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Everything posted by Projay89

  1. Correct. However, from a perspective of principle, there is something disturbing about the idea of having been taxed over & over income tax, sales tax, property tax, all of the taxes thru manufacture,& transport of all of the goods we enjoy. only to be followed up,after your death,with u guessed it. more taxes, on the assets u were already taxed on. now i understand it is a revenue stream that contributes to many good things,but the convolution of the tax system is what keeps the people ignorant, & the politicians in office.
  2. When those moments come, accept or decline a penalty,throw the red flag or dont,kick or receive. we will actually make the correct choice. it will be nice not to wince every time the coaching staff has to think.
  3. value on the open market is irrelevant if your rights are locked up for years. thats the point. guy signs multiyear deal for security. if u want to market yourself every year then dont sign long deals. let your play speak for itself every year & more power to ya.
  4. Ive thought about a league without contracts. very intriguing idea. or maybe only 1 & 2 yr deals. something to stop this nonsense.
  5. strike when the iron is hot,heck ya. however every one of these guys already signed a "sweet deal" when they joined the league. work the contract u signed. be a men of your word playas.
  6. great wideouts dont vanish for weeks on end. lee has many times just disappeared.
  7. i could see them putn Spiller in the slot 5 plus plays run flanker end around & downfield passes to him. still havn fred & or lynch on the field. we may get to see some interesting stuff run outta the pistol this year. tired of boring O. welcome aboard C.J.
  8. im sick of the constant failure. we wanted a number of coaches,fail. we wanted Mcnabe, fail. we wanted tebow,fail. its not even the season & our division is killn us.epic fail.
  9. the error was paying too much for a guy that went .500 (Bledsoe) when prior to that deal they were talkn to Jeff Blake. he was a free agent that was on the cheap, with much more mobility & a cannon. think Blake to Pickins ,blake to Darney Scott. could of been Blake to MOulds!! naw we got a guy who once forced folks to ask "which is slower bledsoe? or a cardboard cut out of Bledsoe?"
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