8. Also Another note, that if Greg Inglis did make the switch to American Football, It probably wouldn't happen this year as he is on contract for this season and we are only just had week 10 of a 26 week competition (not including playoffs)


    So basically that means he will not be going to training camp as he stills as lots more rugby league to play.


    And sorry for posting a youtube clip, I see a few other people also did.


    Also, Those saying it couldn't be done, It already has.




    We are not just punters! ha ha.

  9. As a massive Bills fan from Sydney Australia, I would be really happy if he went to the Bills. The guy is a freak of an athlete, obviously he is raw but he has the size and skills that could work. Inglis has one of the best fends in the sport. He is so hard to tackle it just could work.

    But one thing I just want to clarify is the Inglis plays Rugby League, which is a different sport then what most people would know as Rugby.That is called Rugby union and is quite a different game.

    Having played both, rugby league players are much more suited to American Football then rugby union players because it's a very high impact sport and the type of skills the players need could lend itself to a player swapping over to American football.

    I know it would be hard but this kid but he is just such a freak of an athlete I know I would want him on my team.

    As far as a position Im not sure, maybe a WR but it's so hard to tell. I wouldn't personally put him on defence because he is just so good with the ball in hand, but that doesn't mean he couldn't play defence because rugby league players are known for being having incredible tackling and defensive skills.

    Anyway thats just a few thoughts from somebody who loves the Bills but watches Greg Inglis play most weekends.


    Here are some highlights if nobody has already put them up



    And yes here in Australia we also cant make a highlight video without editing to some kind of hip hop track. Ha ha.


    Go Bills!!!

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