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Posts posted by WellDressed

  1. I was so mad when i went online to my directv account. I clicked on nfl sunday ticket, and price is now $315. yikes!!!


    I'm still getting it. Maybe that's why I was mad. lol


    So who else is krazy like me? Meaning renewing or singing up for sunday ticket.



    350/16= Less than twenty-two bucks a game. Please.........

  2. "Classic" horor movie: The Wolf Man (the '41 Lon Chaney Jr/Claude Reins version, NOT the bastardized remake w/ Benecio Del Toro)


    "Modern" horror movie: Halloween (original '78 version)


    Thank You!!



    "The Body Snatcher" ................... & don't try tacking an 's' to the end of snatcher because there is none. Some Karloff and Lugosi goodness.

  3. One of my favorite Actors to ever grace the Silver Screen, turned 70 today.


    What are your top two, three, four, five Pacino pictures??



    2-The Godfather

    3-Donnie Brasco

    4-Dog Day Afternoon



    Runner Up--The Insider &


    Scarface :unsure:


    "Rush, Rush to the yayo"



    This was really difficult. I first had a top two, then a top three and I still felt he deserved more credit, so I just went to a top five.


    Al is our Bogie. :doh:

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