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Posts posted by BillyBaroo

  1. After reading the article I still think EJ isn't even close to bust...I would like to read this same kind of evaluation of Brady, Kelly, Phil Simms or anyone else coming out of college.


    I continue to remind myself that almost no QB does well in his "Sophomore season" and that we do need to have patience with EJ. He has the physical tools period, the mindset for sure, and I think all QBs improve some of their weaknesses with a couple of years experience. Remember that Kelly had time to iron out his problems in the USuckFL and I remember there was a QB named Randall Cunningham with long legs who seemed like he loped down the field as well.

  2. This is not another Byrd thread. It was however from reading all the Byrd threads that got me thinking.


    I do not really see too much value in paying for a safety when the rest of the defense is not up to par, not just the Bills but any team. IMO I think the safety position is the least important position on the defense. I know this is a passing league but stopping the run still needs to be a priority. There are some rare occasions that safeties become household names like Polomalu and Reed, but that isn't a necessary component for playoff/championship football. I feel that when a safety is really able to shine is when the defense is complete. When the defense can stop the run consistently so the safety isn't always involved in stopping the run. Both of those players were the toppings to outstanding defenses.


    IDK, that's my take on it. While I understand the importance of having a savvy safety back there, I think that a safety is probably the worst position to invest in if you can't stop the run or get to the quarterback. So we are halfway there on that one.


    I agree - only to a certain point. A top safety can make a difference as alluded to earlier (Ronnie Lott) but Aaron Williams is definitely Exhibit A to prove your point. A subpar corner that really seemed pretty good at safety and I think this year will help us all forget about Byrd.

  3. With the addition of Spikes. I think it is time to list the all time Buffalo Bills Jackass Hall of Fame team. I am willing to bet that the collection would be the greatest team of all time. I am sick of the Bills having average players that are good locker room guys. We need more men with fire in their heart and nastiness in their soul.


    I will start:


    Running Backs: "Hit &Run" Lynch, Travis "no condom" Henry, OJ....


    DE: Bruce "DWI" Smith


    QB: Bill Joe "never read a playbook" Hobert



    Please list the player, position and his jackass trait.

    Sam Adams definitely had the biggest Ass.

  4. Gailey on winning:


    "I expect it. I think our players expect it. If you don’t expect it, something’s wrong with you. If you say, “Well I hope we’re a little bit better than last year,” you ought to get out. That’s wrong. I expect to win every one of them. I expect to be undefeated. That’s the way I’ve always been and that’s the way I’ll always be. I want to be 1-0 after this one and who ever we play second I want to be 2-0."



    I stand corrected - that didn't take long! That southern drawl always threw me off!! I guess I still can't believe our coach is from Cuse who I love - but Pinstripe Bowl cmon!!

  5. I voted for Drew Bledsoe & Kenneth Davis, although I seriously considered voting for Aaron Schobel. Considering how many bad teams Schobel played for he always gave his all and delivered many times.


    Don Beebe is overrated? How? The guy was a reserve WR, not a starter. Yeah he never had a 1000 yard season, but again, he was not a starter. Considering the role he was given, he did a good job.


    I'd remove Beebe from this list and replace him with Willis McGahee.

    Wasn't Schobel the guy who annoyed all his teammates for years with his whining until he got a fat contract he thought he deserved... and then underperformed? Am I remembering that right?

  6. More than 60% of us think we have a winning record? What are you thinking?? A new quarterback and coach - and our first 3 home games are all losses= Pats, Panthers (Cam is getting back in the groove this year boys!), Ravens


    can't confirm those stats, but I can honestly say that Fitz was the worst I ever saw play... Actually, tied for worst with Jamarcus Russell.


    Fitz was awful in ways that defy description... Even more Horrific, was the playcalling of his HC/OC, -Chains Gailey.


    Those two were the living embodiments of heartbreak and failure for Bills nation. -If you're a Bills fan greiving for Gailey or Fitzpatrick, there's good odds you need a f__ing psychiatrist.


    OR, a racehorse...



    ...To be dragged behind.

    I miss Gailey!! I think I already am tired of a coach who tells us we are going to the playoffs - at least Gailey tried to be realistic. We ought to play EJ from day 1 and see how it goes ...

  7. I just think all of this is BS - and that professional players in their 20's and 30's see through alll the rah rah. Marrone can say we have a culture of responsibility now and put the Super Bowl banner up, but I don't think it matters as much as people think. You need to draft players who can play, who can learn a system and have some luck in the course of a season. That's the only way to turn it around unless you can get that "game-changer" QB- and there are usually only about 5 of them in the NFL at any one time.

  8. Does Concrete really go bad in 40 years? The thing that annoys me the most about the game experience is getting into the lots! If the opening time was 8am instead of 9am I really believe a lot of congestion would be relieved. The traffic isn't bad until you get right outside the stadium and then you lose 30 minutes sitting in traffic while the police are still getting in place to direct traffic.

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