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Everything posted by Billsfan=pain

  1. Thank you. Very good argument. I think Byrd is the only untradebale player on the Bills
  2. You think just like Dick "I love DB's" Jauron! I bet you would field 11 db's also. You obviously have nothing but crap between your ears. Tip for you: The game is won in the trenches, not 20 yards down the field!
  3. I agree Spiller is the top athlete in the draft. I would take him we can get back into the 1st to pick an OT. I disagree about Williams, he is a top 15 talent!
  4. What about a high second? He is a very good corner in his prime! I think Byrd is the only untradable player on the roster!
  5. to much money and high draft picks tied up in one position!
  6. Who do we deal and what can we get? I say if we can get a late 1st for mcgee we should take it.
  7. I am done with this. No, I am not white, thanks for that backhanded insult.
  8. they signed him and they have Hayneworth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We have dumpy Kyle Williams
  9. I hope you don't tech you kids racial slurs like that one!
  10. You are socially accepted in society. Complection=perception. If you were jewish with darker skin you would be discriminated agianst
  11. You are blinded by the years of growing up in a household where it is ok to be racist! I forgive you!
  12. You know not what you do! I feel sorry for you. You have grown up in a world where it is ok to be cruel to people of color.
  13. NobesBLO13 decided to call me a racist. He didn't like the fact that I stated that whites have been racist towards me. He thinks I should beg the white man to accept me!
  14. I am not going to beg for a white man like yourself, to accept me! I feel bad for you; you have been brainwashed into thinking that African Americans are lower class citizens. If you ever want to change your thinking, just let me know, I will help break the cycle of racism that has stricken your family.
  15. I have been oppresed my whole life. Would it be better if I danced for you? Thats the problem with causcasians, they have no idea what people of color go through everyday. You think we should just roll over and forget the last 400 years of slavery and oppression? I only dislike bigots!
  16. answer my question, why do you think thats racist!
  17. How is that racist? I am proud to be a man of color! Is that wrong?Should I wish to be lilly white?
  18. I believe Peter King wrote this article because of his jealousy. He is jealous of African Americans. We own the Music Business, we dominate all sports, and we are starting to dominate politics. We do all of this while being discriminated against. I believe that one day the chickens will come home to roost for the racists of the world!
  19. I told them the truth. You continue to harass me.
  20. African Americans dominant the U.S., from our music, to the sports we play, and now we are starting to dominant politics. This makes cacucasians very nervous because of the oppression that they continue today. This is why writers like King have a double standard, because if everything was equal between the races, blacks would dominant everything! One day the chicken will come home to roost, i hope the racists out there will one day learn they're lesson!
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