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Posts posted by BillyBaroo

  1. Here is my version of the 8 team playoff:

    New Years day - Top 8 teams play (in my perfect scenario they would play in the bowl games of my childhood, Cotton, Orange, Sugar, and Rose)

    This is followed by a 5-10 day break for the players before they start preparing for the semi finals, which will be held the day before the NFL championship games. So there would be semi-final Saturday for college followed by Championship Sunday for the NFL

    College championship game will be held the following weekend, the bye week before the Super Bowl.

    Never happen but if it did I would truly be footballed out and ready for a break from watching it.

    I love this plan - I nominate you to be the next Big East Commissioner!

  2. I'm with you guys. At least 8 teams, but 16 teams with all 11 conference winners getting a playoff spot would be ideal. Whats always the 1st rule/goal in college sports? Win your conference.


    But, the 4 team playoff is a step in the right direction, and now it seems like only a matter of time before the bowls are rendered largely irrelevant and the playoff is expanding.

    It is a step - but I would be more for 8 teams- it would only take 3 weeks which the bowl season spans anyways and would give 7 games - enough for any major bowl to get in on if they wanted

  3. You are free to refer to them* as you wish - however, the correct TSW nomenclature for the group* of recidivist rule-breakers from Foxboro* is Cheatriettes* (not Cheatriots*)


    (Also, proper TSW protocol mandates adding an asterisk to any mention of said NE* team*, its* front-office*, coaching staff*, and all player-personnel*)

    Cheatriettes* it is then if the Senator says so...


    Is that a nod to the French Huguenot population that settled in lower New England and contended for control with the dominant Puritan influences from the Massachusetts area? Lutherans should also be represented if TSW wants to be all inclusive.

  4. Absolutely correct. Here's the thing, however. There was a time back in 1993? 1996? 1997? If you were a Pats* fan. all you saw on the schedule when "Buffalo" was involved was a big, fat "L". That was a long time ago. You don't remember it, I barely do, and the majority of the Pats* Nation certainly doesn't. But times changed, didn't they?


    I don't care about the Pats* being in the AFC East. Here's the gig - this may be the year that the Bills start their own winning streak. I'm thinking about sweeping the Pats* in the regular season, and then spanking their loose-lipped fairy bottoms in a Wild Card game. That would be three in a row, and four of the last five. Would you start to believe then? Because the odds of that happening are greater than getting swept by the Pats * this year.


    Deal with it.


    "Tomorrow's Girls" - Donald Fagan

    I remember those days well Steve Grogan feared us. But Grogan is now Brady and there is no way we sweep them this year. Last years W against them included a ton of breaks and we still barely won. I thought their streak was over with the 37-0 home opener with Bledsoe - man was I wrong. You would think you get smarter with age.

  5. Honestly, from what I have seen of all the candidates, Hagan has looked by far the best and most consistent. Jones, can't catch, we all know that. Easely has proved nothing to this point, except that he has suspect hands. He would really have to prove he is worthy to have a shot at that #2 spot. I doubt that will happen.


    Hagan has been playing with the 1st team in SJ's spot, and by all accounts has been the best WR on the field. I would actually be shocked if he doesn't emerge as the #2, barring a FA signing. Hagan may not be anything special, but he has decent speed, decent hands, and runs decent routes. The closest any of those guys is to a complete receiver (Which you need to be, to be a starter). I think he could hold down that spot in this offense.

    I thought Hagan played great at the end of last season for us - I just think we are nervous about Raiders castoffs since Langston cost us a lot of $. I actually think Hagan is BETTER than Stevie

  6. He seemed like a serviceable fifth or sixth DL to rotate through and spell the starting four, but I guess with better coaching he proved himself starter-grade. A couple other guys (Jim Leonhard, for one) from around that time also fit into that category.


    Run-ins with Rochester cops and drug tests aside (which is why I wasn't too surprised when he got nabbed during bounty gate), I liked him too. He always tried to get the crowd going, waving his arms and such, when on kickoff coverage or when he was on for a third down. Ditto for Haggan and Stamer. I really appreciate that sort of enthusiasm in a player, feeding off the crowd and all. Makes a guy who is average talent-wise a memorable part of the team.

    Leonhard really has had a good run - I know I wasn't that sad when Bills let him go. He's done well and I would root for him if he played for a different team.

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